"Oh?" Sister Masako seemed to have some interest: "Why?"

"Pinholes." Zhou Yan pointed to the small pile of pinholes on the inside of the deceased's arm and said: "If a drug addict wants to take drugs, he needs to insert a syringe into his blood vessel. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are very ineffective. This girl has money, and it can't be so wasteful.

   And if the needle is used in the same area for a long time, the skin in this area will become very hard, but the skin of this girl is still very soft, which is very strange. "

   "Yeah~ You seem to be very good at medicine and the human body~" The squinting taste in Sister Yazi's eyes became stronger, and she got goose bumps when she looked at Zhou Yan.

However, Zhou Yan seems to have some understanding of medicine. This situation has happened before. He can always come up with some relevant medical knowledge when he needs it, but it is strange that he does not know why. Will understand these things.

   "So, what happened to her pinholes?" Sister Yazi continued to ask.

   "Diabetes." Zhou Yan said.


"Yes, to be more precise, it is [Type 1 diabetes]. The patients with this disease are not very old and rely on insulin... relying on the need to have regular injections every day. A genius is a second to remember噺バ一Chinese mx/8/1/z/wc/o/m/

  Most of the injection methods are where the muscles are soft, and many people choose the thigh or belly.

But... the deceased was a girl. If the injection was given in a normal place, it would affect her dressing, such as wearing a cropped outfit, miniskirt, etc., and a circle of stitches on her belly or thigh, then she must be Can't accept it.

   That's why she chooses the small circle on the inner side of the arm, because wearing short sleeves will not expose her. Even if she wears shorter clothes, she can also wrap a circle of ribbons. Maybe it looks quite fashionable. "

   Sister Masa nodded: "So, based on these, you can infer that she is just a diabetic?"

   "Almost, the main reason is that this kind of needle hole is very representative. You have never been in contact with a diabetic patient. You may not know that the insulin injection needle is very small and short, which is very different from ordinary injection needles."

   "..." Sister Yazi raised her eyebrows and stared at Zhou Yan.

   "Hey, there is also around the blood stains of the dead, I found a lot of ants..."

   "Well, it's not bad, both observation and divergent thinking are barely qualified~" Sister Masato said, following the posture of the school's head teacher.

   "This is only'barely qualified', isn't it a bit too harsh?"

   "My exam is so strict, you can end the exam early if you are not satisfied~" Sister Yazi smiled and said, "Hurry up and continue your deduction."

"Oh, the next inference is very simple." Zhou Yan said quickly: "The murderer probably saw the pinholes on the deceased's arm, and mistakenly thought that the deceased was an addict, so he injected an overdose of hallucinogens into the deceased. Inside, she threw her downstairs again, so that she could fake the illusion of "Hey, accidentally fell down"."

   "So, the murderer may be a gangster, or someone who possesses hallucinogens."

   "Yeah." Zhou Yan nodded, and at the same time said in contemplation: "I can only think of so much now. You can look at the autopsy results for the rest to make judgments."

   But the voice hasn't fallen...

   "Look at this, can you give you some enlightenment?" Sister Yazi suddenly took out a small plastic bag.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Zhou Yan was taken aback, and he reached out and took the plastic bag.

   Inside is a key...the very small one, it can be broken almost with a little effort.

   "This is...?" Zhou Yan asked in confusion.

   "The dead."

   "Oh?" Zhou Yan took a closer look at the key, and found that there was nothing special, it was a single small key, not even a key pendant: "So...is this something important?"

   "It should be very important." Sister Masako said.

   "How can you see it?"

   "Because... the deceased was holding this thing in his hands before he died."

   "His--that's really important." Zhou Yan frowned: "So, if we can find a lock with this key, we can solve this mystery?"

   "Who knows?" Sister Yazi shrugged: "Anyway, the most important clue in our hands is this key."

   Yes, there are no clues for the time being, the only thing I can count on is this key.

   But there are thousands of locks in this city, who knows which one this key matches?

   Next...After reading the corpse and the key, Zhou Yan talked with two witnesses as usual.

   The two witnesses were a drunk man peeing in an alley, and a traffic policeman who heard the yelling and came over.

   The drunk was a direct witness, because his pants were all taken off, and the deceased fell from the sky. The trousers slapped on a position only two or three meters away from him, and the blood was splashed into his crotch.

   At that time, the drunkard was really scared to pee and shouted while peeing.

   And the traffic police ran over quickly, and immediately called the police.

During the whole process, both of them were in a state of bewilderment, and no one looked up at the top of the building. That is to say, even if the murderer was lying on the top of the building and looked down, no one caught sight of him. .

   "This witness is too incompetent."

   After asking, Zhou Yan mumbled helplessly, because there were no clues, the forensics department ran up to the top of the building and found that there was no trace of a fight.

   "So ~www.readwn.com~What do you want to do in this case?" Masako asked.

   Zhou Yan hesitated...

"Emmm...there are too few clues. The best way is to confirm the identity after the deceased is transported to the police station, then find her residence, and try to find the lock of the key there. The next step is to start with the social network to see who has the motive of killing."

"Well, the well-regulated process of solving the case will not deduct points, but don't even think about adding points." Sister Yazi walked past Zhou Yan. When they were wrong, the distance between them was very close. Zhou Yan could even feel it Sister Yazi's curly hair rubbed against her lips...

   "Then do what you said first, after all, there is no other good way."

   "Oh~" Zhou Yan responded.

   Soon, the corpse was carried into the car, and as the police sirens sounded, the deceased was dragged away.

After half an hour of tossing, there are more and more people on the periphery of the cordon. These idle citizens are like a group of ants smelling sweetness after encountering a murder case. Death has become a natural remedy for these people's boring lives.

   Everyone is squeezing their necks, desperately trying to take a look at the scene of the crime, want to look at the pool of blood...Because these scenes can be regarded as exciting.

   But in the crowd, there is one person who seems to have different interests from others.

   His gaze seems to have been staring at the cordon... that beautiful beauty detective...

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