In a silent space, countless flickering points of light danced lightly in the darkness.

If someone saw it, they would find that the light points were not dancing irregularly. In some places, large areas of light points gathered together, while in other places, there were only a few scattered points.

Suddenly, a beam of light crossed the silent darkness and rushed straight to a point where light points gathered. This was almost one of the largest points of light gathering in this space.

"Lack of energy......Activate backup plan......Access to energy......."The sound of the machine rang out, and the spot of light that was hit by it gradually merged into the light.

During the merging process, countless noisy sounds rang out in this space that had been silent for ten thousand years.

"Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire will never go out!"

"I have no regrets in this life, I am grateful for your company in my youth"


"Go forward bravely and keep your word. This is my way of ninja."

"The tail end!"

"Where there are still people missing you, that is where you belong"

"Goodbye, Nissan"


"Woo woo woo......Don't die!"

"I cannot accept this ending!"

"I hope the people I love can have a happy ending."

Gentle, energetic, firm, loving, and wishful voices gradually merged into this light.

"Successfully selected......Anchored......jump......"The light disappeared in this space.

In the cage locked by ice crystals

"You are.......What's that expression?......."Super idiot." The handsome boy with black hair, black eyes and pale face said intermittently.

The boy was full of steel needles and stood in front of a round-faced boy with blond hair, blue eyes and six whisker marks on his face.

"for....Why are you protecting me?" Naruto looked at Sasuke in disbelief, and Sasuke's figure was reflected in his sea-blue eyes.

"How do I know? I clearly......I hate you the most"

"Body......Naturally......."He rushed over, idiot!" The boy's body gradually fell down, his face full of reluctance and regret.

Naruto rushed over to catch him, looking at the wounds on Sasuke's body.

"Plop, plop....."His heart suddenly began to beat violently, and the power of hatred flowed through his body. His blue eyes, which were usually full of vitality, were dyed with a scarlet color, and turned into vertical pupils like those of a wild beast.

"Is this the first time you've encountered the death of a companion? This is the path of a ninja." Bai's calm but sad voice sounded in front of Naruto, and his body gradually merged into the ice crystals behind him.

"Unforgivable! I want.......Kill you!" Naruto roared angrily in Bai's ear, and scarlet, evil chakra poured out of Naruto's body.

The wounds on his body were healing, and thousands of chakras were discharged from Naruto's body. His fangs and nails became sharp, and he crawled on the ground like a beast.

‘this......What's going on with this chakra? Who is this boy? Bai thought with disbelief and fear.

The cage made of ice crystals was shattered by the violent scarlet chakra. Naruto rushed towards Bai and punched Bai in the face, but stopped one foot away.

"Why did you stop? I killed your most important companion." Bai asked calmly. Under the broken mask was a face that Naruto was familiar with.

"You were then......"As soon as Naruto finished speaking, the power of confinement suddenly locked the bridge.

‘What's going on? I can't move. 'Naruto thought with his eyes wide open, looking at Bai in front of him. Bai also looked confused.

"Naruto!"A familiar female voice sounded in my ears.

‘cherry......?’Hearing Sakura's voice, Naruto suddenly staggered

"able....It can move now!" Naruto said excitedly while looking at his hands.


""Teacher Kakashi!"

Naruto turned around and was surprised to see Hatake Kakashi appearing not far away.

Kakashi looked at Naruto with a serious expression."The power I just sensed.......Nine-Tailed Fox........’

"Sasuke!" The sharp female voice sounded again, and Haruno Sakura ran towards Sasuke, who was lying on the ground with wounds all over his body, and lifted up Sasuke's upper body, tears falling down her face.

""Sasuke, Sasuke! Wake up!" Sakura cried out Sasuke's name.

"It's so cold, how could this happen, how could this happen!"Sakura touched Sasuke's face and cried on him.

"Sasuke......."Naruto bit his lips hard, the taste of blood spread in his mouth

"Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke became like this because of me......."The voice was filled with pain and depression,"It's all because I'm so weak"

‘I.....Am I dead? Sasuke thought vaguely.

"Woohoo.....Sasuke...."The crying sounded in Sasuke's ears


""Xiaoying, it's so heavy." said the boy in a hoarse voice

"Sasuke!" ×2 Two surprised voices shouted at the same time

"Great, Sasuke, you're okay," Sakura exclaimed happily,"Great, it's great, as expected of Sasuke, he avoided a fatal injury."

‘No, that guy started......’Sasuke thought calmly, looking at Bai in front of Naruto.

Naruto also figured it out, looking over at Bai, he......’

"That's great, Sasuke is fine." Kakashi put his worries aside and focused his thoughts on the current situation. Just now, when he was fighting with Zabuza, he sensed the Nine-Tails' chakra. Kakashi had planned to end the battle quickly, but a strange force suddenly appeared and restricted his body's movements.

If Zabuza's actions were not also prohibited, it would have been dangerous. Thinking of the danger just now, Kakashi said:"So, what's going on now?"

""Master Zabuza" Bai walked towards Zabuza and stood beside him. The three little ones also gathered around Kakashi:"Teacher Kakashi" x 3 (Yes, Sasuke called Kakashi)

When the two sides stared at each other, a strange light screen appeared between them.

"What is this?"Naruto approached the light screen and pointed at the light screen that suddenly appeared and shouted.

"Shut up, you're the last one." Sasuke looked at the noisy Naruto with a headache and reached out to pull him back.

"you....."He wanted to fight back, but Naruto looked at the wounds on Sasuke's body, puffed his cheeks, turned his head away and said,"Hmph!"

A mechanical voice sounded:"Locking.......checking......."

"Hey~, someone is talking." Naruto looked at the screen in surprise, and the others also looked over with either solemnity or suspicion.

"VIP detected.......Testing completed.......In split screen.....Retrieve playback items....."Start playing." As soon as the cold mechanical voice fell, the blank light screen between the two sides appeared with colorful images and voices.

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