Someone actually responded! Team 7 all looked in the direction of the voice.

The white mist gradually dissipated, and before everyone's eyes appeared a handsome and honest man with black waist-length hair, smiling black eyes, wearing a black tight combat uniform with red folded armor, and a small ball of light on his shoulder.

""Hmm, Naruto and Sasuke when they were little? Amazing!" The black-haired man tilted his head slightly, with a bright smile on his face, and looked at Naruto and Sasuke curiously.

Kakashi stood in front of the three little ones.

"Who are you?"Looks familiar, Kakashi asked the man who suddenly appeared.

"Hmm? Then let me introduce myself first. I am Hashirama Senju. This should be the first time for you to meet." Hashirama Senju said with a smile.

Hashirama Senju! Except for Naruto, the other three were in great shock.

Are you serious? Hashirama Senju! The first Hokage!

"Hello, Uncle Hashirama, why are you trapping us?"Naruto, who never takes classes seriously, has no idea who Hashirama Senju is, so he asked directly

"Hahaha, this isn't me, it's the little guy on my shoulder." Senju Hashirama touched the little ball of light on his shoulder and said

"You said you were the first Hokage, what evidence do you have?" Kakashi came back to his senses and looked at him warily. After the mist dissipated, his chakra was also restored. He had to let Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura leave here alive no matter what.

"If you want evidence, this?"Hashirama Senju clapped his hands, and giant trees rose from the ground, blocking the bridge tightly.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura all stared with wide eyes, how amazing!

"Wood Release!"It's really the Shodaime. Kakashi was almost torn apart. The series of events that happened today were already exhausting, and now he encountered the Shodaime who had returned from the dead.

""Master Shodai, how did you survive?" No, Kakashi wanted to slap himself directly, how could he speak like that!

"It is not alive, it just looks like a living person, but it is actually a body of reincarnation." He said something incredible with a natural look on his face.

"Ah! 606, can you help me change my clothes? This outfit is really too conspicuous." Senju Hashirama said to the small ball of light on his shoulder.


The little ball of light spoke, and Naruto looked at it curiously with wide eyes.

"Then I'll just wear the clothes I normally wear." After saying this, Hashirama Senju changed his clothes into a green kimono with a white coat.

"First generation sir, that is......"Kakashi looked at the small ball of light in confusion.

Hearing Kakashi's question, the small ball of light left Hashirama Senju's shoulder and flew towards them.

"Hello! I am 606, the screen that showed your future.

"It's you! What happened next? After Sasuke woke up, did he save me? Did we defeat that Otsutsuki Isshiki?"After knowing that the small light ball was the light screen, Naruto couldn't wait to ask.

Sasuke and the others also looked over curiously.

"I don't know." 606 shook his head up and down and said

"Hey! How come you don't know? Didn't you broadcast our future?" Naruto asked

"Your part of the future is a fragment of space and time that I drew with my energy. If I didn't draw it, I really wouldn't know."It's not Naruto's original story, so of course it doesn't know.

"Then why don't you smoke anymore?"Naruto really wants to know what will happen next.

"It depends on luck which time and space fragment you get. I can't guarantee what you will get."606 explained

"Why are you showing us the future?" Sasuke asked

"I encountered time and space turbulence, which caused me to lose a lot of energy and was forced to come to your world. I need the emotional value generated by you after watching."Well, I got a lot of high positions before coming here to face your love and blessings

"But I found that if I only rely on emotion points to replenish energy, it may take a long time to successfully replenish energy, so I want to come to you to discuss cooperation."606 said.

Sasuke:"Cooperation? What cooperation?"

"I hope to sign a contract with Naruto and Sasuke. I will help you become the domain master of this domain, and you will help me obtain the world's gifts and emotional value."Almost half of my core is damaged, and most of the functions are restricted. It must be repaired with the world's gifts, 606 thought. For 606, the emotions that can be absorbed by it can provide it with energy to maintain daily operation and use various functions. The world's gifts can really repair its core damage.

"Territory Master?" Kakashi looked at 606 suspiciously. What was a Territory Master? And its statement was obviously contradictory.

"I have no ill will towards you, otherwise I would not have spent so much energy to drag Hashirama Senju to this point in time, just to prevent Naruto and Sasuke from dying before they grow up. 606 thought of the energy spent and felt so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe. The already poor family was in even worse trouble. No! He directly tore down the walls of his house, woooo x﹏X

"I feel that 606 really has no ill intentions."Senju Hashirama said when he felt everyone's gazes on him.

When he was about to disappear, he suddenly appeared in front of him and instilled a lot of things like your world is about to be destroyed, how miserable you are in the parallel world, and you must come to this time yourself.

Because he didn't feel the malice of this child, and he really didn't want the world to be destroyed in the future, he agreed. But unfortunately, since he agreed to have a drink with Madara, Madara might need to wait in the Pure Land for a while.

I can only say that it's a good thing that 606 went to find the easy-to-talk Senju Hashirama at the beginning.

