Detective Training Manual

Chapter 165: From car thieves to kidnappers

   Zhou Yan’s idea is really straightforward.

   That's right! After losing the car, the first thought was that the monitoring should be adjusted!


   "No!" Zhao Shengrui gave a negative answer directly.

  攫攫攫攫欝. "Ah? Why, isn't this a villa area? Why is there no monitoring?" Zhou Yan asked.

   "The surveillance of these streets just happened to be broken." Lao Guo also added regretfully.

"Um..." Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment: "What's up? How do you feel that as long as the case I come into contact with, the monitor will be broken on time, stupid me except that there is a chance of triggering the driver to ask for money when I am in the car. In addition to the superpowers of swiftly running away, there is also the item of'Any case I take over, the monitor will definitely be broken'?"

   Zhou Yan feels a little depressed. What could have been solved by adjusting the monitoring, now seems to be out of the question.

"That..." Zhou Yan hesitated again: "Then I have another question, that is...Mrs. Qian, didn't you say that you went back to your natal house? Then you are not at home. At that time, who picked up the courier?"

   After being asked, Mrs. Qian immediately explained: "Oh, my house has a special door for receiving express parcels. Regardless of whether the owner is at home or not, just stuff the express delivery into the door."

   The voice just fell.

"Oh, it seems that our Detective Zhou Yan has rarely come into contact with the structure of this kind of villa. No wonder, he must not be able to live in this kind of villa himself. The detective level is also low. This is the first time he has come into contact with this kind of villa. Let's go to the housing structure in the rich area." Zhao Shengrui said with a sarcasm.

  厺厽 厺厽. Zhou Yan also ignored the other party: "So, I think it should be the second one."

   "Huh?" Because Zhou Yan's words were endless, Zhao Shengrui was also taken aback.

   Zhou Yan explained: "Didn't you just say that there are two possibilities?

   The first type: plan to commit crimes.

   The second type: commit crimes temporarily.

   I think the second possibility is more likely.

  Because, if it is the first type, then the prisoners know that Mr. Qian is on a business trip, and that Mrs. Qian will come back this morning to pick up gifts, so it is impossible for them not to know that Mrs. Qian has a child.

  Stealing a car is stealing a car, but if you steal a child, things are different.

   And, looking at a wealthy family like Mrs. Qian, you said that she lost a car, and she may grit her teeth, but if the child is lost, he will definitely get it back at all costs.

   Now two detectives have been found, plus a group of serious police officers. It is impossible for a car thief to face such a large group of people.

   Therefore, if it is a plan to commit a crime, then the car thief will definitely not pick this time to start.

   is a bit more blunt, that is, when the car thief was stealing the car, he certainly didn't know that there was a child in the car.

   After getting in the car, I had already ran a long way, only to realize that there was a baby behind the car! "

"Emmm..." After listening, Lao Guo nodded, "I think what Zhou Yan said is very reasonable. The head of our crime team is the Qin Police Department, a woman, who is very strict. For things like losing a child, we must do our best to detect it, and the criminal who steals the child will never be tolerated.

   So, if the car thief understands the rules of the road, he must know that stealing children in the sub-city area is equivalent to stepping on a big thunder! "

   Although Lao Guo didn't mix with detectives, he wouldn't be silent when the crime squad's style was involved, so he stood on Zhou Yan's side on the spot.

   As for Zhou Yan, he was a little surprised. It turned out that the Qin Police Department was in charge of the Crime Squad. Hey, he really is a woman who is not easy to provoke.

   was thinking...

"Then...what should I do?" After hearing what Zhou Yan said, Mrs. Qian suddenly became nervous: "What if the car thief finds the child? Will he throw the child away? On the street, it’s okay for someone to find out. If no one finds out, will the child starve to death or freeze to death? ... even thrown directly into the river!"

  The more she said, the more nervous Mrs. Qian became, and finally she started shaking.

   Zhao Shengrui immediately went up to comfort him: "Don't worry, although this Detective Zhou Yan is a novice, what he said is not too stupid.

  If it is really the second case, the car thief must be very depressed now. He should be facing the baby and don't know what to do.

  Because...he would never dare to act on babies. "

"Yeah, if you start with a baby, that would definitely be a dead end." Zhou Yan wandered around and said, "Then... I don't know if Madam Qian is in your car. Where's the phone number?"

   "Phone number?" Mrs. Qian asked in confusion.

   "Yes, for example, did your mobile phone fall into the car? Is there any communication record in the mobile phone? Or is there anything in the car that says the number of this phone."

  , Zhou Yan also pointed to the landline in the corner of the living room.

Madam Qian looked in the direction Zhou Yan pointed out, and then thought for a moment: "Oh, my bag is on the co-pilot, and there are some receipts in the bag with my home phone number... .But why are you asking this?"

   "Of course I asked for the car thief." Zhou Yan said: "If I were a car thief, after stealing the car, I found that there was a child in the car. I would definitely panic to death.

  巘戅Fantasy Novel Network 巘戅. At this time, I basically have only two options.

   The first type: I find somewhere to leave the child.

   But this method is very risky. After all, it is a baby. It has three lengths and two shorts. It is really starving to death or freezing to death. Then I will have a big deal.

And if it’s at the door of a grocery store, or simply ran to the orphanage, put the child down and ran away, it’s too dangerous. If caught, it’s likely to be caught directly by the police. To.

   Therefore, there is a high probability that I will not do one thing, and do it endlessly... With the help of this child, I will make another money.

   So, I will look around in the car for how to contact you.

   It is best to use a landline phone, because the location of a mobile phone is too fast and easy to expose.攫攝攫攝

   After this, I will go from a car thief to a kidnapper.

Use a baby as a hostage, and then ask you for a small You guys of great cause, should not dare to take risks with your children, so you will pay the ransom out of all likelihood, just right, I You can still use your children to coerce you and not call the police.厺厽 Miaoshuyuan 厺厽巘戅 Miaoshuyuan 巘戅

   In this way, it would kill two birds with one stone.

   I don’t need to lead a baby all the time, fearing. "

   After listening to Zhou Yan's words, Lao Guo also nodded again, because this is indeed the best way to deal with car thieves.

   And at this moment... Zhao Shengrui on the side was a little depressed. In fact, he could think of these inferences.

   He asked Zhou Yan what he thought before, but in fact, he just wanted the other person to say some useless points, and then he added a lot to show the gap between himself and the other person.

   But I didn't think about it, this week's Yan was actually wow, wow, and I said everything I wanted to say.

   At this time, Zhao Shengrui was a little embarrassed, he could not give a better reasoning, nor could he repeat what Zhou Yan said.

   can only sit next to him, and then... "Well, very good, very reasonable, I think so too." Nodding sadly.

   All of a sudden, I felt his aura weakened a bit.

   And at this moment...


   The ringtone of the landline phone really rang.

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