Detective Training Manual

Chapter 166: The kidnapper’s first call

   The ringing of the phone attracted the eyes of all the people in the room.

A police officer who was close to the phone rushed over and moved the phone to the coffee table in front of Ms. Qian, without saying anything. At the same time, a police officer who was close to the door rushed out of the villa in lightning speed, ten seconds. He rushed back again, holding a big box that looked heavy at first glance.

   He also put the big box on the coffee table. A group of people put their hands up and down, and then they took the box apart, then took out a lot of parts from it, and then all assembled them.

   That hand speed, that cooperation, Zhou Yan looked silly.

   Anyway, the whole process is estimated to take only a few seconds, and a signal capturing instrument appeared next to the phone.

   The phone was still thinking, Madam Qian's eyes were very flustered.

   Zhao Shengrui came over and patted Madam Qian’s shoulder: “Don’t be nervous, pick up, if it’s a criminal call, try to delay the time.”

   "Oh...I...I try my best." Madam Qian nodded.

   And this signal capture device, I must have seen it on TV.

   is to be able to capture the direction of the incoming call signal through the phone, and to allow a group of people to hear the content of the conversation between the two parties without using the microphone.


   The phone was still thinking, Madam Qian slowed down her emotions forcibly, and then answered the phone.


   He said softly.

   "Why is it so slow to pick up the phone?!" On the other side of the phone, a very unkind voice rang. It was obviously speaking under the pressure of the throat, so the voice sounded fake.

  Because of the machine, all the people around can hear the voice of Mrs. Qian and that person. At the same time, because of the structure of the machine, the sound will not be transmitted into the microphone again.

   "I..." Madam Qian was stunned. She must have never experienced such a situation before, so she didn't know how to answer for a while.

at this time......

   A police officer surrounded by the signal tracker did not know where to bring out a stack of cards.

   I saw him quickly drew out one of them and held it up.

   Zhou Yan looked over and saw that it said:

   Mrs. Qian got the prompt and asked quickly: "Who are you?"

   "..." The voice on the other end of the phone obviously hesitated: "I am the one who stole your car!" The person finally replied.

As soon as   's voice fell, the police officer over there took out another small card, held it up high, and said:

   Zhou Yan was shocked, thinking, the police in this world, from a certain perspective, seem to be more professional than the police in the world before the rebirth.

   Can you even prepare such a small card?

   How did this brother accurately extract the one he wanted from the stack of cards?

  Well, these questions are definitely not answered by Zhou Yan, don't ask! Ask, it's two characters...professional!

   And Mrs. Qian didn't say anything, and asked very nervously: "How much? A lot of it in the car! How is he now!"

   Zhou Yan's eyebrows twitched. Among Qian Fu's population, it was obviously the baby's name.

   So with this surname...Is this kid’s name called?

   Hey, people in this world, naming... really have an ability that people can't help but complain.

   When the person on the other end of the phone heard this question, he was obviously angry: "Don't change the subject, why did you take so long to answer the call?"

   Sure enough, the ‘Card Brother’ held up a card on time again.

   Madam Qian immediately looked at the card and said, "Because the landline at home has been useless for a long time and was placed on the second floor. My house is relatively large. It takes time for me to get here."

   "Fuck it~" Zhou Yan didn't know whether he should spit it out. This is too professional, right? There are all kinds of cards?

   "Heh..." The person on the other end of the phone sneered: "Sure enough, you rich people, you live a life of pampering all day long!"

   "A lot! You tell me how about it!"

   "Don't talk nonsense! Do you have a policeman over there?!" the criminal roared

   Madam Qian glanced at the card: "No!"

   "Huh! You rich people, no matter how stupid, you should know what the consequences will be if you call the police at this time!" The man threatened.

   "I know, I didn't call the police!"

   "Well, in a while, I'll contact you again!" The person on the other end of the phone suddenly said such a sentence, and then hung up with a click.

   Zhao Shengrui immediately asked the police officer next to him: "How is it, did you find the location?"

The police officer beside    shook his head: "No, this person is very careful. The call time is less than two minutes. Moreover, he did not use his cell phone to call, but a public telephone hall!"

"Well, it seems that he is not a stupid thief, but he also knows some small anti-reconnaissance methods." Zhao Shengrui thoughtfully said: "However, now the number of public telephone halls is very small, so send someone to look around. I guess I can find witnesses or something."

   "It has been arranged." Old Guo nodded.

At this time...Zhou Yan interrupted: "Um...I want to ask, we said on the phone that we did not contact the police, but there was a police car parked just outside the door. , Is this a bit too presumptuous."

"Oh, I don't even know this, I'm just a novice!" Zhao Shengrui smiled and said, "That car was deliberately left because there are many criminals who will be around after the crime. One reason for staying is a guilty conscience, for fear that he might leak something, and the other is to know if the victim has called the police.

   So, it was a decoy. Someone was staring around. If a suspicious person was found, the crime squad brothers outside would catch him directly. "

   "So that's it." Zhou Yan nodded. There was no wave in his heart for Zhao Shengrui's ridicule, because until now, he still didn't remember who this buddy was.

   Zhao Shengrui saw that Zhou Yan hadn't said much, and thought that his mockery had worked, and was very satisfied, and then looked at Madam Qian.

   "So, ma'am, are you familiar with the voice on the phone?" he asked.

   Madam Qian shook her head.

   "Well, anyway, the prisoner will call again, let's wait for now."

   Time passed by, and there was a tense atmosphere in the whole hall.

   Mrs. Qian also seemed to recognize the reality. She no longer blamed herself babblingly, but stared at the phone and was silent.

   And in this suppressed silence...


   There was a sound of the door being opened.

   Everyone looked in the direction of the door.

   Then I saw a man in a suit and a briefcase standing outside the door in a humble manner.

   The man's gaze also cast over.

   He saw a room of men in disbelief!

   And his wife, sitting in the middle of this group of men!

   At this moment, Mr. Qian outside the door was stunned...

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