Detective Training Manual

Chapter 527: I hope he will be happy forever...

A chapter requires two thousand words, and two chapters a day need to be written. This is my daily work as a writer.

Of course, I am not just a writer, I have many identities.

For example, a doctor, although not very active at work, never makes mistakes.

Another example is a child who is obedient enough. In the eyes of parents and relatives, there is no extra thought, but the little boy who grows up a little.

Another example is that funny, poor-mouthed, lazy person who likes to read comics and plays games in the eyes of a friend.

Or the sloppy, sweaty, chubby, soft-tempered, good old man in the eyes of his wife.

And the inner paranoid fool who wants to become a great writer, but has been embarrassed in various identities, wants to be recognized by everyone, and finally makes himself utterly exhausted.

How many people can one person have?

In a novel, if a person has two personalities, black and white, it will be a very brilliant setting. If there are three, or some multiple personalities, then write better and read well.

However, there should not be too much of this kind of thing, because too much, it will be chaotic. In fact, most readers can only accept that the characters in the book have one, at most two personalities.

But in reality, he doesn't know how many personalities the chubby guy sitting in front of the computer at this moment has.

At a family gathering three years ago, I said, I started writing novels.

One day two years ago, after I finished the last word of my first novel, I decided that I would never touch this thing again.

A year and a half ago, in an ordinary night shift, I didn't know what was wrong, and I started writing a new book again.

To this day, I'm cheating at home, saying that I don't write those things a long time ago, and at the same time tap the keyboard on the computer screen non-stop every day.

The two of me are constantly vying for this body that has already started to lose weight, even after falling asleep every day, there is no stopping for a moment.

"It will be cold if you don't eat anymore," Tingting shouted in the living room.

On the TV, the opening tune of the New Year’s party was over, and the next show seemed to be cross talk. I finished typing the last few words and clicked send, and my heart seemed to be a little more settled.

She should go to eat, but she cooked it herself for a long time before making it. If it gets cold, then I might get cold too.

"Come!" I got up and ran to the living room. It was hard to imagine that a 30-year-old young man like me, the line between the fat cheeks and the neck was blurred, and I was shamelessly put on a lovely posture.

What's harder to imagine is...Tingting seems to eat this set quite a bit.

New Year's Eve dinner, two people...

This year is not so stable. Because of a pandemic of diseases, visiting relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year has become a greeting on the phone. In fact, I really like this feeling and I can have a quiet life. Years, instead of constantly pretending to be well-behaved in front of the elders as usual.

"My mom called just now and asked what you were doing." Tingting brought a bowl of rice to me.

"Really? What did you say?" I asked.

"I said you went to the bathroom. At that time, seeing you were writing hard and the keyboard was crackling, I didn't interrupt you." She poured another bowl of soup.

"Okay, I'll call our mother after dinner. I'm so old, and it's the first time I haven't spent Chinese New Year at home. She must feel uncomfortable."

Tingting nodded: "So, how long are you going to hide from your family?"


"You can't keep concealing things about writing books."

"..." I was silent for a while: "I don't know, just keep it secret, anyway, as long as we don't tell it, they won't be so easy to find out."

I remembered the warm applause on the TV, there should be a particularly funny paragraph in the cross talk, but unfortunately I didn't hear it.

"You have gained a lot in recent years. When you first got married, you were quite handsome." Tingting said.

"Really? I will always get fat, or if I finish writing this book and take time to lose weight?"

"Forget it, I don't care about your figure, I just want to say... Tiredness can make people fat, and even if you lose weight, you will always open the next book. Will get fat."

"Hehe." I said with a grin: "Then it won't be reduced, anyway, it's a little fatter and cute."

"Well, it's cute." She said and then... "You have a lot of white hair."

"Is it?"

"Well, I usually don't pay attention. I found it by accident last week. I hide it inside and I can see it at a glance."

"It's 30. Isn't it normal to have a little gray hair?"

"Are you tired?" Tingting's tone did not change, as if it were just a small chat.

But my voice seems to be a little louder while drinking soup.

"Not tired."

"You are too stubborn. On the surface, you seem to be careless, but your heart is not decent... When I read the Xu Baiyan you wrote before, I felt it. It's not lack of money. Why do you force yourself? Is it so tight?"

"I'm really not tired, and don't I like to write?"

"What you like is to calm down and write quietly, what you said when you got married."

"Yes." I nodded.

"But you are just like completing the task now, two chapters a day, and the family members who have been cheating, and afraid of delaying work tomorrow..."

"Alright, alright." I smiled and waved my hand and interrupted: "It's not as miserable as you said, I wrote very quickly without any delay. I didn't see that I still have time to play dota before going to bed every day. NS."

"..." Tingting was silent for a while: "Remember that you told me two years ago that if one day you get lost in your own book, do I have to save you from the book? "

"Huh?" I was stunned: "Have I ever said such silly things?"

"Yeah. What's even more stupid is...I have been wondering from time to time in the past two years how to save a person who has lost his way in the book."

"Hahaha, you really don't have anything to do, why do you think about this kind of thing, besides, I am so wasteful to be able to tell what is reality and what is a novel."

There was a little bit of ridicule in my tone, and then I quickly finished the food in the bowl.

"It tastes good." I finished speaking and got up and walked into the house.

"Why are you going?" she asked.

"One more chapter."

"Today is New Year's Eve. Isn't it good to see the party?"

"When you go to work tomorrow, write a chapter in advance so that you won't be able to spare time tomorrow."

"Okay..." Tingting said, tidying up the dishes and chopsticks in the living room alone.

On the TV, the laughter and joy remained the same.

In the study, the crackling keyboard tapping kept on, and the white light from the screen shone on that chubby face. His eyes were Staring at the beating text, it took about 10 seconds to blink. a bit.

Tingting stood at the door, looking at the chubby cute man.

His head is big and round.

But Tingting knew that under those eyes, there were two heavy eye bags, which just happened to be blocked by the edges of the glasses. The moment he took off his glasses every night, this man would suddenly be four or five years old.

Tingting just looked at him without saying a word.


"Bride, if you had a chance to make a wish now, what would your wish be?"

"I hope he will be happy forever..."

Under the flashing lights, Tingting was wearing a white wedding dress. On that day, her wish was not granted to herself, but to the man beside her.

"So, if one day, you become unhappy, how can I save you?"

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