Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1815: Red handkerchief appointment

   December 22, Friday, evening, at Dr. Aka’s house.

   Conan learned about the trip from Ranchu during dinner, and came to ask Dr. Aka's opinion.

   Conan smiled and said, "Uncle Maori is not going to go. He made an appointment with people to play mahjong during the day and watch Yoko Okino's drama at night."

   Haibara said in an angry tone: "This famous detective is really idle."

   Conan smiled and said, "So if Dr. Aka goes, I will ask you to drive the RV."

   "Okay," Dr. Aka asked, "But where do you want to go if you drive a motorhome?"

Conan said: "I don't know the details of the mountains in the Three Kingdoms Mountains. The garden has already booked a hot spring hotel, but it seems that the rooms are tight and there is no us, so if there is a case, maybe we will sleep in the RV. On it."

   Haibara smiled and said, "If you talk about camping, those guys will only be more excited."

   Conan smiled and said, "You can decide this. After discussing it, call me."

   Huiyuan folded his arms and squinted, "I'm really lazy. I'm hosting a meeting and discussion, but it's a headache."

   "Those who can do more." Conan smiled, "Then I will go back first, bye."...

   December 23, Saturday, morning, Maori Detective Agency.

Sonoko, Hondō Eisuke, Yamazaki, Midaiko, Haibara, Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Dr. Aka, and the three sisters of the Tharhan family, the eldest sister Delya, the second sister Apolak, and the third sister Meili Si Conan, came to the rally, said goodbye to Maori with Lan and Conan and got into the RV.

The young detectives finally decided not to camp. If there is no place to sleep, they would sleep in the RV, because I don’t know if there is a camping site there. If you don’t cook the firewood, there will be no camping atmosphere at all. It is better not to camp. . ...

   On the road, in the RV.

   The TV is on and this year’s Gomera movies are shown, and everyone is watching the movie while eating and chatting.

   Of course, Dr. Aka is driving.

   Lan asked, "By the way, Yuanzi, why are you going to such a remote place?"

   Yuanzi excitedly took out a red handkerchief, "Look at this, this red handkerchief."

   Mei Daizi asked amusingly: "What's wrong with this handkerchief? Are you going to do magic?"

   Yuanzi said irritably, "Really, don't you understand after reading this red handkerchief?"

   "I don't understand." Lan and Mei Daizi shook their heads.

   Yuanzi asked silently: "Then you should always know the title, right?"

   The two still didn't understand, Huihara replied, "Oh, I see, "Red Leaves in Winter"."

   "Oh, it's that TV show." Mei Daizi said.

   Lan said: "I heard that it's a very popular, super moving emotional series. It's very beautiful."

   "I said," Yuanzi said weakly, "Maidaizi sees it in advertisements out of ten."

   "Yes, no one in our family watches that kind of TV drama." Mei Daizi laughed.

   "But, Ran," Yuanzi asked weakly, "you should have watched it, don't you like this kind of film?"

   Lan pursed her lips, "Is there any way, because there is also Yoko Okino's TV series at the same time. Dad is watching while recording. I can't see it at all. I can only wait to rent a CD to watch it later."

   "Uncle, too," Sonoko sighed, "It's impossible to get lost in Okino Yoko."

  Mei Daizi said, "Just buy another TV. It's not that there is no money."

  Lan pursed her lips and said, "Dad won't agree, he said he would spend money indiscriminately."

   "Hehe, he is the one." Mei Daizi laughed.

   "I mean." Lan agreed very much.

   Hondō Eiyu asked, "In other words, what does that TV show have to do with the red handkerchief?"

   Yuanzi smiled triumphantly: "Since you want to know, I will tell you compassionately."

   Haibara said: "That is the love romance between a wealthy daughter and a young officer. The young officer helped Miss the daughter remove the handkerchief hung on the maple tree. This is the encounter between the two."

   Conan has a toothache, this one is also free enough, and there is still time to watch emotional dramas.

   Yuanzi said, "Later, because the officer's boss was jealous of the loving couple, he was charged with unreasonable charges, and he was forced to start fleeing, and his whereabouts were unknown."

   Huihara said, "Then, the war is over. Miss received a telegram from him. I will wait for you under the red leaves of Chukong."

   Mei Daizi asked, "But, isn’t the first sky the sky on the morning of New Year's Day? Where did they meet? The red leaves are not withered in winter?"

   Yuanzi smiled and said, "Yes, it is the mountain we are going to now. Even in winter, the red leaves are not withered."

   Huihara said: "This is not the case in the TV series. The heroine knows that it is the mountain where the two met for the first time, but she doesn't know where it is. She is looking for it alone in the snowy mountain, but of course there are dead trees on the mountain."

