Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1814: Flaws in postcards

   September 1, Friday, evening, Miyamoto's.

  During the dinner, Yamazaki spoke about the Qichuan village as a condiment.

   Mei Daizi slapped her tongue and said, "Wow, is it really that powerful?"

   "Well, there is a video to prove it," Yamazaki said.

   Mei Daizi still didn't believe it, "Just rely on a postcard."

   "Because you are familiar," Yamazaki said.

   Mei Daizi pondered, "By the way, why do you want to show her the postcard? Just not show her."

   Yamazaki asked back: "If Ms. Qi Chuan's fingerprints were not on the postcard, what would the police think?"

"Yes, the police will suspect that it is a forgery, and directly suspect him." Mei Daizi said, then after thinking about it, she laughed again, "I thought of a way, which is to take a blank postcard for her. Then write again."

"The area of ​​the postcard is that big. If you don't want to take it, you won't just take the corners, so the fingerprint will be on it, and then write the postcard, the handwriting will cover the fingerprint." Yamazaki said, "This order, if it is reversed It’s easy to tell that Mr. Tono has a problem."

   "It makes sense," Mei Daizi pondered, "It seems that the flaw in postcards cannot be solved."

   "That's right, and as long as Ms. Qi Chuan sees it, the ending will be the same." Yamazaki said, "This is probably the mark left by the water."

   "Ah, there is a way," Mei Daizi smiled. "Leave the traces and leave the traces. If you can't find it, you can use hackers to send letters through computers."

   Yamazaki said, "The problem is that Ms. Qichuan will know after reading the letter."

  Mei Daizi said: "Then don't show her to her, wait until she is dead."

   Yamazaki said, "The file will have a date."

Mei Daizi smiled and said: "While she is not here, like when she goes to the bathroom, she will collect it spontaneously and hide it in a certain folder so that she doesn't know it, and in the end she has to point it out to the police again. ."

   "Uh..." Yamazaki said nothing for a while.

   Miko Miyamoto smiled and said, "I have to say, this is indeed a good way."

   "Yeah!" Mei Daizi gestured to Yamazaki proudly.

   Miko Miyamoto said: "Then, in order for you to be able to deal with similar situations calmly in the future, I think you should add a course on how to become a hacker."

   "Uh..." Mei Daizi was dumbfounded.

   "How long do you think you can learn, and how long do you think it will take you to become a hacker that the police can't track down?" Miko Miyamoto said, "Tell me."

   "That," Mei Daizi asked tentatively, "just as if I didn't say anything just now?"

   Miko Miyamoto said, "Answer the questions first."

   "I don't know." Mei Daizi pursed her lips, "I don't want to learn at all, how to become a hacker."

"That's it," said Miko Miyamoto. "If Mr. Tono understands hacking methods and thinks he can do it even if he uses it, he will not let the police find out, then he will definitely do it, but he did not choose to do it. It means he can't."

   Mei Daizi said: "You can find someone."

   "That is to give someone a handle." Miko Miyamoto said, "What should I do if I am threatened and blackmailed afterwards? It is a lifelong struggle, so Mr. Tono would not choose this."

   "Furthermore, he didn't know that Ms. Qi Chuan had seen him. In his opinion, the postcard with Ms. Qi Chuan's fingerprint was a proof to convince the police that he and Ms. Qi Chuan were close."

   "After all, it is a death notice. It is not close, so it is impossible to hold it all the time."

   Mei Daizi nodded and said, "That's it."

   "Remember, things are easy to say but difficult to do," Miko Miyamoto said.

   Mei Daizi said: "Oh, I will try my best." Then he asked tentatively, "Um, hacker..."

   Miko Miyamoto deliberately smiled and said, "Didn't you say that you don't want to learn? You regretted it so soon? Then I'll find someone..."

   "No, no...I don't want to learn at all." Mei Daizi waved her hand again and again, and then changed the subject, "Ah, it's late, hurry up and eat, brother."

   "Yes," Yamazaki said with a laugh. ...

   September 2nd, Saturday.

   In the morning, Yamazaki and Mei Daizi went to buy books, a collection of novels by the mystery novelist Qi Chuanzi, and influenced by the news, there are many people buying books, and the line is so long that it makes people speechless. ...

   On the other side, Maori Detective Agency.

   Maori received an unexpected visitor—Memo Police Department.

   Maori offered tea, "Police Department, why did you come to me? Is there any incident that I need to help you? You are not welcome, just talk about it if it is useful."

