Detective Training Manual

Chapter 535: 1 goose in front of the screen

I looked away from the screen, and then looked at Tingting next to me.

   "Huh? What did you say?" I asked.

   "You want to finish this chapter soon, right?" Tingting said.

   The time is now 9 pm, and the night is already dark outside, but the bright light makes it impossible to tell the time from the night. Sometimes I even wonder if there is no industrial revolution, no electricity and light, would the world be as it was at the beginning, human beings are just a part of nature, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, there is no nightlife, let alone There is night work.

   "No, I'm happy to write," I said.

   Tingting's hand was on my shoulder: "I don't know if I'm happy, but it's pretty fascinating. I've been watching you for so long, haven't you noticed it?"

   "Haha, it's a critical moment."

   "Why, you wrote that Wu Xin is about to be arrested?"

   "Yeah, it's blocked at the door of my house." I said.

   "..." Tingting was silent for a while: ‘Actually, I would occasionally watch you write things before...I found that you have a habit. ’

   "What habit?"

"In the first 500 words of each chapter, my eyebrows are always frowning, and I always pay attention to the number of words in the lower left corner from time to time. When it reaches 1,000 words, it will be slightly relieved. When it reaches 1,500 words, you seem to be relieved. I will look at the phone and slowly finish writing the remaining words."

   "Really? I don't know."

   "Haha, it's the same as when I was a kid doing homework." Tingting said with a smile.

"Maybe." I didn't know what I should respond to for a while. Now I just want to write the remaining few hundred words and go to bed. There is still a lot of work to do tomorrow. I don't know how long this kind of day will last. Up, maybe a year? Or two years?

Ever since I secretly picked up writing with my family on my back, this kind of life seems to have been with me. At the beginning, I didn’t write an outline, so I was thinking about every plot. It’s very rare that I actually did it. The ability to fill in the hole, maybe this is the talent.

   But gradually, I began to have an outline, which is a sign of progress from a code word to a serious writer.

   But only I know it. The reason I need the outline is because I don’t want to think about the plot anymore.

   What a good outline... as long as you have it, you can write it step by step, without racking your brains, just write it.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   So every night, I am like this moment, completing today’s task, and then going to sleep...I opened my eyes , It's a brand new day, and similarly, it's a day without much change.

   This seems to be no different from the two-point and one-line life that my family expects me to have.

   "Otherwise, after writing this book... don't write it." Suddenly, Tingting said.

   "Huh? Why?"

   Tingting looked at me...: "Don't you know?"

   "I don't know, what I wrote is very happy, why should I give up?"

Yeah, why give up? After writing a few books, the people in the book finally fulfilled their dreams. They finally got together. At the end of this book, they will also complete the biggest one together. Long-cherished.

   As an author, I actually gave up writing books in reality. Isn’t it ridiculous?

Tingting stood behind me and rubbed my temples with her hands. She rarely did this, which was very inconsistent with her usual personality... But when she was so considerate, I was surprised. It was found that she also seemed very suitable for this kind of personality.

   "Did you say that during the Chinese New Year, those who can't distinguish between reality and books are all idiots."

   "Of course, no one can tell."

   "Maybe it's not that I can't distinguish, but I don't want to distinguish..."

   I frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It's like you like to drink, maybe under normal conditions, you can't feel dizzy after drinking, so you use alcohol... When I first met you, didn't you still think Is wine hard to drink?"

   "Did I say that? Uh...I forgot."

   "Yeah, you forgot a lot of had your birthday last week, you forgot all of them."

   I was taken aback. I looked at the date in the lower left corner of the computer and found that it was the end of July. I was a little surprised. It turned out to be July.

   The sound of cars outside the window, the city seems to never stop before midnight. I turned around and looked at the colorful sky illuminated by neon lights outside the window. Only then did I realize that I should have known it already in July.

   "You will never let your family be disappointed in you, rather you have a very uncomfortable life on your own."

   "Where is it... I seem to be quite filial."

"This is not filial piety. You don’t have the courage to let your family members change their views on you, and you don’t want people who read your book to be disappointed. The way to wholeheartedly care about any party... love everyone, in other words, love no one, do you really like to write now?"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "Why don't you like it?"

   "Do you still remember when you wrote something on Zhihu? A few simple answers can get hundreds of thousands of likes and compliments. At that time, you can make people cry with 500 words."

   "Oh..." I replied faintly, yeah, why have I rarely written anything touching in recent years?

   "Because you want to finish writing quickly..." Tingting just as she said, UU reading www. really understood what I was thinking in my mind and replied in general: "You like to write, but you want to finish it quickly. Isn’t this contradictory... It’s like you want your family and readers to be at the same time. I am as satisfied with you."

   "..." I was silent, but not because of what I was thinking, but because there was no wave in my heart, and I didn't even know how to respond to each other.

   So I just shrugged.

   "Okay, you go to bed quickly, I have finished writing these hundreds of words, and I will go to bed too."

"Okay." Tingting rubbed my hair. I'm thirty years old. She still treats me the same way as a bear child. I'm too lazy to talk about her. For several years, I just let the flow go. .

The word    lost is very subtle... lost? lost? No direction?

  In the book, people's behavior is outlined, and they can never worry about getting lost.

   But in reality... this real world is always without direction.

   There is no outline, no changes, absurd, but true. Maybe some people have been lost and have no idea what they want, but they don’t know. So I still follow the person I arranged for myself, lower my head, and never dare to ask myself to go on.

   Until someone stands in front of you and wakes you up, either gentle or rough.

   Otherwise, you will continue to do this until one day you wake up, and you don't dare to look directly at yourself, so you suddenly become a trembling and terrified goose in the crowd.

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