Konoha Village

"Anaida, Sakura......"Haruno Meibuki looked at her daughter who appeared again in the sky with surprise

"Minister of Medical Affairs! Our daughter is amazing," said Haruno Zhaoye with a smile.

Nara Shikaku was surprised to see Nara Shikamaru appearing in the sky. He was really his son. With his lazy character and his catchphrase"so troublesome" all day long, he actually became the assistant to the Hokage.

"deer......Shikamaru!" Akimichi Choji looked at his friend who appeared in the sky and shouted.

"This is really......."Big trouble! Nara Shikamaru looked at the Hokage's assistant officer in the sky with a toothache on his face, what's going on? Was my future self cursed? Why would I become the Hokage's assistant officer?

Nara Shikamaru's dream is actually very simple, that is to be a ninja casually, without any fame, unknown, simply make some money, marry a woman with a good temper who is not beautiful nor ugly, have two children, and after retirement, be unknown and play chess leisurely every day, and finally die earlier than his wife. He doesn't understand why his future self would cause trouble for himself.


Medical director."Yamanaka Ino was also a little surprised. Is that broad-forehead guy going to do so well in the future?

"Good guy! I told that Otsutsuki Momoshiki that Naruto and Sasuke were not in Konoha, but one of them is missing and the other is seriously injured!"

"Isn't this just fooling that person?"

"Haha, being valued so much by that arrogant weirdo, I thought he was so powerful. It turns out that Konoha has changed."

"Yes, Konoha has been going downhill since the third generation, and anyone can bully it."

"So what that weirdo said about the desolate planet was definitely false!"

"That is......."Tsunade opened her eyes wide as she watched Haruno Sakura appear in the sky.

"Master Tsunade, you will accept a disciple in the future!"Shizune was also surprised


Hey! Tsunade accepted a disciple!" Jiraiya was shocked. He thought Tsunade would never return to Konoha, but she actually returned to Konoha to accept a disciple.

"Congratulations, Sakura, the head of the medical department. Kakashi smiled and looked at the student who usually gave him the least worry.

"Hey! I......I......"Ying blushed and was a little shy. Can I really do this?

"Wow! Sakura is the head of the medical department, Shikamaru is the assistant to the Hokage, I am the Seventh Hokage, Kakashi-sensei is the Sixth Hokage, and what about Sasuke?"Naruto counted the positions of the people he knew on his fingers, and he only needed Sasuke to complete the list.

"Hehe! Sasuke, you are not nothing yet, it doesn't matter, little Sasuke......I'll protect you!" Naruto said with a malicious smile

""Boring!" Sasuke said he was bored, but he was actually quite nervous when he saw the people around him on the light screen had great future achievements.

"Sasuke!"When seeing Haruno Sakura describing Uchiha Sasuke's injuries, Naruto and Sakura grabbed Sasuke on each side and shouted worriedly.

"I'm not dead yet."Sasuke was a little speechless. The man in the sky was just unconscious but not dead yet, and he was also treated.

"Compared to this, you should worry about yourself, the last one!"Sasuke said with pursed lips. This idiot was seriously injured in the future, could not get help, and was sealed without water and food.

‘Wake up soon, future me, how long do I have to wait for that idiot! Sasuke thought anxiously.

【"Still not awake?" Kakashi rubbed his brows.

""What happened? Sixth-sama, is it related to Sasuke?" Nara Shikamaru asked

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki just came here." Kakashi said

"What? Isn't he dead? Sasuke and Naruto clearly killed him!"Sakura exclaimed in surprise

"He has reincarnated. As long as the Otsutsuki clan has the 'wedge', they can continue to reincarnate. I didn't expect that he would be reincarnated so quickly."Kakashi said helplessly

"With his arrogant character that treats everyone as inferior, Sasuke and Naruto are not here, and no one in Konoha can stop him, how could he come so quietly, do nothing, and then leave again?"Sakura thought of the way that guy looked down on everyone and wondered.】 Everyone in Konoha Village was also surprised that he came back to life after being killed.

"Reincarnation?" Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of his apprentice Orochimaru who defected from Konoha in order to conduct human experiments for immortality.

"Resurrection from the dead......."Shimura Danzo looked at the sky greedily

"What is the 'wedge' of the Otsutsuki clan? With it, they can reincarnate again and again?" Nara Shikaku asked in surprise

"Doesn't that mean you will never die?" Hinata Hiashi said

"That's impossible! There must be some limit. I don't believe there are really people who are immortal in this world.

"Hyuga clan leader, that person has the Byakugan, do you really know nothing?" Mitomon Yan asked suspiciously

"I've already said that I don't know why he has the Byakugan. There is absolutely no such person in the Hyuga clan."Hinata Hiashi gritted his teeth and said


Okay! Now is not the time to worry about reincarnation, and there is no need for Hiashi to lie, so keep reading." Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped discussing reincarnation again.

"What? Died and came back to life?"

"What is that 'wedge'? It can make people reincarnate"

"Is that 'wedge' only usable by the Otsutsuki clan, or can it be used by everyone?"

Everyone in the ninja world became excited when they heard about the resurrection of the dead.

"Oh? Reincarnation?" Orochimaru looked at the sky with greed. What's the difference with my reincarnation? Can I achieve immortality? I really want to meet an Otsutsuki.

Wave Country

"Eh? Sasuke and I killed.......Killed that white-haired weirdo?" Naruto's face turned paler as he spoke, and he took a step back and hid behind Sasuke........Then isn't he a ghost?" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's clothes tightly and whispered in fear.

"You're the last one, are you afraid of ghosts?" Sasuke turned around and looked at Naruto hiding behind him and laughed

"I......I'm not afraid! How could I, Naruto, be afraid?......"What?" Naruto said

"What? Ghost?"Sasuke lowered his head and whispered in Naruto's ear

""Sasuke!" Naruto roared, but turned around and hid behind Kakashi, glaring at Sasuke.

Sasuke rubbed his ears that were hurt by Naruto's roar:"Idiot, didn't you hear that you have been reincarnated? You are alive again and are a human being!"

""Hey, Naruto, Sasuke is right, that Otsutsuki Momoshiki is a human." Kakashi swallowed his laughter and said soothingly

"Don't call me stupid, bastard Sasuke! And me.......Of course I know."To prove that he was not afraid anymore, Naruto strode forward and stood beside Sasuke again.

Sasuke looked at Naruto who had returned again and snorted with laughter.

Naruto gritted his teeth and said,"What are you snorting for? It's no big deal. If a real ghost appears in front of you, let's see if you are afraid!"

‘Resurrection from the dead......’Sasuke looked at the screen, his joy faded and was replaced by confusion, 'Dad, Mom.......’

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