"Is it over?" Everyone in Konoha looked around and finally turned their attention to the Third Hokage.

"Hokage-sama, I wonder if this sky curtain is only broadcast in Konoha, or is it also broadcast in other Kage villages."Nara Shikaku reminded

"Send a message to Kakashi......No, I asked the Anbu to pick him up and asked him to bring Team 7 back to Konoha as soon as possible, and to block the news about Naruto and Sasuke. We must not let the news that Team 7 is not in Konoha get out now."

"Send a message to Jiraiya and Tsunade and tell them that I'm dying and ask them to come back quickly!"

"We also need to strengthen Konoha's defenses, increase the number and frequency of patrols, and send people to investigate whether this sky curtain is only in Konoha or in the ninja world."


There is also the need to calm the people and find out the news about the Otsutsuki clan. Anyway, let's do this first." Sarutobi Hiruzen issued a series of orders.:" ̄^ ̄゜"Third-generation master, are you holding something very strange here?

However, everyone still responded and went down to complete their own tasks.

If this sky screen is played throughout the ninja world, then the safety of Naruto and Sasuke......., no matter what, they are the hope for the future of Konoha, and there must be no mistakes.

For those who have seen the Sky Curtain, even if they don’t think what is in the Sky Curtain is true, even if Naruto and Sasuke in the Sky Curtain are the ones who can save the ninja world, but for some conspirators and those who try to fish in troubled waters, do you think they will stop their butcher knives? Can they sit down and say hello to each other and everyone is fine? Stop dreaming, everyone knows that war is not good, but has the war stopped?

It is a good thing for Konoha that Naruto and Sasuke are in Konoha, but not for other ninja villages. The strong people who are not in their own homes are not even as good as toilet paper, and they may even massacre the people in their own ninja village. Which strong person in the ninja world did not kill his way out.

Not to mention that Naruto and Sasuke are the strongest in the ninja world mentioned by Kakashi in the Sky Curtain, the strongest who have not yet grown up. To some people, they are just fish on the chopping board, to be slaughtered at will.

‘If this sky curtain can really be seen by the whole ninja world, Konoha will probably face wave after wave of temptations. If the other four ninja villages unite......’Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes to hide his fatigue. Konoha still has too few people who can be used, and the younger generation has not grown up.

Retire! I really want to retire. This is too unfriendly to an old man like me.

"How is it, have you found anything?"Since the end of the sky curtain, the Fourth Raikage Ai had ordered people to go down and investigate the news. Now seeing the people who came to report, he sat in the office and asked

"Lord Raikage, the Uchiha clan of Konoha was exterminated six years ago. At that time, only a seven-year-old child survived, that is, the one named Uchiha Sasuke. He should be about thirteen years old now."

"We have not found any information about the Otsutsuki clan and the sacred tree." said the intelligence officer who came to report.

"Uchiha Sasuke is now at most thirteen years old. The Naruto intelligence department has no news about him, and does not know his last name, so it will be easier to investigate."The intelligence officer of the Hidden Rock Village said

"Thirteen years old, Uchiha Sasuke in the sky looks like he is at most thirty, so he is only seventeen years old at most?" Ohnoki frowned and said

"Grandpa, think positively, you are still alive after 17 years."Heitu comforted

"Seventeen years, Gaara." Luo Sha thought of Gaara, who was called the Wind Shadow, who appeared at the Kage meeting. Gaara actually lived to that time and became the Kage. Could he successfully control the One-Tail?

""Mrs. Terumi Mei, it looks like you will successfully become the Mizukage in the future." Qing congratulated him.

"Ha, seeing my future self in such a miserable state, saying those depressing words, and pinning my hopes on people younger than me, is really disappointing." Terumi Mei said with a look of surprise.

After the sky curtain ended, the Kages of each village were ordered to investigate the truth of what appeared in the sky curtain, but in a short period of time, they could only find out how old Uchiha Sasuke is now, and nothing else about Naruto, Otsutsuki, and the sacred tree was found.

Akatsuki Organization Base

‘Sasuke......’Uchiha Itachi thought about his younger brother who appeared last. His face was so pale. Was his injury not healed yet?

"Boss, are you sure you want to plant this sacred tree? Turning into a white cocoon and hanging on the tree is not artistic at all! Hmm."Dilada saw that no one was talking, and he couldn't help but yelled again.

"And Suzaku, that Uchiha Sasuke is not your brother! How dare he claim to be the strongest in the ninja world? Can he be better than my art of explosion? Hmm."

This is not what Sasuke claimed himself, but it is recognized by the people in the sky. However, if Sasuke becomes the strongest, then the future me must have died at the hands of Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi thought absentmindedly, completely ignoring Dilada who was talking to himself.

