Detective Training Manual

Chapter 176: Missing point

"Huh??" The driver in front was confused for a while, but fortunately, he was still sane, and he didn't really step on the brakes.

At this juncture, the detective Zhou Yan behind actually called to stop?

I'm kidding, even if it's motion sickness and vomiting, you have to swallow it at this time!

"Stop!" Zhou Yan yelled again when the driver did not respond.

After the rest, Zhou Yan's brain has finally recovered completely!

The previous puzzles are all clearly visible.

He finally saw the feeling that something was wrong!

He also thought of how the money placed on the subway car was transferred. The fastest end https://m..c/o/m

The kidnapper's plan is also clear at a glance.

The answers to all these questions can actually be completely solved with only the simplest explanation!

That is...Mrs. Qian is a mother!

She only has her own child in her heart!

"Turn around! We have to go back now!" Zhou Yan continued.

"Are you crazy? Go back now?" Zhao Shengrui who was sitting in the car couldn't help but yelled.

Fortunately, Mr. Qian was in another police car, otherwise he would be angrily beaten by Zhou Yan's words.

"Yes, Brother Zhou, no matter what, the safety of the child is now the first!" Lao Guo, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also said!

"Go to the children, there is enough people in the team, and the children have only been a few months, and they won't run away by themselves!" Zhou Yan's tone went higher.

"Then what do you want, why are we going back?" Zhao Shengrui also yelled.

"Catch the kidnapper!"

Zhou Yan's words made Zhao Shengrui choke.

"Tied.... kidnapper?"

"Yes, now as long as we look back, we can catch the kidnappers!" Zhou Yan affirmed.

"It's crazy! Did you guess the location of the kidnapper's transaction before, and it was a little bit fluttering!" Zhao Shengrui seemed to be amused.

At this time, Old Guo Ke in front was embarrassed.

According to common sense, he should cooperate with the detective, but now, the two detectives disagree with each other, which is a bit difficult for him to handle.

Fortunately, Zhao Shengrui's detective level is relatively high, so Lao Guo still chooses to listen to him for the time being.

But then...

"Now! Go back to the villa!" Zhou Yan's tone seemed to become a lot harder. He stared at Zhao Shengrui: "If my judgment is wrong, you can write whatever you want in the closing report, even if you write me deliberately. Interfere with the action, be funny, or suggest that my detective license be revoked! But now! Let's turn around!"

These words really surprised Zhao Shengrui.

He looked at Zhou Yan like a fool, and only reacted after a few seconds...

"Ha...Hahaha...Do you know what you are talking about? In order to succeed, even the detective license was gambled in?" The mobile phone remembers "→m." for one second. You provide wonderful \\ novel reading.

"Yes, so don't waste time. If the child is really there, it won't take so many people!" Zhou Yan said, now, he is really anxious.

This was his first case since he became a detective, and he didn't want to let the kidnappers figure it out.

Zhao Shengrui hesitated: "Hehe, okay, since this Zhou Da detective bet such a big bet, it means that he may really have some ideas of his own, so let's turn around and look back."

"Um...Okay!" Old Guo in front of him was a little confused, but he nodded.

The opinions of the two detectives were reached. He must have recruited them, but... he really couldn't understand why Zhou Yan did this.

Picking up the walkie-talkie and explaining the situation with other cars, these people turned the front of the car and returned to the original road.

There are only four people in this car.

Lao Guo, Zhou Yan, Zhao Shengrui, and a driver.

Zhou Yan seemed a little anxious, because a lot of time was lost on the road.

However, Zhao Shengrui was in a good mood. Now, this guy named Zhou Yan finally fell into his own hands.

In fact, if he is a detective, he shouldn't be arrogant and bring personal emotions into his handling of the case.

But this week, Yan desperately wanted to die, so I really don't blame Zhao Shengrui for reaching out.

As the police car drove fast, Zhao Shengrui wondered how to add fuel to the case report. This really made him happier as he thought about it. Finally, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, I said Zhou Yan, I am a little curious about your thoughts, why do you have to go back?" He asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yan's answer was a rhetorical question: "Don't you think something is wrong?"

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Mrs. Qian, she seemed to have something wrong at first." Zhou Yan said.

"..." Zhao Shengrui was silent for a while, seeming to recall Mrs. Qian's various behaviors: "I don't think there is anything wrong, it's a mother who lost her child."

Indeed, it was a mother who had lost her child. She was nervous, anxious, and scrupulous about her child's comfort.

But... she still wasn't right.

"Her concerns are not comprehensive." Zhou Yan said.

"Not comprehensive? What do you mean?"

"It's her concern. It seems that some points are It's like being a doctor. When contacting patients with heart disease, they will pay attention to the patient's heart rate and electrocardiogram. You gave him a bunch of head CT, respiratory tract imaging and other inspections, although it is considered a normal inspection range, but it must make people feel very strange."

"..." Zhao Shengrui frowned. He didn't know much about medical knowledge, but he still understood these words. After hesitating for a while: "Can you give me an example?"

"Of course." Zhou Yan said: "Let's use the most recent phone call as an example. If you are Mrs. Qian, what did you think of first when you learned that the kidnapper put the child on the steps?"

"This... of course I am afraid that the child is freezing." Zhao Shengrui said.

"According to common sense, it is true, but there is one more important thing. A normal mother should pay more attention to it."

"What?" Zhao Shengrui asked.

"Breastfeeding!" Zhou Yan said: "Duo Duo is a baby who is only a few months old. As a mother, Madam Qian, one of the things she has done the most for Duoduo in recent months, should be breast-feeding.

I don't know how many times a day, even in the middle of the night, when the child cries, she will definitely get up and feed without hesitation.

This should be the most important thing for a woman who has just given birth.

But... Madam Qian never even mentioned this matter during the conversation with the kidnappers.

Even when it was 11 o'clock in the evening, she still didn't mention it.

If a few months old baby has not been breast-feeding for so long from 6 in the morning to 11 in the evening, a normal mother should be going crazy..."

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