Yuanzi said: "Just when she thought that Chukong’s red leaves were metaphorically impossible, that is to say, the two could no longer see each other, and don’t wait any longer. Just when she was about to give up and was about to go home, she found it. The red handkerchief swaying on the dead branches in the white snow of the mountain."

   Lan held her heart and said, "I know, and then they met again under the red handkerchief, right? Wow, it’s so romantic."

   "It's not wrong at all." Yuanzi said excitedly.

   Hondō Eiyu asked, "But ah, why did you bring a red handkerchief in Sonoko? Is there a fan club?"

   Mei Daizi smiled and said: "She probably wants to play a reunion drama with someone."

   Haibara said, "Speaking of which, that officer is very strong, dark-skinned, and dull and not good at speaking, just like Mr. Kyogoku."

   "Understood." Lan and Mei Daizi laughed

   Yuanzi was a little embarrassed and proud, "Hey, the love romance between the wealthy daughter and the strong and dark-skinned officer is just like me and Ah Zhen, right?"

   Lan smiled and said, "So just like a TV series, I went to the mountain where I was the location to tie this red handkerchief and meet Mr. Kyogoku at this red handkerchief. It was really romantic."

   "Right, right?" Yuanzi was very happy.

   Mei Daizi smiled and said, "Mr. Kyogoku is miserable. He wants to run over to see you from abroad."

   "He is coming back for the New Year anyway, just a few days earlier." Yuanzi laughed, "I sent a text message to Ah Zhen. This year's EVE is waiting under the tree of red leaves in winter."

   Mei Daizi laughed and said, "Deeply doubt, whether Mr. Kyogoku will know what autumn leaves are in winter."

   Lan echoed: "That's right, Yuanzi, you always like this, and send this mysterious text message again."

   Yuanzi felt heavy, "You can check it online, you can find it."

   Pour cold water on the ash, "Mr. Kyogoku, not necessarily."

   Hondō Eisuke said, "Suzuki-san, please send another text message and tell him the specific time and address."

   "No, then everything is meaningless." Yuanzi said stubbornly, "I believe Ah Zhen, you can find it."

   Yamazaki smiled and said, "Then wait and see."...

   Before noon, in the remote mountain of the Mikuni Mountains, Gunma Prefecture, the Akagi Hot Spring Hotel.

   Although the place is remote, looking at the number of vehicles parked outside, you know that there are a lot of tourists, and what is directed at is the surrounding large red leaf forest that has not withered in winter.

   took a look, there is indeed no room, but the boss agreed to let them hit the floor and squeeze.

   Yuanko, Meidaizi, and Ran have a room for three people, a boy detective team of five people, a room for the three sisters of the Tarhan family, and a room for Eisuke, Dr. Agas, and Yamazaki.

   Lunch is served in the room. In addition to the local specialties in the hotel, there is also beef brought by the RV.

   After lunch, they will do their own activities.

   Lan and others accompany Yuanzi to hang up her red handkerchief. Dr. A Li leads the juvenile detective team, but Conan insists on following Lan. He hopes to be able to walk with Lan in this romantic place. ...

   Mountain road.

   Looking at the red handkerchief in the red leaf forest in the mountains, Yuanzi hugged his head and screamed, "What is going on!"

   Mei Daizi smiled and said, "You can only say There are many people who have the same idea as Yuanzi."

   Lan smiled and said, "Maybe, on Christmas Eve, many people will come here for dates."

   At this time, a gust of wind blew away the red handkerchief in the garden's hand and into a dense tree in the distance.

   Everyone looked over and found that the branches and leaves were too dense, probably only Conan could get in.

   At the request of Yuanzi, Conan agreed and was lifted up by Yamazaki.

  Lan worried: "Conan, be careful, don't force it.

   Conan replied: "I know, Sister Lan."

   Yuanzi urged: "Stop talking, focus on finding it. That is a very important red handkerchief. Find it for me."

   Lan dissatisfied: "In this case, hold it well."

   Conan looked left and right, "Where is there no one here."

   Yuanzi exclaimed: "How is it possible? We watched it fly to the tree, the little devil wearing glasses, have you looked for it seriously!"

   The second sister, Apolak, persuaded: "Buy another piece, the hotel will sell it."

   Yuanzi stomped and said: "No, I want this piece of mine. I have been preparing for it for a long time."

   Yamazaki and Mei Daizi discovered that the garden was not on the right foot, and they looked down and immediately laughed. The red handkerchief was under the red leaves. It must have hit the tree and fell, and then was covered by leaves.

   "Yuanzi, look at your feet." The third sister Melis laughed.

   "Huh?" Yuanzi was stunned.

   Elder Sister Delya smiled and said, "This is just putting love under your feet, it's not lucky."

   "Really." Yuanzi quickly picked up the red handkerchief.

   "Conan, come down quickly," Lan said.

   "Oh." Conan reluctantly returned to the original road, and Yamazaki took the tree down. ...

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