Detective Training Manual

Chapter 131: When you are a criminal in this world, do you all eat plain rice?

Liu Zhiyuan stood up, turned around, and pushed the machine behind him.

That is a huge mass of steel, as part of the [bed], firmly welded to the ground, not to mention pushing, unless your hammer, pickaxe and the like lift the ground up. Otherwise, this thing is absolutely impossible to move.

As for the above things, it is even more scary.

Perhaps people who have never seen a hydraulic press can't imagine how powerful this thing is.

For example, if Zhou Yan was a little slower just now, then this brother named Liu Zhiyuan... would become a ripe tomato.

Think about it, a tomato is placed on a very strong cutting board, you pick up another forty catties of marble, a trouser fork, and slam the tomato with all your strength.

Well, what were the tomatoes at that time, what was Liu Zhiyuan like.

So... if this is part of the exam, isn't it a bit too frantic?

But then the problem comes again. If it wasn't a question of exams, why did you get brought to this place?

If it was on the way home and suddenly fainted and got here by some psychopathic criminal, it would still make sense.

But whether it was Zhou Yan or Liu Zhiyuan, they all fainted in the hallway of the examination room.

In the examination room, in full view, how could criminals bring candidates to such a place without performing magic.

Liu Zhiyuan had a question mark in his head.

And Zhou Yan's, a brainy paste.

Just because of concentrating on thinking, his head was in a mess, and some hallucinations appeared.

In the hallucinations, he seemed to be sitting in front of a bar counter, drinking, and there were some people next to him, chatting and talking.

He could not hear what those people were saying, nor could he see their faces.

Of course, it is normal to not see clearly.

Because at this moment, he is in a state of subconscious confusion.

This kind of state often appears when you overuse your brain or get a stick on the back of your head, so I see the bar scene now, completely because I have been trying to find the ‘Sunday Bar’ recently.

The principle is similar to ‘if you think, dream at night’.

Dreaming is generally initiated by the right brain, so the right brain, which is in charge of writing memory, seldom participates.

This is why people rarely see the complete text in their dreams, and they can clearly see the appearance of people.

After about five minutes, Zhou Yan finally slowed down.

"Hello, brother, brother?"

As soon as he came over, he found that the man named Liu Zhiyuan beside him was dangling about himself.

He looked at each other suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

"Fuck? You can be considered sober, I thought your brain was pinched by the hydraulic machine just now!" Liu Zhiyuan exclaimed.

"If I were caught, you would have been a tomato." Zhou Yan muttered.


"Well, when I didn't say it." Zhou Yan shook his head and stood up.

"Now? What are we doing?" Liu Zhiyuan also stood up and asked.

"What else? Of course I went out!" Zhou Yan said.

"Emmm...I think, let's not go out. Let's just wait here. It is estimated that someone will come to rescue soon." Liu Zhiyuan suggested very heartily.

After hearing this, Zhou Yan nodded: "Yes, if a series of things are really done by criminals, do you think he can even get a hydraulic press, will he let you wait here quietly for rescue?

Just now you took out all the things in your pocket. We didn’t bring anything because of the exams, mobile phones, tablets, and so, now we are completely out of touch, unless someone in the police station will Fortune-telling, otherwise, we will meet for a while, it is impossible to wait for rescue.

If you don't eat for three days, you can still keep going, but if you don't drink water for three days, you may not be able to stand it.

At that time, if you want to go out desperately, you probably won't have the energy.

So... I'm going to go out and die like the first batch of supporting actors who hiccup in a horror movie.

And you, wait here.

If rescue comes, you strive to be the first survivor to be rescued. "

As Zhou Yan said, he walked towards the only door.

"Hey, don't be so impulsive, I suspect, this is part of our exam, so..." Before finishing speaking, Liu Zhiyuan was discouraged again: "Well, if it is really part of the exam , I don’t have to worry about hiding here... and the exam won’t kill anyone.”

While talking, the brother quickly followed Zhou Yan.

The two came to the door, pushed the door, and tugged again.

The door is very strong, and with brute force, there must be no way to open it.

"It should be a key." Liu Zhiyuan said.

"Yes, so don't you have a key that you haven't used yet?" Zhou Yan said. "Hey? Right." Liu Zhiyuan was taken aback, and quickly took out the key in his pocket.

Just before, he could not insert the key into the lock.

Liu Zhiyuan directly inserted the key into the lock of the door, and turned...


The door opened.

"Fuck?" He was startled.

Zhou Yan shrugged: "Look, everything here seems to be useful. Someone arranged all the items very carefully."

With that said, he opened the door and found that there was a corridor outside. There were lights, but it was very dim.

"Looking at this scale, it is definitely a big deal...I think if it is really done by a certain criminal, it is not impossible." Zhou Yan said.

"But...but, it's impossible, aren't we taking the exam?" Liu Zhiyuan followed out of the door and saw the dim and narrow corridor, his legs trembled a little.

"What happened in the examination room?" Zhou Yan asked rhetorically: "Remember that this examination room is equipped with water?"

"You mean, there is a problem in the water?" Liu Zhiyuan was agitated.

"I just said it was possible, but our exam lasts for four hours. During this period, it is impossible for everyone to drink a drop of water. Therefore, if you mix 1,000 bottles of water, there are a dozen bottles, or 20 or 30. It’s not difficult to bottle the water in question."

"But, even if we drank the problematic water, we would mix in the corridor at most, why were we carried to this scary place?" Liu Zhiyuan asked again.

Zhou Yan sighed: "If you faint, you will of course be sent to the infirmary, and the doctors in the infirmary, how can you guarantee that they are all white lotus flowers, in case there are criminals among them.

Even if there are no criminals pretending to be, they may be targeted by criminals, threatening them with their families, and buying them with money. Anyway, as long as there are people, there must be loopholes.

In addition, the ambulance sent to the hospital, the driver who drove, and all kinds of things on the road may be manipulated by someone with a heart.

So... don't feel that you are absolutely safe in the exam room. "

Zhou Yan said wow, wow, and walked along the corridor.

Liu Zhiyuan tremblingly followed behind.

He listened to Zhou Yan's words, and the more he listened, the more frightened he became.

"Hey, don't be so scary, OK? We are in the [Detective Exam] examination room. At least half of the invigilators are retired detectives. With so many detectives, how can they not see these tricks?"

"Hehe." Zhou Yan suddenly chuckled: "Why, do you trust the detective so much?

You know, if there are powerful detectives in this world, there are naturally powerful criminals.

Don't underestimate whether anyone is good

If the detectives are really so obsessed, why the "collective disappearance of famous detectives" 7 years ago has not been solved? "

At this moment, Liu Zhiyuan's heart felt like a sudden downtime.

He is a person who has believed in detectives since he was a child and yearned for detectives, so he has always wanted to be qualified as a detective.

And his mantra is...‘what, do you eat plain rice when you are those detectives, don’t look down on people, okay? "

But now he finally realized that there is another side to his mantra.

That is......

"When you are a criminal in this world, do you all eat plain rice?"

It turns out that it is himself who has always looked down on people.

Under this sudden awakening, his body was still walking forward following Zhou Yan.

This corridor is very long, with no rooms on either side, only overhead lights, which light up from time to time to provide some visibility to the dim corridor.

I don't know how long they have gone. Finally, the two came to the end of the corridor.

Here, there is a door.

On the door, a very scribbled picture was painted with paint.

It's just a few simple lines, which look like a bird or a bird like a crow.

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