"What is a domain master? I just want to be a Hokage."Naruto scratched his head and asked

"The Otsutsuki clan is not a creature from your planet. They are a race in the universe. They plant sacred trees on alien planets to devour all life and harvest chakra fruits to make themselves stronger."

"Your star field has no manager, and it mainly relies on the unconscious instinct of the world to protect itself. It cannot mobilize all its strength to resist invaders, nor can it hide its own tracks. This makes it easy for your world to be discovered and invaded before it grows up, and the domain master is the manager of this star field."606 said

"outside......Aliens!"Naruto and the others were all stunned. This was too much.

"Why Naruto and Sasuke?" Kakashi asked

"Because they are the pillars of this world, and only they have the potential to become domain masters."Because they are the protagonists, they have the most love and blessings, 606 thought

"What do you think? You won't lose anything. I won't hurt the people in your world by collecting gifts and emotional points from the world."But if the people in your world are killed by the future creation, it's none of my business.

"What is the gift from the world?" Sasuke was actually a little excited. After all, he was special, and he was also the pillar of the world, the domain master, and so on. It was easy to satisfy people's vanity.

It sounded very strong, which made Sasuke, who had always pursued strength, want to agree to it immediately, but he still had to ask clearly. Sasuke forced himself to calm down.

"I don't have the energy to travel between different worlds now, but the barriers of your parallel worlds are very thin. I can take you to complete the tasks. After completing the tasks, you can get the gifts of your world. After you become the domain master, I will also get them."

Well, the barriers of some parallel worlds are very thin, which leads to all kinds of strange invaders. Those who just want to have sex with you are fine, but those who want to have sex with you and want you to surrender and die are much more miserable. Unfortunately, one or two of them carry those illegal three-no systems. As long as they survive the early development, they have all kinds of strange abilities, causing those worlds to be broken.

"Are those missions dangerous?" Kakashi asked

"There is no mission without danger. Isn't there a saying among you that wealth and honor come from risk?"But some of them probably cause more mental damage. Sometimes human likes are really strange. 606 thought

"You can also receive the gifts of the world, which can help you become stronger quickly. 606 looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said

""Okay!" Naruto and Sasuke said in unison.

"Naruto! Sasuke!"Kakashi had no time to stop him. There must be something hidden in Chapter 606. Really, it's OK for Naruto, but how can you not do this to Sasuke?......Sasuke is the one who is eager to become stronger.

"Then, the contract is successful!"

A ray of light enveloped 606, Naruto, and Sasuke. Countless golden threads connected 606, Naruto, and Sasuke. Naruto and Sasuke both felt a vague connection with an unknown object.

606 turned around excitedly, and finally......Finally, I can draw the time and space fragments of Naruto's original story. Before I was authorized, I could only draw the future that had nothing to do with the original story.

Now that the ninja world knows nothing, I can't get too much energy by drawing those. If it weren't for the shocking destruction of the future world, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to get the energy to pull Hashirama Senju into this point in time.

"Then, let's leave here first." Senju Hashirama said while looking around.

After Senju Hashirama put away his Wood Release, they left the bridge and planned to go back to Mr. Dazna's house first.

"Ah! What's going on!"Naruto pointed at the screen in the sky and asked 606 with wide eyes.

Sasuke and the others also saw the screen hanging in the sky and cast their eyes towards 606.

"This is the split screen I made. I can't just collect your emotions. The amount is too small." 606 was puzzled by their surprise.

"How many split screens did you make?" Kakashi asked

"Um.....Of course, they are placed wherever there are people. 606 shook and said something that Kakashi wanted to stab 606 with his kunai.

""Master Shodai, let's hurry back to Konoha." Kakashi took a breath and immediately turned to Senju Hashirama.

"Hey! But Cardo hasn't been dealt with yet, and the bridge hasn't been repaired yet. What will we do with the mission if we leave!" Naruto immediately refused to do it. He didn't want to go back now.

"Naruto, this light screen is deployed throughout the ninja world. Do you know how dangerous you and Sasuke are now?"Kakashi must not let Naruto and Sasuke get into trouble.

"Besides, the mission we took was originally a C-rank mission, escorting the hired man back to the Land of Waves. Now that Dazna has safely arrived in the Land of Waves, our mission has already been completed."Kakashi said calmly

"But what about the bridge! What about Uncle Dazna and Inari!"Naruto looked at Kakashi unwillingly.

"The last one, Kakashi is right, returning to Konoha now is the best choice."Assistant Sa said wisely

"If you are worried about safety, I am still very confident that no one can hurt Naruto and Sasuke under my protection."Senju Hashirama looked at their quarrel and spoke confidently.

Believe it, of course I believe it. Who in the ninja world can hurt people under the protection of the ninja god now? Kakashi was a little helpless, but he still had to go back to Konoha and report this matter to the third generation.

"Don't worry." Senju Hashirama smiled gently at Kakashi

"Besides, these little guys don't want to go back now." Senju Hashirama turned around and looked at the three little ones and said.

Kakashi looked at the three people who were silent but with shining eyes, sighed, and curved his moon eyes."Well, then we will go back after the bridge is repaired."

"Long live Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cheered.

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