"........Retrieve playback items.....Start playing"


"what sound!"


Everyone in Konoha Village was startled by the cold mechanical sound that suddenly rang in their ears. The ninjas tensed their bodies and took out their kunai to be on guard. The civilians looked around in confusion, trying to find the source of the sound.

"Look up in the sky. Look up in the sky.........."

Someone exclaimed, and everyone looked up at the sky. They saw a huge square screen floating above Konoha Village. Any details on the screen could be clearly seen from anywhere in Konoha.

After a moment of silence, the light screen rippled, and a blurry purple light and shadow appeared on it. After it gradually became clear, everyone could see that it was the color of the sky.

The camera zoomed out, and the purple sky and the barren, bumpy, and severely damaged earthy yellow earth below were clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"What a strange place?"

"The sky is purple!"

"Are you inviting us to watch a movie?"

Noisy voices rang out everywhere, and people around began to talk about it. Some people asked around what was going on, while others felt that there was no harm and expressed their opinions enthusiastically.

"Lord Hokage, this.......Should we evacuate?" Nara Shikaku, who had just been discussing the details of the Chunin Exam in Konoha with the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage's office, frowned as he looked at the light curtain hanging in the sky and the crowd gathered below.

"Hiashi, can the Byakugan find anything?"Sarutobi Hiruzen stood on the top of the Hokage Building and asked the head of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Hiashi, who had just arrived.

"Sorry, Lord Hokage, in my eyes, besides being hanging in the air, this is just an ordinary screen," said Hinata Hiashi regretfully.

"Shikaku, let's take a look at the situation first."Sarutobi Hiruzen cast his eyes to the sky, looking at the destroyed land in the light curtain with a shudder, thinking of the decisive battle between the first generation and Uchiha Madara, which was even worse than the battle of the Valley of the End, which turned the flat land into a valley after that battle. 'I hope nothing unexpected happens, Konoha.......I can't stand the hassle now.’

""Yes, Hokage-sama." Nara Shikaku replied

"It’s moving! It’s moving!"

"It seems someone is here!"The excited voice made everyone in Konoha turn their eyes to the light curtain.

【The picture zoomed in, revealing a slender figure wearing a white robe with black stripes on the cuffs and hems. There was something like a cracked black shell embedded in his belly. The front half of his head had no hair but instead had a horn that went around his head. There were black lines on his face and body that looked like tattoos. Although his face had no expression, one could still feel his arrogance and coldness.

"It's time to end it." A cold voice sounded, and the person on the screen squatted slightly, put his arms together, and attacked the person in front.

"puff.......cough...cough......"The sound of flesh being pierced and the painful coughing intertwined, making people clearly feel the pain of the owner of the sound.

The scene changed.

A blond with six cat whisker marks on his face, wearing an orange coat, and a swirl mark on his back. A black-haired, black-eyed man wearing a black cloak, both of them about 30 years old, was pierced by black sticks growing from the ground. His limbs were firmly nailed and unable to move. Bright red blood flowed down the black sticks, which was shocking.

A huge black bowl-shaped lid with a red edge fell from the sky, covering the three people underneath. 】

The Kingdom of Waves

"Ugh, this guy is so ugly!"Naruto looked at the one-horned man on the screen that suddenly appeared. He didn't know why he just didn't like him. He looked at Sasuke who was pretending to be cool next to him and thought, 'He's even more ugly than the arrogant Sasuke. I feel disgusted just looking at him.'’

"Naruto, how can you say that about others!"Sakura said with a straight face, in fact, Sakura was already full of agreement, 'Yes, yes, he looks weird and ugly to my eyes.' She shyly glanced at Sasuke standing next to her, 'Sasuke is still the most handsome!'

Sasuke glanced at the two people beside him expressionlessly: 'It's inexplicable, is beauty or ugliness the key?’

"This man......Very strong." Sasuke said solemnly, looking at this man, it was as if he had returned to that bloody night.

‘The same arrogance and contempt. Sasuke thought of this, and a cold murderous aura flashed through his body.

""Hiss, it hurts just to hear it, who is so miserable, this weirdo is really not a good person." Naruto said angrily.

The others all frowned and looked at the light screen, and no one came to refute Naruto's words this time.

When they saw the two people who were pierced,

"Well.....How do I look......These two people......Look familiar?" Sakura said with difficulty, looking around at the two friends around her."It may be hard to tell when they are alone, but when they are together, it feels like déjà vu!" Sakura screamed.

"I.....I......No......"Naruto stared at the blond and blue-eyed adult man who was pierced in the light screen with his blue eyes wide open, and was speechless for a long time.

"That is.....Naruto."Sasuke turned pale and muttered to himself, 'and the other.......It's me!'

He looked carefully at the black-haired cloaked man on the screen and gritted his teeth: 'Is that really me? Will I die there? Have I taken revenge on that man?........Still not strong enough! '

Kakashi looked at them solemnly: 'Are these two really Naruto and Sasuke? If so, what is the purpose of this light curtain? Can it really predict the future?’

"Okay, Naruto, Sasuke, you stay here. We don't know whether the light screen is showing real or fake, and it may not be you, don't worry."Kakashi said soothingly.

"Wow! That's a bit scary.""Those two won't die."

"Was it done by the ninjas?""Is there a grudge? Is he seeking revenge? So cruel!"

"That blond guy looks familiar."The civilians were talking about the scene on the sky screen. Some of the timid ones didn't dare to look at the sky screen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the blond man on the sky screen in surprise: 'A little......Like Naruto. 'Team 7 went to Wave Country for a mission. With Kakashi there, there shouldn't be any problems. But if something like this happens, let's send a message to Kakashi to bring them back as soon as possible. 'Oh! Is this a blessing or a curse?' Sarutobi Hiruzen thought worriedly.

"That is......Naruto?" Umino Iruka looked at the blond man who looked like Naruto on the sky with some concern.

"Shikamaru, do you think that blond man looks a bit like Naruto?"Akimichi Choji said while eating potato chips

"Yeah." Nara Shikamaru, who usually looks lazy and unmotivated, now looks at the sky curtain seriously:"There's trouble!’

""Gah!" A crow with red eyes perched on a tree cried out while looking at the black-haired man on the sky.

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