Detective Training Manual

Chapter 264: Let me put in a [thinking pose]!

   The police car quickly disappeared from sight, and the ban on this alley would not last too long. After the Forensics Department confirmed that everything had been collected, the cordon may be removed after 24 hours.

   At this time, Zhou Yan also took out the notes in his pocket. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

Speaking of it, before Yazi Jie had suspected that she was always reading this book, but a few days ago, Zhou Yan had made some nonsense and found a reasonable explanation for this behavior. Now he doesn’t use it at all. Hidden and tucked away, he looked in front of Sister Yazi.

   You nailed it: Zhou Yan, is the key in the hands of the deceased for self-defense? Put the key in your hand and poke people, and hit people can increase a certain degree of lethality

"This..." Zhou Yan scratched his head: "Brother, you haven't seen the appearance of this key. It's a very fragile one. It can be broken with a little bit of strength. It is fundamentally increased with this thing. No attack power."

  The person in the false book: Xiao Zhou, you can't be so strict with witnesses

   "Well, that's right, the uncle who witnessed can't even hold back his urine. How could he have thought that the murderer might be on top of his head."

   is watching...

   "Hey?" Zhou Yan suddenly saw a message.

  Le7el5: There are bad guys in the crowd

   Know the white of the world and guard the black of the world: there may be a murderer in the masses

   "Fuck?!" Zhou Yan was taken aback, there was a murderer in the crowd?

   Sulphur wood: Xiao Zhou Xiao Zhou! Someone in the crowd is staring at Sister Masako!

"Still staring at Sister Yazi? Are you sure that this person is the murderer, not an old-fashioned critic who looks at Yazi's beauty?" First published https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com /

   Xian Yin Cried Nine Nethers: Zhou Yan Crowd Someone Staring At Your Lover Examiner

   "Hey, **** can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! Sister Masa and I are serious colleagues!"

   There is Yan Ruyu in the book: Did the murderer kill after he was surprised? Are you eyeing Masako again now? audacious in the extreme.

   " it really a murderer?!"

   You nailed it: the one in the crowd staring at Sister Yazi is probably the murderer, and the murderer likes to go back to the crime scene to appreciate the results.

   Zhou Yan frowned slightly. So many people said that there might be a murderer in the crowd, so whether this person is a murderer or not, there must be a problem anyway!

   Fortunately, I didn't rashly raised my head and looked at the crowd.

   "Sister Yazi, you stand and don't walk around." Zhou Yan said calmly to Sister Yazi.

   "Huh?" Masako was taken aback.

   "Don't look at me, just behave normally, I'll go...take a pee..." Zhou Yan said, turned and left.

   Of course he didn't really go to the toilet, but came to a corner on the edge of the alley. There were no lights here, so Zhou Yan was able to observe the crowd in relative safety.

   He wants to see, who is always looking at Sister Masako.


   He watched for two minutes, but he didn't see any suspicious-looking people.

   Okay, in fact, he came a bit late. The strange man left the crowd ten seconds ago and disappeared into a small alley across the street.

"Emmm...had you gone?" Zhou Yan flipped through the notes again, and found that the book did not describe the person's appearance, age, or clothing, but only vaguely mentioned. For a moment.

   "What's the matter? Since you know someone is suspicious, why don't you tell me more?" Zhou Yan was a little confused.

   But at the moment of the big case, he has no time to focus on his notes.

   Zhou Yan quickly returned to Sister Masako.

   "I'm back?" Masako asked.


   "What the **** did you want to do just now? It's mysterious?"

   "It's nothing, just peeing."

   "Is it just like this?" Sister Yazi looked at Zhou Yan with suspicious expressions in her eyes.


Sister Yazi pointed to Zhou Yan's pocket with her fingers painted with bright red nail polish: "Before you left, the notes were still in the left pocket, but now they are on the right. Did you turn the book when you went to the bathroom? You. .... No need to help?"

   "This..." Zhou Yan smiled awkwardly: "No need."

   "Okay" Sister Yazi shook her head, and did not follow up: "Someone called just now, saying that the identity of the deceased has been confirmed.

   "Oh? It's pretty fast."

   "It's really fast, because this deceased... is quite famous, she is a model."


"Well, the kind that has been advertised, and it is confirmed that she does have diabetes, and it can also explain why she puts the insulin near the creaking nest. After all, the model often takes pictures, and her body is full of pinholes. It will definitely affect the work."

   "Hmm..." Zhou Yan nodded: "A model was pushed downstairs at dusk, so is it love killing, or those in the showbiz?"

   "It should be neither." Sister Masako said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because... she was in the 12th district this morning. The police called her agent just now. The agent had no idea about the deceased's arrival in the 12th district. It seems that the deceased made a temporary decision last night. stroke."


"Also, after the police station knew her identity, they directly called out all her recent itineraries, and found that she had only flown over from the 22nd city this morning. Moreover, she has been living in the past few years. In the 25th district, I have never been here."

   "Then why is she here for?" Zhou Yan asked.

"I don't know yet. The police are not a god. How can you find out so much if you just urinate?" Yazi groaned: "However, her residence in the 12th district has been found. It was just before boarding the plane yesterday. It's scheduled."

   "Really!? That's great! Where does she live?"

   "Just live here..." Sister Yazi pointed to the wall next to her.

   "Uh... live here?!"

   "Yes, this is the building." Masako patted the wall next to her.

Uh... I only said that this is an alley before, but I didn’t mention the buildings next to this alley. In fact, there are two apartment buildings on both sides of the alley, which is not very formal, as long as you submit online The kind that you can move in with money, there is no security in the building.

   "No, a model lives in a place like this?" Zhou Yan frowned.

   "At least what the police found is Leave it alone, go up and have a look, maybe you can find a lock that matches the key."

   After speaking, Sister Yazi led Zhou Yan into the apartment building.

   This apartment building can’t be said to be bad, but it’s definitely not good. It’s pretty clean, but it doesn’t even have an elevator.

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   The temporary address of the deceased was found on the 6th floor by the police. As far as Zhou said, it would be a bit difficult to climb up.

   In the process of climbing the stairs, Zhou Yan's breathless look drew a meaningful smile from Sister Yazi.

   After reaching the sixth floor, he found that many police officers had come up early, and even the apartment door had been opened.

   Some people from the forensics team walked in and started to look around.

   But this apartment is really small. The only thing related to the deceased is a suitcase with some clothes in it, so I checked it out in a short while.

   More sadly, the key did not find a matching lock.

   The investigation seems to have suddenly fallen into a bottleneck...

   "Well, bad luck, I walked into a dead end." Ya Zijie frowned slightly and said: "So, do you have any suggestions now?" She looked at Zhou Yan.

   Zhou Yan thought for a while, and then had a good time.

   "Wait a minute, let me put on a thinking posture, maybe I can think of something."

   Talking, Zhou Yan took out the book in his pocket.

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