Detective Training Manual

Chapter 526: New Year's Eve

In fact, everything is indeed developing in a good direction.

In the next few days, a large-scale no-cleansing program was launched around the world, and large screens were erected in the streets and alleys. Even in response to the call of the federal government, many people spontaneously moved their TV sets to the streets.

Under such a wide range of popularization, all hypnotized people can be described as "nowhere to escape". As for the effect, it goes without saying. In just 3 days, all hypnotized people who are circling around the world are all hypnotized. Regained his consciousness.

The day before New Year’s Eve, the last missing person was also found in a small village in South Africa. As of that time, 100% of the missing persons had finally been found and had escaped from hypnosis.

At the moment this report was broadcast, the whole world was boiling, it was a boiling of joy and emotion, and the whole Federation finally passed a difficult test.

The good news is always one after another. On New Year’s Eve, the signal from Haimen Prison finally came out. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, when people were lazily and tired, the gate of a staff passage on the west side of the prison was silent. Opened.

The armed forces who had been preparing for several days quickly and quietly entered the prison. And within half an hour, the peripheral parts were controlled and the remaining doors were opened.

There is no country in this world, but the combat quality of the Self-Defense Force is no worse than that of the military. When the people inside the prison realize that their fortress has been infiltrated, it is already too late.

The criminals here are criminals after all, walking alone in the city, fighting alone, fighting wits and courage with detectives is their best, but compared with the regular militarized troops, there is still a big gap.

Especially in terms of weapons, equipment, and combat quality, there is simply a difference between heaven and earth, so even if the entire Haimen Prison has a large number of prisoners, it still cannot withstand the offensive of the Self-Defense Forces, or even slow down its attack. arrive.

In Haimen Prison, those Sherlock-level detectives who had been the last straws were missing at this moment.

Yes, Miss Xiaonan, the cook, and Gandhi are missing at this moment.

The prisoners originally wanted to take these people as hostages, but when they came to look for them, they found that they were gone. The prison where they were originally held is now wide open, and even the people who guard the door are gone, but I want to come. If you let someone look at Xiao Nan every day, isn't that a gift for other teammates?

In short, at around 7 pm, all areas of Haimen Prison were captured, and the Self-Defense Forces announced to the outside world that they had regained control of the prison.

And immediately after the announcement, Xiao Nan pushed Gandhi's wheelchair and appeared in front of the Self-Defense Forces, followed by Benjamin. No one knows where these three people were just now, but it doesn't matter.

What's even more gratifying is that Benjamin, through his own ability, locked one of the members of the criminals club, the plastic surgeon-Li Si!

The process is quite complicated. First of all, Benjamin distinguished that the prison had an undesirable taste, the sour and astringent taste of medical phosphatidylcholine.

This kind of thing has been used in cosmetic surgery for a long time, and its function is to quickly dissolve the body's fat, so that the skin after plastic surgery can more quickly fit the new fat together.

After searching by Edwards, he found out some locations of the regular branch of this taste, and deduced from the location that the plastic surgeon Li Si should have been in this prison for a long time.

After all, this is a very safe place for plastic surgery experiments.

The most important thing is that the smell does not last long, and it will be completely volatilized within a few hours. In other words, the plastic surgeon should not have time to escape the prison at this moment.

The police immediately sealed off the entire prison and carried out a carpet inspection of all personnel, and then the member of the criminals club became a turtle in the urn.

This is the first time the detectives have come so close to arresting them since the criminals club surfaced.

Presumably, in a few hours, Li Si will have nowhere to hide.


In this deep winter, on the last day of the New Year, the entire Federation was finally on the verge of suffocation, seemingly contented to inhale a breath of fresh air.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh daily

A little firework shot straight into the sky, and then exploded. The splendid firework bloomed above the dark sky that had been silent for more than two months.

The federal government has banned the display of fireworks since many years ago, but tonight, the government has made a playful hint at the final stage of the news. If you want to use it, just let it go.

Finally, the world became colorful in the last few hours of the new year.

People cheered and blessed each other on the street. After all, the federal government came forward at the most critical moment and gave the world the peace it deserves.

On the TV station, Cheng Xiaoxiao has begun to restore the subconscious memories of those who have returned from missing. If it goes well, he is likely to find clues about Wu Xin among these people.

Lin Xi is in the [TID] headquarters and is working with other people in charge of other cases. This workaholic is still unwilling to relax when everything has changed.

Zhou Yan and Li Huan were sitting in the studio of the TV station at the moment, watching the broadcast of the "New Year's Party" in front of them.

They didn't expect that during this depressing time, the TV station was still going through the rehearsal of the party. Sure enough, no matter what the state of the world, there are still those stubborn people who are still doing their job.

In one hour, the party is about to meet with federal citizens from all over the world. I can imagine that at this time, as usual in those years, I can see the New Year’s party for the federal people who have just escaped from the oppressive darkness for months For them, how happy it is. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

"New Year's Eve, it really can wash away all bad luck." Li Huan said with a smile.

"In fact, it has nothing to do with the day. It is you who wash away bad luck." Zhou Yan joked.


With the sound of oriental music, the opening scene of the New Year's party appeared on the TVs of thousands of households all over the world at the same time!

The haze of the past few months seems to be forgotten at this moment.

"Happy New Year!!"

The people on the TV cheered!

Outside the TV, Tingting brought the food to the table, and opened a bottle of beer in an unusual way.

"It's dinner!" she called.

"Well, wait until I finish writing this chapter." In the voice came.

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