Detective Training Manual

Chapter 177: That was the second call from the kidnapper

"This... is indeed a bit strange." Zhao Shengrui didn't even refute Zhou Yan this time, but nodded on the matter: "However, you can't just rely on this to conclude that Madam Qian has a problem. The kidnappers hung up the phone in a hurry. Maybe she wanted to talk, but she didn't have a chance."

"Not only this time, but also several times before... My instinct tells me that Mrs. Qian's focus does not seem to match what a mother should be." Zhou Yan said lightly. .

"Intuition? Haha!" Zhao Shengrui smiled: "Where do you get your perception, your intuition about the case, stop making trouble, how long have you been qualified as a detective?

Or is it the intuition of a woman who is'a mother'?

It's even more impossible. You don't even have a girlfriend, let alone mothers and children. "

Zhao Shengrui mocked again.

Indeed, as a novice detective, Zhou Yan, logically speaking, there should be no ‘intuition’, but...I don’t know why, he seems to have it.

Moreover, it is very strong!

It was so strong... as if he had been soaked in the ocean of cases, trying to crack it day and night.

Zhou Yan couldn't explain where this confidence and intuition came from, so he stopped talking.

The police car roared, and soon arrived at the villa...

Lao Guo quickly ran to the door and knocked on the door.

"..." The door closed tightly.

"Mrs. Qian, please open the door." Lao Guo increased his strength, but still no one responded.

"What's the matter? Are you asleep?" He wondered, but he knocked on the door with so much strength just now, even if he fell asleep, he should be able to hear it.

In desperation, Lao Guo took out a few small iron rods from his pocket, and then... he lowered his waist, inserted the small iron rod into the keyhole, and began to play around.

At this moment, Zhou Yan and Zhao Shengrui were both stunned.

"This...what's this?" Zhou Yan was the first to lose his grip and asked.

"Oh, let's not hide from Brother Zhou, I'm picking the lock." Old Guo said calmly.

"I must see that you are picking the lock!" Zhao Shengrui couldn't help but took the stubbornly: " are not from the crime squad, how can you even do things like lock picking! "

"Oh, let’s be honest, Brother Zhao, the people in our serious crime team have to have some unique skills on their hands, such as this lock picking, which can be used in many cases. Prisoners are getting harder and harder every year. We do it. The police must also improve themselves."

"Don't talk about being so high-sounding, okay, you're a policeman, and you'll be able to pick a lock. It's not right how you think!"

"Haha, let’s not hide it. Actually, when I first practiced lock picking, I was so resistant, but it’s like a gun. It’s a social hazard in the hands of prisoners, but it’s in the hands of the police. For the sake of social stability, so... don't just look at the incident itself, but look at the people involved in the incident."

Old Guo said with a click...the door opened.

"Okay, go in and see what's going on." Lao Guo put the small iron rods in his pocket and walked in quickly.

Well, it's not about discussing whether the "police will pick the door and lock the lock" is not reasonable. Zhou Yan and Zhao Shengrui also quickly followed in.

"Mrs. Qian!"

"Mrs. Qian!?"

However... after searching the villa, they did not find Mrs. Qian.

"Not here?!" Zhao Shengrui was also dumbfounded: "But...why did she go?"

"Sure enough! It's still late!" Zhou Yan said.

"What the **** is going on?" Zhao Shengrui asked immediately without holding back.

Zhou Yan frowned: "I don't have time to explain for now. Go and ask if the monitor at the intersection has been repaired! We need to know where Mrs. Qian went?"

"Let me ask!" Lao Guo once again demonstrated his professional qualities as a policeman. Before Zhou Yan had finished his words, he swished and rushed out the door!

Five minutes later, Lao Guo swished again and rushed back.

"Good news, the monitor at the intersection is repaired!"

"Can you see where Mrs. Qian is going?" Zhao Shengrui also asked anxiously.

"Yes! I saw Madam Qian got in a taxi!" Lao Guo replied, "I have written down the license plate number and reported it to the General Administration. The taxi company is being contacted there. I believe I will know the money soon. Where did the madam get off?"

Take a look at Lao Guo's efficiency. He basically takes care of all the work.

On the other side of the General Administration, the efficiency was amazing, and within a few minutes, the call came.

The taxi company has already contacted the driver. The driver said that half an hour ago, he did indeed drive a lady from the villa area to a park a few blocks away, where the female passenger got off the car.

"Go! Go to the park!" Zhou Yan said: "If you are lucky, you should be able to catch the prisoner in the park!"

The other two didn't know whether they had followed this brain circuit, anyway, they rushed into the police car and drove quickly toward the park.

On the way... Zhao Shengrui has been thoughtful, and finally...

"When did you think of it?" he asked when he woke up just now. "Zhou Yan told the truth.

"Is it just intuitive?"

"Of course there is some reasoning." Zhou Yan responded: "In fact, the idea is very simple.

At that time, I felt something was wrong with Madam Qian. She lost focus on her care for her children, but she did not seem to be panicked at all.

So there are two speculations.

First: She is an unqualified mother, she can't think of anything about the safety of her child at all.

But this kind of inference is a bit untenable, mothers, no matter how natural they are, but for children, they will never be confused.

Therefore, I am more inclined to the second inference.

That is......

It's not that Mrs. Qian doesn't care about the key points, but she can guarantee that the kidnappers will take care of the children.

Will change diapers on time, will coax the child to sleep, will prevent the child from crying for six or seven hours and cause hypoxia, will breastfeed, and even the temperature of the milk will not go wrong.

Because... these were all ordered by Mrs. Qian!

Therefore, Mrs. Qian would not be too worried about this. On the contrary, when the kidnappers said'the child was placed on the steps' during the last call, Mrs. Qian was very angry because this was something she had not told, which would make Her child is freezing.

This led to Mrs. Qian's anger. "

Zhao Shengrui frowned, "So... in the morning, the so-called [first call] was actually not the first time Madam Qian had spoken with the kidnappers, was it?"

"Yes, they have passed the conversation a long time ago, and even I suspect that Madam Qian had already talked to the kidnappers before calling the police, and they had reached an agreement long ago!"

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