   Mumu Police Department said angrily: "I personally think that you should not be a detective at all. Instead, you can become a magician. You can encounter incidents wherever you go."

   Maori smiled dryly: "Hehe, that's just a coincidence, an unexpected coincidence."

   "Forget it," the Megome Police Department was helpless, "the results of your last handling of the matter have come out."

   "What, what?" Maori didn't quite understand.

   "What's the matter?" The Memo Police Department had a toothache with anger, "You forgot all of them!"

   "That..." Maori sweats profusely, guilty.

   Mumu Police Department silently handed over a document, "I will send it to you by the way."

   "Certificate?" Maori opened it happily, but when he saw it, his mouth couldn't close, and he was frightened.

   Conan leaned forward to look, but was speechless, and noticed that it was closed for rectification.

   Because of the magician in Winter City, Maori didn't call the police in time, and if he didn't call the police, maybe the Magician in Winter City would not die.

   So the above thinks that the gross profit should be introspected and let the gross profit learn.

   And the reason Maori reacted like this, Conan knew that it was definitely because there was no incident to play mahjong, and it was definitely not because of going out of business.

   Conan saw it. After the school started and Lan was away from home, Maori planned a bunch of card games.

   To be honest, there are very few commissions from the Mori Detective Agency, and I don’t want to be unlucky unless it is necessary.

   Maori’s ability to turn nothing into something serious and small things into big things is also well-known in the world, even better than his reasoning ability.

  Momemo police department patted Mori on the shoulder, "Come on." After that, he left.

   Maori's eyes were in tears, but he didn't stop the Mumu Police Department. This was an order from above, and it was useless to tell the Mumu Police Department. The only thing he could do was accept it or go to a lawyer.

   But in this matter, looking for a lawyer is probably a waste of money, so it's better to save drinking.

   Alas, bad luck. ...

   September 17, Sunday, afternoon, Miyamoto's house.

   When Miko Miyamoto was watching a TV series with Ichiro Miyamoto, she received a call from Keihime. The train on the Kyushu Nippon Line was derailed by a typhoon. The people on the train had been sent to the hospital for examination. As a result, only six people were injured and no one died.

   Miko Miyamoto said, "The result is not bad, so let's do what we should do next."

   "Understand, then, I won't disturb you."...

   September 22, Friday, night, Miyamoto's house.

   Belinda called for satellite video, announcing that she had acquired an outdated and retired Tomcat fighter production line.

   Miko Miyamoto said: "I don't comment on you if you want to play, but don't talk about sales."

   "Just say, take care of the business when you need it." Belinda said, "For Huoxiu, changing it to the most advanced non-stealth fighter, there is no problem at all, the problem is..."

"The question is how to sell it, just don't find me anyway." Miyamoto said, and then said, "You have a new toy, you are excited, that's your business, I'm going to take a bath and sleep~ It’s late at night here."

   "Okay, good night, really, it was the weekend for you." Belinda cut off the communication with dissatisfaction.

   Miko Miyamoto shook her head helplessly, and then went to the big bathroom to take a bath with Miko. ...

   October 20th, Friday.

   The Morning Post published news about the US President’s announcement of a new space policy.

   The previous space policy focused on international security and cooperation. The new policy includes the following: "The proposed arms control agreement or restriction shall not harm the United States' right to research, develop, test, and operate or other activities in space for the national interest of the United States."

   commented that every country will announce the same policy, which is likely to cause space competition. ...

   Evening News published news about oil, and the Petroleum Organization decided to cut production by 1.2 million barrels to prevent oil prices from falling.

   In fact, it has pushed up oil prices in disguise. ...

   October 27th, Friday.

   Evening News published the news about the closure of the Fute car factory and the unemployment of more than 2,000 employees, commenting that the automobile industry is suffering losses due to crude oil prices. ...

   November 20th, Monday.

   The Morning Post published news about Nasdaq’s bid to take over the London Stock Exchange at a price of £2.7 billion. ...

   December 1st, Friday.

The front page of    Morning Post published news about terrestrial digital broadcasting, and the signal can already be received in the prefectural offices of prefectures and prefectures across the country. ...

   December 22, Friday, afternoon.

On the way out of    Didan High School, the garden mysteriously proposed to take a trip to Gunma Prefecture, which was unanimously approved.

   I don’t know why Sonoko went to Gunma Prefecture, but let’s go. ...

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