Detective Training Manual

Chapter 157: It turned out to be Shura Field?

A halo flashed by...The two figures had already rushed in front of Zhou Yan.

It is his own boss, Lin Xi.

And his landlord, Li Huan.

Both women ran very fast, but it was strange that when they ran in front of them, they suddenly stopped.

This... how to say it, although it can't be said to be too abrupt.

But the family members of the victims next to each other all met and gave a hug first, and these two weren’t slow, they just stopped abruptly when they ran in front of Zhou Yan. It's like stopping suddenly, I always feel that something is missing.

Zhou Yan stared blankly at the two beauties in front of him, one tall and one short, his arms were open, and he was hanging in mid-air now, extremely embarrassed.

But Zhou Yan's face was still thick, he just smiled immediately: "Haha, I didn't expect you all to come...but don't worry, I'm not injured, and the criminal has been caught. I guess it will be a while. Just do a transcript and you can..."

"What are you doing! Do you know how much I worry about you?" Lin Xi interrupted Zhou Yan loudly.

Zhou Yan was stunned, wondering, isn't he also a victim, why are you angry with me? However, I did disappear suddenly, which made my boss worried, and it was not unacceptable to verbally criticize him.

So Zhou Yan smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, but I was also arrested..."

"I'm worried about you too, you know, you haven't been home on time for a day in the past few days! Now you are still kidnapped!"

Although this voice is not as bold as Lin Xi's, it can still hear the atmosphere.

It was Li Huan who was talking. She stared at Zhou Yan angrily. Through her glasses, Zhou Yan could see that the anger in this girl's eyes was stronger than ever.

Zhou Yan really can't hold back this time. Hey, I'm the one who needs comfort. Look at the family members of other people and hug them one by one. You two will scold me when they come up.

Also, why do the words "go home on time" in your words sound so awkward? Although it is indeed your home, how come it sounds like I live with you.

What Li Huan said was indeed a bit ambiguous, so that Lin Xi glanced at Li Huan with a corner.

For an instant, Zhou Yan felt an inexplicable oppressive force.

"I...I was the water I drank during the exam, and the water was tampered with!" Zhou Yan argued.

"When you take the exam, you should concentrate on what water to drink! I hired you. Did it make you eat plain rice? What if you drink water to delay the exam? If you can't pass the exam this time, will you still be the one in the next year? A little helper?!" Lin Xi drank.

Zhou Yan's heart is crying. I drink saliva. How could I miss the exam? Where did your anger come from? !

"I...I just sip..."

The voice hasn't fallen...

"Why can you be drugged by drinking water? Are you not a detective?!" Li Huan asked again.

"Hey, I'm a detective, I'm not a human flesh detector, OK, how can I know what's in the water?"

Zhou Yan also yelled, but he didn't understand, he was escaping from the dead, why these two young ladies were angry at him.

And when he looked dazed, several people around also looked over.

After seeing two big beauties standing in front of Zhou Yan, Liu Zhiyuan couldn't help but admire him secretly. As expected, Big Brother Zhou Yan was not an ordinary person. Even the family members he called were such beautiful girls, and the two came together, awesome!

Two straight men, Zheng Gangtie and Zheng Jun, also looked here.

Zheng Jun: "Son, look at that little brother, he must be a great person in the future."

Zheng Gangtie: "Father, you call my son, you call him the little brother, which is a bit inferior, and how can you tell that he must be great?"

Zheng Jun: "Of course it is looking at women. A good man must have a good woman behind him. Behind this little brother, there are two such beautiful women. The future is unlimited!"

Zheng Gangtie nodded his head: "Father's reasoning ability is still so good, so why did mom divorce you?"

Zheng Jun: "Ahem~ In short, if you have the opportunity in the future, you should cooperate more with this little brother. It will definitely overflow for you."

Only Zijie Zhetang on the side looked at the three people under the spotlight and shook her head. It seemed that Zhou Yan's life would not be better for a long time to come.


After a brief meeting, everyone was called into the police car. It was too cold here and the victims had not eaten for a long time, so it is best not to stay here again.

So everyone returned to the car.

During the journey from the factory door to the police car, Zhou Yan felt awkward.

Li Huan was standing on his left, and Lin Xi was standing on his right.

The three people walked to a police car.

Li Huan got into the back seat of the car first, and then stared at Zhou Yan. It was obvious that Zhou Yan would sit up quickly.

Zhou Yan was also cold, so without thinking about it, he got into the car.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi also directly sat in, Zhou Yan was caught in the middle again.

He looked at Lin Xi: "Boss, there are seats in front of you, why are you crowded here?"

Lin Xi didn't answer, just glanced at Zhou Yan with Yu Guang.

Zhou Yan swallowed involuntarily.

A few seconds later, the door of the police car was opened again. It was a policeman who opened the door, probably looking for an empty car.

And this one opens the door.

Li Huan and Lin Xi looked at the police officer who opened the door together.

This policeman can be regarded as someone who has seen the face of the world, but when these two people stared at him like this, he slammed the door and closed the door.

The policeman found a very crowded car and got into it. The colleagues inside were extremely dissatisfied: "Hey, isn't the car in front of us available? Why are you coming here to squeeze?"

The brother shook his head: "The car in front is too scary. I would rather squeeze here."

Okay... The car Zhou Yan was sitting in was really scary. If it wasn't for a person to drive, it is estimated that the driver would have run away.

On the back seat, Zhou Yan was sandwiched between the two beauties...

The atmosphere was embarrassing to the point where people's heads would explode, but unfortunately, no one spoke.

There was silence, Zhou Yan felt that his heartbeat became clearer and clearer.

He hesitated for a while, and boldly said, "Well, policeman, why don't you pull over and stop the car. I'll go to the front and sit down. The back is too crowded."

Next second...

"No!" the two beauties said in unison.

Zhou Yanyu is stuck.

After a while...

"Um..." Zhou Yan couldn't stand it anymore, and he tentatively said: "You two don't know each other yet."

"do not know!"

The two beauties spoke in unison!

Zhou Yan swallowed, "Then...Why don't I introduce to the two of you?..."

The voice did not Lin Xi turned sideways directly, stretched out a hand, and put a handshake pose to Li Huan on the other side.

"Hello...My name is Lin Xi, detective, Trent level, and Zhou Yan's boss."

And Li Huan, who has always been a little careless about the world, is not timid at all this time, and generously stretched out his hands, and the two of them shook hands in front of Zhou Yan.

"Hello, my name is Li Huan, a writer and Zhou Yan's landlord."

The attitude of the two of them is neither humble nor humble, but neither are they as polite as they should be.

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Zhou Yan is in the middle...I don't know what expression to put on.

There is only one thought in my mind.

"Who did I provoke?!"

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