"Suzaku!" He already disliked Uchiha Itachi because he lost to the Sharingan, and now he still ignored him. Dilada was so angry that he exploded

"Well, our mission is still to capture the nine tailed beasts."Pain brought the topic back to the topic expressionlessly. No matter what happens in the future, it will not stop him from collecting the tailed beasts now.

"But, Boss......."Dilada was suppressed by the scorpion before he could finish his words.

"I don't want to plant any sacred trees. Your next mission is to collect information about the tailed beasts and capture them all within three years. Do you understand?" Pein waited for a moment, but no one spoke.

"If you understand, then we can adjourn the meeting!"He and Xiaonan still have something to ask that 'Ban’

"Black Zetsu, tell me everything you know. Uchiha Obito said as he looked at Black Zetsu who was caught by him using Wood Release.

"Hey, Obito, what are you doing? Obito suddenly becomes so scary~" The green-haired, pale-bodied White Zetsu said in a sticky tone when Obito took action.

"Obito, I am Madara's consciousness, you can't do this to me, are you going to betray Madara?" Black Zetsu struggled and asked

"The old man's consciousness? Why were you so scared when that Otsutsuki appeared? Also, why did those people in the sacred tree become white Zetsu, what is the Moon Eye Project?"Uchiha Obito thought of those people who were dug out of the white cocoon, and their white bodies.

If the Moon Eye will eventually turn people into this, thinking that Kakashi will eventually become those white Zetsu, Uchiha Obito's face under the mask became more and more hideous

"Obito, you have also seen the Moon Eye Project on the Uchiha Stele. That is the only way to peace. You will unify the world and create a permanent peace in the illusion.’"

"This is all I know. I don't even know if the sky curtain is real or fake. Obito, are you going to give up the Moon Eye Project that you have prepared for so long after paying so much?"Black Zetsu said maliciously, are you going to give up the Moon Eye that cost the lives of your Rin, teacher, and master's wife?

"Of course, no."These four words were squeezed out from between his lips with a gloomy and fierce tone. Uchiha Obito just looked at Black Zetsu and activated Kamui to leave here.

"What are you looking at! Let me out now!"Black Zetsu was so angry when he saw White Zetsu watching the fun nearby.

While the ninjas in various parts of the ninja world were collecting intelligence and fighting over Tianmu's video, they turned back to the Land of Waves to see what our Team 7 was doing.

"Gone!" Naruto blurted out as he looked at the light screen that disappeared after Uchiha Sasuke finished speaking.

"But, but the fog still hasn't dispersed."Sakura looked at the fog around her, which didn't change at all, and she became scared. Could they really not get out?

Sasuke and Kakashi both frowned and looked at the fog around them. What was going on? Why did the light screen disappear, but the fog didn't change? Did they guess wrong before?

"Let's try to walk and see if we can get out." Kakashi said

""Which way are you going, Mr. Kito?" Kakashi asked Zabuza.

"Humph!" Zabuza turned around and took Bai away from the previous direction.

""What are you humming? Aren't we all trapped here? Why are you so arrogant?" Naruto muttered in dissatisfaction.

""Okay, the last one, follow me!" Sasuke, who chose to go in another direction, looked at Naruto who was still standing there and shouted

"Bastard Sasuke, don't call me the last one!"Naruto looked at Sasuke in front of him angrily, but still followed him.

After a while,

"Damn it! You're back again! You bastard Sasuke, the direction you chose is not good at all!" Naruto looked at the familiar pit and turned to Sasuke and shouted

"Idiot, what do you mean I chose a bad direction? It's obvious that no matter which direction you go, you will end up back!" Sasuke said unhappily.

"No way! Bai and the others never came back!"Naruto looked at Zabuza and Bai who had disappeared and refuted Sasuke's words.

"them......."Sasuke looked at the empty place in astonishment. He actually didn't come back.

"What happened? Why didn't they come back? Did they go out?"Sasuke asked three questions in a row.

"How should I know! I'll just say that you chose the wrong direction, Sasuke." Naruto made a face at Sasuke and laughed.

"Kakashi teacher......"Sakura grabbed Kakashi's clothes in fear.

"The last one, this is a bridge, not a closed space. Either we walk out, or we fall into the sea. Since we can't walk out, it means that the force that trapped us is still there."Sasuke frowned and explained

"Why didn't Bai and the others come back?" Naruto asked

"This means that this power is only trapping us now."Kakashi sighed. Trouble, what is going on?

"No.......No way!" Naruto's face was stiff, and he suddenly shouted:"Hey, are you still there! Why are you trapping us! Let us out!"

"Hello! Big screen!"

"Idiot! What's the point of you yelling like that!" Sasuke had no time to stop him, he could only hold his head and look at the idiot yelling.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, maybe it's because 606 came to find me before, but didn't want you to leave, so I trapped you here." A cheerful and cheerful voice sounded, with a light smile that made people naturally feel good.

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