Detective Training Manual

Chapter 532: Just a few hostages

There was nothing to say all the way, when Li Huan and Zhou Yan rushed to 75th Street, the place was already surrounded by police.

The two found Qin Hanwei and Lin Xi in the crowd.

"How is the situation?" Zhou Yan asked hurriedly.

"Already surrounded, but we haven't acted yet!"

"Why?" Zhou Yan couldn't help asking.

"Because I said, before I fall, don't act rashly." Cheng Xiaoxiao's voice came from behind. Looking back, I saw Cheng Xiaoxiao squeezed through the crowd and came over with a cigarette in his mouth: "I have been fighting with Wu Xin for so many years. I know who she is. She must have a way to do things, so in order to avoid accidents, I told them to wait until Li Huan and I came, and then act."

Lin Xi's gaze swept over Li Huan's body. As I said before, it seemed that Lin Xi didn't like each other very much from the first time he met Li Huan. She couldn't tell the specific reasons.

However, at this time, Lin Xi definitely focused on arresting Wu Xin.

"Can you be sure that someone is inside?" Zhou Yan asked again.

"I'm not sure yet, but I can be sure that there are no explosives, anger, radiation, etc., so even if there is no one inside, we will at most go for nothing." Lin Xi said.

Zhou Yan nodded. It is very important to confirm these things first, because the Criminal Club knows that only one possesses an omniscience ability with unlimited distance and direction. Before, through his ability, he was cheated many times. This It's troublesome if it's a round at a time.

For example, revealing some false information, and then planting a circle of bombs near this convenience store, and when the police enter, they will all be killed...This possibility is not unavailable.

But with Lin Xi and Qin Hanwei here, this kind of trick should not be so easy to succeed.

In this way, if Wu Xin is in the convenience store, and now the surroundings are already surrounded, with Cheng Xiaoxiao and Li Huan present, and he is not too worried about being hypnotized, then...

Then Wu Xin has no possibility of escape!

"Then now...what should I do? Can I rush in?"

Cheng Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Although I still can't believe that Wu Xin is about to be captured so easily, but things have developed to this degree, there should be no room for a turnaround.

"Action!" Qin Police Department no longer hesitated, and gave an order!

Suddenly... "Ling~Ling~Ling~"

Everyone looked in the direction of the ringing of the phone, because this operation was very important, and the Qin Police Department asked all the operatives to mute the phone.

So... this call came from Zhou Yan's pocket.

"Um... sorry." Zhou Yan took out the phone apologetically and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

Although action is important, phone calls are also very important. Even unfamiliar numbers cannot fail to answer, so Zhou Yan hurriedly connected: "Hello?"

A female voice came on the other end of the phone: "Hey, it's been a long time."

Zhou Yan frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that you unilaterally and I haven't seen you for a long time. Actually, I saw you on TV last month." The voice on the phone said: "Ah, I forgot. I used to talk to you before. It’s not this tone, right... At that time, I used this—" With that, the voice on the phone suddenly changed, from a woman who sounded mostly 30 years old to a very Energetic new color for young girls in their early 20s.

Zhou Yan's muscles tightened suddenly.

Because of this voice... Wu Xin's.

"Why? It's strange why I know your phone number? Hehe, when you came to the prison to meet me last time, but you left your contact information, so I knew your phone number a long time ago, so I endured it for so long. Didn't bother you, aren't you going to praise me?"

While listening to the voice on the phone, Zhou Yan looked at the people around him. Doubts appeared in their eyes, and Zhou Yan was also puzzled as to why Wu Xin would call himself at this time.

However, he still turned on the hands-free function of the phone, so that people around him, especially Cheng Xiaoxiao, could hear their conversation.

At this point, Zhou Yan didn't want to listen to Wu Xin's voice alone. In case she had some weird audio in her background, it would be too embarrassing to talk to herself for a while and hypnotize herself.

"Where are you?"

After turning on the hands-free, Zhou Yan asked calmly.

"Me? I'm right in front of your eyes, separated by a wall. You should have surrounded the inner and outer three floors." The window was opened, and Wu Xin stood beside the bed and waved to the crowd!

"Sorry, there are too many people outside. I can't see where you are. In order to prevent a sniper from shooting me down, I am not going to stand by the window for too long, so... just fight like this. Hello."

With that, she withdrew away from the sight of the police officers.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath: "Well, since you already know that you are surrounded, you should take the initiative to come out. You should understand that you have no way to escape."

"Hehe, your voice is a little quieter. Is it the hands-free function of the phone? It's quite cautious." Wu Xin continued: "But I'm not ready to catch it, oh, yes. , In order to prevent one of you novice policemen who don’t know me from shooting randomly, I have to say something in advance.

The owner of the convenience store is now in my hands...I use his phone.

Twenty minutes ago, his wife called. She was supposed to be leading his daughter to watch the fireworks on the street. However, as soon as a woman answered the call, she killed him impulsively.

So I left her along with their daughter by the way.

Now the three of the family are right next to me. Don't worry, they are all asleep.

Unless there is any excessive movement, UU reading www. uukanshu. For example, com shock grenades, gunshots, otherwise they will not wake up for a while.

But if they are awakened in this state, then this momentary sense of fear will accompany them, all the time, every minute and every second, so in order not to let this poor citizen live his life in pain, you better Be quiet. "

After listening to Zhou Yan, he looked directly at Cheng Xiaoxiao, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, and he just wanted to know if this kind of hypnosis could be relieved.

Cheng Xiaoxiao shook his head: "The hostage is right next to her. There is no way to relieve hypnosis without touching the other person, so let's not be impulsive." He said in a very quiet voice.

But how can you not be impulsive?

Now Wu Xin is surrounded. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Is it because she has a few federal citizens in her hand as hostages and let him go?

Zhou Yan's gaze turned to Qin Police Department again.

"Don't worry, there is no possibility for the other party to escape. Now just think of a way to ensure the safety of the hostages." Qin police department muttered.

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