Detective Training Manual

Chapter 536: Face to face

The people around the convenience store were equally frightened and trembling.

   The things in the dark are a bit scary. Although they won't kill people in an instant, they are still scary.

   Behind the police car, Li Huan also held Zhou Yan's hand.

   "I know what you are thinking." She said, "Don't think like that. It's not a question of saving one person or saving a group of people."

   Zhou Yan looked at Li Huan's eyes. He naturally understood the truth, but he didn't know how to do it. He couldn't really give up this opportunity to seize Wu Xin.

at this time......

   "I will accompany you!" Li Huan said.

   "What?" Zhou Yan was taken aback.

   "I'll accompany you to meet Wu Xin...we can do it." Li Huan said, but Zhou Yan heard that this is undoubtedly just a word of comfort.

   Under this situation, as long as you get out of the bunker, it will definitely be a **** end in an instant.

   "There is no need to take risks, we still have a way. How could so many people let the lunatic woman run away." Zhou Yan said, but he kept asking himself: "What to do? What to do?"

   "I am not comforting you."

   "Don't make noise..."

   "You follow me, let's go there together." Li Huan pointed to the convenience store.

   "I'm thinking... don't make trouble..." Zhou Yan didn't listen to Li Huan much. At this time, he couldn't break his mind.

   Li Huan saw Zhou Yan frowning, knowing that he had entered a certain state of thinking, and what he said to him now would not have much effect.


   Suddenly, Li Huan stood up straight!

   Her head was directly exposed outside the bunker. It looked so abrupt among all the people who leaned forward. At the same time, it was scary enough, like poking her head out in the trenches of bullets.

   "Get down! Danger!" Zhou Yan recovered for a moment.

   At the same time, there were a few police officers nearby. They hurriedly reached out their hands and wanted to press Li Huan down. They were crazy. At this time, they stood up straight and didn't wear a riot helmet. Do you want to die!

   However, Li Huan reluctantly broke free from those who wanted to help him. She forcibly shook off her hand and stood stubbornly on the spot.

   "Get down!"

   "Get down!"

   Everyone around was shouting, but Li Huan remained motionless.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   after a few seconds...

   "Hey?" Finally, Zhou Yan realized something.

   Li Huan is fine!

   Nothing happened, the stones that smashed human bones did not appear at all.

   "What's the matter?" Zhou Yan was stunned.

   "You can trust me." Li Huan just stood there, and then walked out of the bunker alone and stood in the dark.

   Still nothing happened.

   "Come on, I'll go with you." Li Huan slightly opened his hands: "Hold me and walk together."

   "..." Zhou Yan took a few breaths. He didn't know why this happened, but it just happened. Zhou Yan settled, and finally gritted his teeth: "Give me a gun!"

An old man next to him was taken aback by the voice, but he had known Zhou Yan a long time ago, and he had seen Zhou Yan quite a few times in the previous operations, so he looked at the Qin Police Department. After getting the default answer, he took out his pistol and handed it to Zhou Yan!

   "Brother, be careful!"

   Zhou Yan didn't say much, and rushed towards Li Huan, then hugged her in his arms.

In this way, the two of them hugged tightly, supported them, and walked slowly toward the darkness...The people behind the bunker looked stupid, and there was someone who didn’t believe in evil, thinking that it was in the darkness. Did the monster of's leave, so he also raised his head tentatively.

   "Bang Dang", a big rock hit his helmet directly, and the man was overturned to the ground without a pit.

   Under all eyes, Li Huan and Zhou Yan hugged each other and walked to the door of the convenience store.

   Everyone knows things like rolling shutters. Most of them can only be locked on the outside, but there is no way to lock the inside. So Zhou Yan buckled the small gap on the shutter and pushed it up.

   "Wow~" The shutter was pushed up.

   Zhou Yan did not hesitate for a second, and quickly dragged Li Huan into the convenience store!

   At this time, the lights were not turned on in the convenience store, only a small room in the corner was lit. Zhou Yan opened the safety latch of the gun, slowly bypassed the shelf, and walked in the direction of the light.

   "Be careful, Wu Xin may have a weapon." In the headset, I thought of the voice of the Qin Police Department.

   "Don't talk to her too much, even when Li Huan is by your side." Cheng Xiaoxiao's voice also sounded.

   Zhou Yan looked around cautiously, and walked towards the small room step by step.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   During these few steps, sweat oozes from his forehead. Finally, he came to the door without doing any mental construction. He slammed his shoulders suddenly and slammed into the door.

"Bang!" Zhou Yan was full of energy. Fortunately, there was no embarrassment that Men Wensi hadn't moved. Zhou Yan went straight into the door. Because of too much force, it was fortunate that he staggered and fell to the ground. However, he forcibly stabilized his body and hurriedly raised his gun and aimed at the convenience store.

   This room is supposed to be used by the boss when he rests. There is a bed, a table, and some cargo boxes stacked in the corner. The whole space is unobstructed.

   At this moment, on that bed, a young girl is sitting quietly.

The length that was originally **** has been released, and the makeup on Uukanshu's face has also been cleaned. She seems to have been here for a few days, wearing a set of spacious pajamas, which should be straightforward. Taken from the shelf, wearing slippers on his feet, of course, also in the store. The whole person feels like being at home.

   It seems like the brothers in the book said, she is going to stay in this shop for a while.

   "surrender, you have no retreat." Zhou Yan held up his gun and pointed at Wu Xin and said.

   Wu Xin was holding a book in her hand at this time. She heard Zhou Yan's roar and waved her hand indifferently.

   "Wait a minute... let me finish reading this paragraph," she said.

Zhou Yan was not going to discuss anything with Wu Xin. She confirmed that she had no weapons in her hands and became bolder. He walked a few steps forward and increased his tone: "I'll give you three seconds, get up quickly... Otherwise, I will shoot and I won't kill you, but it is still possible to let you eat a few bullets on your arms and legs and then drag them away. Don't make yourself trouble!



   As he said, Zhou Yan has already started the countdown. Looking at his posture, it is definitely not nonsense this time. As long as the time is up, he will definitely shoot.

   But... just when Zhou Yan counted to one...

The syllable    did not come out.

   Zhou Yan looked at Wu Xin blankly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

   No, to be more precise, he was looking at the book in Wu Xin's hand.

   Author-Conan Doyle.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Mobile version URL:

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