Detective Training Manual

Chapter 156: After escaping from the dead, it turned out to be...

On the wasteland in front of the factory, the night wind was whistling, Qin Hanwei was smoking a cigarette, her long hair messed up by the wind.

I don’t know when, he has already contracted smoking. Is it because of the long-term night shift? Or is it because in a smoky place like the police station, you can only passively smoke other people's cigarettes if you don't smoke?

She has forgotten.

Police Department Qin is someone who doesn't know how tired, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sit in the position of Police Department at this age.

In her police career for so many years, she thought that there would be no more cases that would interest herself.

Even the case of "missing in the examination room" this time did not make her too much attention.

It's just that... the nature of this matter made her have to go out in person. This is to show that she attaches great importance to such incidents, shows respect for the families of the missing, and also represents the entire criminal serious crime team. The attitude of this matter.

However, this matter will be resolved soon, and the hostages will be taken out, regardless of whether it is the executor or the behind-the-scenes man. Sooner or later, they will be caught. Maybe you are lucky. Hidden among the victims.

There are more cases handled, and she already has an intuition about this kind of incident...Anyway, after tonight, this case will be exaggerated in the report, and then it will be exposed in a short period of time. People forget.

Just like all other similar cases.

As long as it doesn't happen to them, most people just want to find some excitement in the report.

Who would really care about a missing case that couldn't be beaten by himself?

Qin Hanwei thought this way, and the flame in front of the cigarette became clearer in the dark.

If there is something in this case that caught her attention, it would be better to say that it was the kid named Zhou Yan.

She remembered the name.

A few months ago, the death row prisoner who had made a sensation just pulled himself out of the death sentence one day before the execution.

Hehe, what an interesting person.

Oh, by the way, this person, I have met once.

What number came that day, and I forgot, that guy was reckless and squeezed into the exclusive elevator of the senior police officer.

Recalling that guy's appearance, he was pretty good, and he looked decent enough, but he was a bit too skinny.

Well, this is not the point. The point is that in such a short period of time, this guy has lived in the most upscale neighborhood in the entire city.

The Qin Police Department glanced at Li Huan, who was waiting anxiously in the night breeze.

Is this girl his landlord? But a landlord is just, will he rush over immediately after receiving the call?

Hey, maybe it’s not just the landlord. That guy Zhou Yan, he just got out of jail, how could he rent a house at such a high price in such a short period of time? No matter how much compensation he pays, he won’t be able to. Dare to touch that kind of community.

The Qin Department of Police looked up and down Li Huan.

Dressing is very simple, but if you have been in contact with some wealthy people, you can tell that this girl has the kind of staggering economic strength that normal people can't see, and she looks pretty good. , But he hides himself with thick black-rimmed glasses.

The clothes are obviously expensive, but they are all the most minimalist styles...

Do you think that this kind of dress can be closer to the life of a normal person?

Heh~ That Zhou Yan... doesn't seem to be simple.

After watching Li Huan, Qin Hanwei looked at Lin Xi who was standing next to Li Huan.

There are only two possibilities for two women standing so close together.

The first is close friends and close friends.

Second, the two are secretly competing, thinking that if anyone takes a step back, they lose.

Women are always jealous creatures. This is an emotion that flows in the blood. Even if they don't notice it, they still subconsciously protect their belongings from the behavior.

The height difference between Lin Xi... and Li Huan was huge, the former only reached the shoulders of the latter.

Moreover, from the perspective of aura, Lin Xi is definitely taller than Li Huan. He has been engaged in a detective career for a long time, and Lin Xi exudes a resolute taste of never admitting defeat in a difficult situation, coupled with that long-term training figure , In the weak, reveals an amazing explosive force.

No matter how you look at it, Li Huan, this little girl, is incomparable to Lin Xi.

But...maybe it was the blessing of the natural state of mind that made Li Huan stunned by Lin Xi's side, and he was unwilling to give it a step.

Qin Hanwei looked at the two figures and couldn't help but smiled. He seemed to be more interested in the kid named Zhou Yan.


The spotlight kept shining on the factory in front of him. I don't know how long the time had passed, and the night wind became more and more cold.

Some police officers sat back in the car, only the families of the missing persons were still standing in the wind, while Li Huan and Lin Xi were still standing in the place where they started, and none of them moved.

A pair of expectant eyes, all staring at the entrance of the factory, everyone is expecting that the door will be opened in the next second.

The wait continues...

Finally, there was a bang!

Very clear in the night.

The door of the factory was violently pushed open, and then two people, carrying the stretcher, rushed out of the door.

Inside the stretcher, there is a person with strange bones, who looks like a dwarf whose growth is restricted due to certain diseases.

He was in a coma and was quickly carried into the car.

The originally quiet scene suddenly became alive.

Immediately afterwards, several people who had been missing for a whole day were framed one by one.

Zheng Gangtie...

Sister Masa...

Liu Zhiyuan...

Although all of them were disgraced, but after the moisture was replenished, they were all very energetic.

The family members of these people quickly greeted them when they saw their relatives coming out. Zheng Gangtie’s father rushed to his son and saw that he was not injured. He was very excited and patted him on the It was as if his son had returned triumphantly from the battlefield.

And Liu Zhiyuan's mother just kept him, and the two cried.

No one came to greet Sister Yazi, but she seemed to have known this a long time ago. She just smiled in the night wind and saw the police department Qin Hanwei in the crowd. The two smiled and beckoned. It seemed that the two had known each other a long time ago. Up.

And the one who came out behind was Li Lei, his hand was already handcuffed, and two policemen pushed him into the police car.

The last thing that came out... was Zhou Yan.

This guy didn't let anyone support him, just messed up, holding a bottle of mineral water in his hand, and walked out of the factory door grimly.

The spotlight in front of him was a bit dazzling, and he subconsciously covered it.

And at the moment when he raised his arm, he seemed to see that in the bright light, there seemed to be two figures running towards him...

Zhou Yan: "???"

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