Detective Training Manual

Chapter 132: 3 minutes countdown

Zhou Yan looked at the picture, then went up and rubbed the paint of the picture with his hand.

Not only did it not rub off, but it was stained with a lot of dust.

It seems that this stuff is old.

Zhou Yan took this painting in his mind. Although it was probably useless, he still took it down.

Then he opened the door.

A distinct smell of dust rushed in.

Outside this door, there is a big space. It really looks like it was previously guessed, and it was rebuilt from an abandoned factory.

The hall in front of it should have an area of ​​more than two hundred square meters. It is a rectangle. The walls on all sides of the hall are full of doors.

In addition to the door that he and Liu Zhiyuan walked out, there are five other doors.

At this time, the hall can be said to be empty, but there are two people standing.

These two people are a man and a woman.

Let me talk about this man first, and his first impression is just one word..."Zhuang".

She was wearing a loose-fitting jacket, but without buttons, you can see a simple vest inside.

I don’t know if it’s a small size deliberately chosen, or the muscles are really too big. Anyway, it just feels very tight. If you simply calculate the size of the two large pectorals, it is estimated that Bilinxi All should be bigger.

The appearance is also an extremely good fit with the figure, and the short head and the unorganized stubble give people an image of a tough guy that is ready to appear.

And that woman, it's the complete opposite.

The whole body exudes a femininity, the body is thin, and the red dress that has just reached the knees is specially matched with a pair of high heels. The long hair covers one side of the eyes. The hot is slightly fluffy and the end is slightly wavy. Although the bulge on the chest was tightly wrapped, it was large enough to compete with the tough guy next to him.

And these two people, because the man is too strong, the contours on their faces are too tough. Because of the makeup, women can't tell their age anyway for a while.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Zhou Yan and Liu Zhiyuan together, with doubts in their eyes and a little bit of precaution.

None of the four spoke first, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

After a full minute, Liu Zhiyuan finally spoke first.

He broke the silence by saying "Hi, everyone".

"Well, you're good, little brother~" the lady followed, her voice was very magnetic, and it could even be said that she had a fascination, but she called Liu Zhiyuan the'little brother'. It seemed that she was old. It should be over 30 years old.

"Huh~ It seems that you two have passed the test, too." The strong man saw that the silence had been lifted, so he also spoke.

"Test?" Liu Zhiyuan was taken aback for a moment.

"Yes, this is part of the exam. I don't know what the exam organization is doing this year." The brawny man was dissatisfied, his voice was very loud, and there was a period of echo in this hall.

But the voice just fell...

"I told you everything, this was not done by the exam team, why don't you believe it?" The woman muttered helplessly, rubbing her forehead in distress.

Zhou Yan asked, "How can you be so sure that it wasn't the exam team?"

The woman's hands spread out: "Because I am an invigilator... If the test group is to test the candidates' ability in reality, then they can get the candidates, why don't they get them with me? , I'm already at the level of Chuzenji, why do I get mixed up with you kids."

"Humph!" The strong man snorted again: "It's just a blind eye, get an invigilator to confuse me, and besides, you said you are a [Chuzenji] level detective, you must be?"

"Emmm..." Zhou Yan thought for a while: "Then, brother, did you wake up suddenly just now and find yourself tied here?"

"Yes!" the brawny man said with his arms folded: "When he woke up, he found that he was **** in a room with this woman."

"Then, does your room also have a hydraulic press, the one that will squash you?" Liu Zhiyuan asked.

"Hydraulic machine?" The man frowned, "That's not true, but there is an electric drill rushing to our heads. It is very scary. However, the moment the electric drill is close to our heads, the electric drill will definitely stop suddenly. The exam team did a trick and it didn't scare me at all!"

The man said that he was full of confidence, and he insisted that the test team did the test.

"Hey~" The woman sighed again. Obviously, she didn't want to talk about this problem anymore.

"Emmm..." Zhou Yan thought for a while: "Well, there is no way to determine the situation now, so let's introduce ourselves first."

Just finished...

"My name is Zheng Gang!" The strong man directly replied in a loud voice.

"Fucking~ Is this name, is his parents also named?" Zhou Yan spit in his heart.

"My name is Zhetang Masako." The woman reported her name normally.

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"Sucrose duck?" Liu Zhiyuan was taken aback, and repeated subconsciously.

A bunch of icy eyes glanced over, and Liu Zhiyuan shuddered, then he reacted and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't go out very much, I don't understand etiquette~"

"Okay, okay~ I'm not in the mood to educate you children~" Sister Yazi waved helplessly: "I just want to get out now."

"Well, let's take a look around first." Zhou Yan didn't say much, he also wanted to leave here quickly: "Oh, my name is Zhou Yan, and this guy is Liu Zhiyuan."

After speaking, he walked to a door and pushed it.

The door pattern did not move.

"Don't bother, we have tried all the doors long ago, and none of them can be opened." Said Sister Yazi.

"Uh... okay~" Zhou Yan walked back angrily: "Then what else do you find?"

"Yes... but I don't know what it is." Yazi gestured a corner of the room with her eyes.

Zhou Yan walked over and found that on the wall over there, there was a small box like a timer, and the number on it was...


In the next second, it becomes


Obviously, this is a countdown device, and there are three minutes left.

Zhou Yan frowned, "What? It looks like something will happen in three minutes."

"Yes!" Brother Steel said loudly, "Unfortunately, there is only one thing in this room. For the time being, we can't do anything except watch it count down."

"This is weird..." Zhou Yan squeezed his chin: "There is only a countdown, but there is no reminder of what we need to do. Then who is this countdown for?"

Just finished...

"Fuck?" Zhou Yan was taken aback, as if thinking of something?

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