Detective Training Manual

Chapter 537: Those books

Zhou Yan was stupid.

   When he saw the book for the first time, he subconsciously thought that this should be the life story of Mr. Holmes written by people in this world.

   But when he saw [Author—Conan Doyle], Zhou Yan was finally shocked and forgot to count.

a book......

   Detective Sherlock Holmes?

   How could this book... appear in this world? !

   "Give me the book!" Zhou Yan said subconsciously. However, Wu Xin didn't seem to want to ignore him, but waved her hand: "Don't shout... It's time to see the crucial point, the Bohemia scandal... It looks like the world and reality in the book. There is not much difference between Chinese and Chinese. Even the royal family is as dirty as dirt in the sewer. Oh, by the way, you don’t know what [Royal Family] is... In this book, the world It was split into a small area called [Country], and the royal family..."

   "Give the book! Give it to me!" Zhou Yan finally roared. He raised the gun and tremblingly pointed it at Wu Xin's forehead!

  What is the world in the book?

   Mingming that is the real world!

"You don’t seem to be surprised to hear the word [country]. Have you heard it before?" Wu Xin said slowly, facing the muzzle of the gun, “Just thinking, you seem to be very concerned about [the world in the book]. The word reaction is bigger. ’

   Zhou Yan took a step forward, and his gun was impolitely placed in the middle of Wu Xin's forehead.

"Okay, okay...I won't read it, here it is for you." Wu Xin seemed to be helpless and raised one hand, while dragging the book with the other hand, and handed it to Zhou Yan. .

   Zhou Yan snatched the book... Without affecting the gun, he opened the title page of the book as much as possible.

   [Title: Complete Works of Detective Sherlock Holmes]

   [Author: Ying, Conan Doyle]

   [Category: Detective Novels]

   [Publishing House Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House. Published on December 1, 2013]

  【Pages: 1912】

  [Price: 118 yuan]

   [format: 32 open]

  [Binding: Hardcover]

   Zhou Yan can read it quickly, and these words can be seen in a second, but this normal book introduction makes Zhou Yan feel a creepy feeling.

This feeling was exactly the same when he got the "Famous Detective Practice Manual" in his pocket, but after such a long period of forced acceptance in the world, he seemed to have recognized the world and integrated into it, but at this moment, Another book appeared in front of him.

   Zhou Yan felt that he was a little unstable.

   "Always holding a gun, aren't you tired?" Suddenly, Wu Xin said.

"you shut up!"

"I don't have any weapons. There are dozens of people outside. As long as you are not stupid enough to let me **** the gun, then I have no threat. So you might as well put down the gun and rest. I can see that you are now Very nervous." Wu Xin hesitated for a while, then added: "It's not about me, but about this book."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Zhou Yan is indeed nervous, but he does not know why he is nervous.

   So, are you nervous about the authenticity of this world?

   He suddenly remembered the scene when he first met Wu Xin in Haimen Prison a few months ago.

   At that time, Wu Xin was telling him: "I think the world is in a book."

   Zhou Yan squeezed the book extremely hard. In fact, he should have thought of what Wu Xin's words meant, but he has been reluctant to accept it.

"This book...makes you confused, I can see it." Wu Xin whispered: "I don't know what you are confused about, whether you feel it too, the unreality of this world is no longer there. .

   In fact, when I was reading this "The Sherlock Holmes Collection", I was also thinking, if it is the people in the book, how hard will they work, or how brave they must be, to feel that they are in the book? Can he feel Mr. Holmes himself? If he feels it, what will he do? "

   Wu Xin asked a series of questions. Of course, she was not asking Zhou Yan, but rather talking to herself.

   "Where did this book come from?!" Zhou Yan wouldn't be idle to answer Wu Xin's doubts, he increased the volume and asked.

   "Big sister gave it to me."

   "Big sister?" Zhou Yan had the image of a sub-district office director in his mind.

   "Yes, one of the most peculiar people I have ever seen, she brought me these books." After that, Wu Xin pointed to the table beside her.

   Zhou Yan had been paying attention to Wu Xin before, and could not see a bedside table beside the original small bed, and there was a stack of books on the table.

   But just looking over it, Zhou Yan's pupils trembled abruptly.

   "Agatha Christie Collection"

   "Detective Poirot"

   "Canary Murder"

   "Edogawa Ranbu"

   The names of these books are one by one, and Zhou Yan's eyes hurt a little.

   "Look, these are these books...Of course, these books are not all given to me by my eldest sister, and some exist in this world itself."

   "What...what do you mean?" Zhou Yan was stunned.

"It means literally... You shouldn't forget why I was imprisoned in Haimen Prison. About 7 years ago, I hypnotized some bank staff and a few detectives. There was one of these people. What they have in common is that they all know the password of an underground vault of the Commonwealth Bank.

   And this vault is filled with secrets that can only be known by the presidents of the Detective Association of the past generations. "

   Zhou Yan's breathing became a little quicker.

   At this moment, Qin Hanwei and Lin Xi's voice also came from Zhou Yan's earphones.

   "Hey! How is your side? Why do you keep saying weird things?!"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   In-ear headphones send sound through bone sound, so it can’t capture outside sounds, that is, the other side of the headphones cannot hear When it comes to Wu Xin, only Zhou Yan's voice can be heard.

   "I said Brother Zhou, don't listen to Wu Xin's words, he may be hypnotizing you!" Cheng Xiaoxiao's voice also came in.

   But Zhou Yan knew that Wu Xin was not hypnotizing herself. What she said to herself at the moment was the words in this world that only she and herself could understand.

   Oh, no, there may be the [elder sister] in her mouth.

   "In the Federal Treasury...what is it?"

Wu Xin spread out her hands: "You probably guessed it..." She pointed to the books on the side: "That's it. When I entered the Federal Treasury 7 years ago, I took it out. A few books. Of course, not only these books, but also many letters."


"Yes, UU reads www.uukā letters. Some of these letters are very new, some are long, and the old ones seem to have been preserved for centuries, but I didn’t have enough time at the time, so I took them out. I left after a few books, but there was no time to read the contents of the letter.

   But these books alone explain the problem.

   Remember the hypothesis that I told you before, "Are we in the book?" This is definitely not my brain's ill-talking nonsense. In fact, when you read these books, you may also have similar thoughts uncontrollably. shouldn't, because you have always been that special person. "

   "Why am I special?"

   Zhou Yan is still holding the gun. This posture of holding the gun will be very tiring, but Zhou Yan can't estimate it at all. He can't even hear the shouts in the headphones.

"Haha, are you deceiving yourself or simply pretending to be stupid?" Wu Xin smiled helplessly: "Do you know why I invited you to the prison alone to interview me a few months ago? Is it because of you? Talent?

   Haha, definitely not.

   I want to see you, all because of... it. "

   Talking, Wu Xin reached out and picked up a book from the table.

   "Agatha Christie Collection"

   Then she flipped it casually, then turned the pages of the book, facing Zhou Yan.

   Zhou Yan looked at the first line of the page, and felt that his breathing was a little choked.

   That is the name of a detective novel.

   from the detective queen Agatha——

   "No Survival"

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