Detective Training Manual

Chapter 533: Ghost

Zhou Yan nodded, then took out the notes in his pocket.

At this time, be sure to see if there are any new clues.

[20190202181518187: Use X-rays and the like to shoot through the wall to kill in seconds. Of course, this is when Li Huan is okay, and I don't know what to do with this kind of suspicious situation. 】

Zhou Yan frowned, and then asked Qin Police Department: "Well... can I use something like X-rays to find Wu Xin across the wall, and then use a sniper rifle through the wall to kill her. ?"

The Qin Police Department looked at Zhou Yan with doubts.

"Shoot Wu Xin directly? This won't work, because the Detective Association clearly pointed out that Wu Xin is the only person in the world who knows the secret code of the Detective Association's underground vault. The contents of the vault are the president of each Detective Association. It's all clearly ordered, she must be guarded, kill her now, how does the Detective Association explain it?

Not to mention whether Wu Xin can be killed or not, it is impossible to do it by simply saying [using X-ray perspective]. The interior space of the convenience store is very large, and the limit of perspective is only about 1 meter behind the wall, and the metal inside There are too many objects to see at all. "

Zhou Yan nodded. During this period of wits and courage with Wu Xin, he almost forgot. This guy still has a very important secret in his mind, which cannot be killed directly.

As for Li Huan...why do you want to say that Li Huan has a problem? She is the one who saved the entire world from desperation. If she has a problem, what will be the problem?

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yan couldn't think of anything wrong with Li Huan, so he continued to look down.

[Shit face bird man: Don't be cruel now, wait for her to escape from prison and make trouble? Kill her if you catch it, don't give her a chance. 】

"Hey, it's a hundred if it's killed, but now it seems that it's better to catch it alive."

[Jin Muzao: Zhou Yan, you can try to make cxx anti-hypnotize Wu Xin over the phone. Although you know that it is impossible to succeed, it can cause her a little interference and help her rescue the hostages. 】

Zhou Yan was not at all ambiguous, and asked Cheng Xiaoxiao directly: "Hey, Old Cheng, can you interfere with Wu Xin by talking on the phone now? It's okay to let her be confused for a while without hypnotizing her. what."

Cheng Xiaoxiao shook his head directly: "It can't be done."

"Guessed it." Zhou Yan had long known such a general start and continued to look down.

[The intersection of reality and virtual spirit: Didn’t it mean that the boss is a lonely family? It’s a lie. There should be only ghosts, the boss and Wu Xin. 】

"Is the boss alone?..." Zhou Yan suddenly became vigilant: "So, Wu Xin is actually desperate and has started to make up his mind?

That being the case..."

A terrible idea sprang up in Zhou Yan's heart.

Since Wu Xin has only the owner of the convenience store as a hostage, then...can you just break in so forcefully? Even if it really affects the hostage, you can push him to Wu Xin.

Even if the worst result occurs, such as the boss dying during the invasion, it is only a life. A person without family or friends will not cause too much public opinion after death.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to trade a life for Wu Xin, and it doesn’t seem to be a loss.

Thinking about it, Zhou Yan suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "Oh my God, what am I thinking."

He quickly stabilized his mind and continued to read the book...

[Ling Lingling: I understand, Li Huan is an undercover agent, maybe she doesn't know it, maybe she was used invisibly, but she has the possibility of backwatering]

"Li Huan is an undercover agent?" Zhou Yan saw such remarks again. He really didn't understand why the brothers in the book always said such things. There was no basis at all, but...

At this moment, Zhou Yan didn't know who to believe in. He thought for a while...Finally, he decided to get Li Huan into a police car to be safer.

So he looked up and wanted to speak to Qin Police Department.

But at this moment...

"Whoo! Pop!"

There was a burst of air, followed by an explosion. Zhou Yan didn't realize what was happening. He saw a police officer with a riot helmet beside him who seemed to be hit in the head by something and fell directly to the ground. land.

"What's the matter?!" The guards on the side reacted quickly, and quickly took a look, and then were surprised to see that a small dent appeared on the police officer's helmet.

Although the dent is small, this is a riot helmet. What caused it.

"Uh...ahhh..." The guard who fell on the ground was also smashed. Although he didn't suffer any substantial injuries, he had a slight concussion. He was lying down. Moaning on the ground.


"Which!" There was another burst of air-breaking sound. Then, there was a loud noise. This time everyone could see clearly. It was a fist-sized stone flying out of the surrounding shadows and directly hitting one. Fortunately, the guard's waist was protected by a bulletproof jacket, but with too much force, he directly smashed the man on the ground, clutching his waist and shouting in pain.

That's not even counted, the sound of the breaking wind began to sound one after another, and then there were constantly large and small stones in the surrounding darkness, or iron objects flew over, one by one, and the force became stronger one by one.

It’s okay for these stones to hit the guard’s helmet. They just smashed people down and vomited. But if they hit the shoulders, arms, calves or under the crotch that are not protected by bulletproof vests, it would be a direct hard injury, occasionally a few times. A stronger one can hear the sound of bones being cracked.

In just a few seconds, six or seven guards were overturned to the ground.

"What?!" the guards shouted.

But as I said before, this convenience store is next to a highway, and there are no buildings around it. On the back, there are undeveloped urban areas and woods. In the darkness, you can't see anything at all.

"Bang!! Bang!" A police officer was very grumpy, and he took out his gun and fired a few shots into the darkness. Of course, he didn't hit anything, and the next second, a stone flew directly from another direction. Coming over, Ka slapped it on his wrist, twisting it directly.

"Police car!" Lin Xi still responded quickly, and she shouted.

The people around were not stupid, they immediately understood, and hurriedly dragged the people on the ground to hide behind the police car.

But the people here are too scattered, because the convenience store is surrounded, and the police cars are all gathered together, so some people can't hide quickly.

The thing in the shadow was too fast, as if it could run a circle around the surrounding woods in a few seconds, some stones flew out one after another, and many people were smashed to the ground. But the police guns can only shoot randomly, and they can't see the shadow in the dark at all.

" what the **** is it!"

"Sniper, find someone!"

"Fart, how can a sniper find someone in the woods!"

"I saw it, there is a wolf running! No no, it's a monkey, he's in the tree!"

Gunshots, roars, the original encirclement was in a mess.

at this time......


A stone flew out again, but this time, its target was not a person, but a lamp.

Around the convenience store, there are a total of 6 bright lights.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several stones flew out one after another, and all 6 bright lights were shattered.

The surroundings were suddenly plunged into darkness...

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