["Since you know this, you should know that if Isshiki succeeds this time, your planet will be completely desolate. By then, none of you humans will survive." Momoshiki’s cold voice stated the fact that they all understood.

"Don't you want to plant the sacred tree too? If he succeeds, you should be happy."Kakashi said sarcastically

"At least in front of Isshiki, I can still barely accept cooperating with the fox and the Samsara Eye."Momoshiki said in a generous manner

"Because you only want to be the one who eats the fruit, not the one who is fed?" Kakashi burst his thoughts.

"Inferior creature, if it weren't for the fox and the Samsara Eye, do you think you have the right to talk to me? Don't seek death!" Momoshiki looked at Kakashi with disgust as if he was looking at some garbage.

"Let the fox and the Samsara Eye come back as soon as possible." Momoshiki said this and turned and disappeared.】

Konoha Village

"What do you mean if that thing succeeds, our planet will be completely desolate?"

"What should we know? We don't know���clear!"

"Hey, Kakashi is pretty weird."

"Is this the point?"

"What exactly is that sacred tree?"

"What do you mean none of you humans can survive? He is really not a human being!"

"What he meant was that if that unknown sacred tree was successfully planted, we would all die?"

"You think our Hokage has no right to talk to you? If you have the guts, then don't come!"

"This familiar aristocratic accent that makes people's heart throb"

"Your ability to grasp the key points is what makes me feel like having a heart attack"

"What exactly is that sacred tree? Isshiki wants to plant it, and Momoshiki also wants to plant it."

Everyone in Konoha was confused, why are we going to die? At the same time, they felt sorry for their own Hokage who was scolded.

"Ah this......How did it get to the point where humans became extinct?"The clan leaders were all wondering, did we skip a plot?

"What is going on in the future?"Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt that his CPU was a little broken.

"It seems that if the sacred tree is to be planted successfully, Otsutsuki Momoshiki will have to be fed to the Ten-Tails. Momoshiki is unwilling to do so, but he cannot defeat Isshiki, so he comes to Naruto and Sasuke for help. If the sacred tree is planted successfully, our planet will be desolate and humans will become extinct."Nara Shikaku integrated the information and said

"In short, we can’t let that Yishi succeed in planting the sacred tree." Everyone concluded.

"But in the last video, Naruto was sealed and Sasuke was seriously injured, and this Otsutsuki Momoshiki came too late."Another person proposed

"You guys don't really believe it, do you? The so-called sacred tree and Otsutsuki are unheard of in the ninja world, and you're even talking about the planet being desolate and humans being extinct." Shimura Danzo sneered.

"It's not certain that it's fake, now we're discussing the image on the sky screen."Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, he was a little annoyed with his old classmate, since you don't think it's true, why are you still talking about Naruto and Sasuke just now.

"Huh? Aren't we watching Konoha's embarrassing things? Why did it suddenly become impossible for us to survive?"

"What the hell is that weirdo talking about?"

"What on earth is that sacred tree?"

"Could it be that what is being played on this sky screen is the future?"

"No way, you really believe it?"

"But, you see, the current Hokage of Konoha is still the third generation, while the Hokage in Tenmu is already the sixth generation, and the development of Konoha at the beginning is definitely not what it is now!"

The people in the ninja world who were just happily eating melons were like a kicked bastard, with a confused look on their faces.

"Compared to that, does the Eight-Tails know what is going on? What are the Ten-Tails and the Divine Tree?"The Raikage frowned, hoping to learn from the Eight-Tails whether what the sky said was true or false.

"Yo~, Xiaoba only said that the Ten-Tails and the God Tree are both terrible and will never let anyone succeed, Yeah~" Killer Bee replied.

Uchiha Obito restrained his emotions and looked at the sky with an expressionless face under the mask.

"This guy's words really make me angry." Naruto clenched his fists and wanted to beat up Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

"That's right! And why did he have to find Naruto and Sasuke?"Sakura also felt that the guy deserved a beating. Although the bad teacher seemed unreliable in daily life, it didn't mean that she would remain indifferent when being insulted.

"Because he thinks that only Naruto and Sasuke are qualified to talk to him and help him deal with that Ōtsutsuki Isshiki." Kakashi is a little helpless, this is really......His two students were suddenly related to the survival of mankind.

He now hoped that the light screen would show more things, at least let him figure out the whole story, so that he could bring more information back to Konoha. Kakashi thought, not knowing that this video was broadcast to the entire ninja world.

"Me and Naruto......."Sasuke was a little hesitant. He was confident that he would become a strong man in the future, but that.......

Although Naruto may be the future Hokage, his usual impression cannot be changed so easily.

【Looking at the Hokage's office which had fallen into silence again, Kakashi said,"Please ask the head of the medical department and the Hokage's assistant to come."

"Yes! Sixth-sama."The two Anbu took the order and left.

Kakashi continued to review the piles of documents on his desk.】

Konoha Village

"Medical department? We don't have one yet."Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little emotional. In the beginning, Tsunade proposed that each team should be equipped with a medical ninja, and also proposed the proposal to establish a medical department.

However, Konoha's medical ninjas were really insufficient during the war, and after what happened later, Tsunade left Konoha, and the matter of the medical department was left unfinished. In the future, it will be successfully established.

"The Hokage Assistant should still be yours, right?" Akimichi Choza nudged Nara Shikaku with his elbow.

"That's not necessarily true."Nara Shikaku thought of his son's character and felt helpless.

"Medical department? Humph!"Tsunade smiled in an ambiguous way.

""Master Tsunade, are we going back to Konoha?" Shizune asked while holding Tuntun

"Why reply? Who knows whether the things in the sky are true or false? This thing makes me unable to gamble properly!"Tsunade said

【"Tuk Tuk......"There's a knock on the door

"Come in, Sakura." Kakashi replied.

Sakura Haruno, with sakura hair and green eyes and wearing a white coat, opened the door and walked in.

""Teacher Kakashi, it's so late, what do you want to talk to me about?" Sakura asked in confusion

"Sakura, are you still busy at the hospital so late? Sit down for a while, Shikamaru will be here soon. Kakashi motioned Sakura to take a rest first.

"Shikamaru? What happened? Have you found Naruto's whereabouts?" Sakura didn't sit down, but asked anxiously.

As soon as she finished speaking, the door knocked again. Kakashi asked,"Come in!" Nara Shikamaru opened the door and walked in.

""Sixth-sama." Nara Shikamaru bowed respectfully and nodded to Sakura.

"Teacher Kakashi, can you tell me now? What happened?"Since she found Sasuke seriously injured, she has been treating him. Now she was called to the Hokage's office. Sakura was looking forward to whether there was any news about Naruto.

"Sakura, how is Sasuke's injury? Kakashi first asked about Sasuke's injury.

"Sasuke's injuries are too severe, both internal and external, and he has consumed too much chakra. The most serious are the penetrating wounds only a few centimeters away from his heart and the injuries to his lungs. Although I have treated Sasuke's external injuries, his internal injuries still need to be properly treated. His chakra has not yet recovered, and he is now unconscious." Sakura described Sasuke's injuries with concern.

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