【"Don't waste your energy." Otsutsuki Momoshiki threw the Fire Phoenix in his hand towards the venue, and the huge flame energy exploded, instantly destroying the venue, which was only a frame left.

The smoke dissipated, and Uzumaki Naruto, who was completely golden and turned into a fairy fox mode, split into countless clones to protect the audience in the venue, firmly protecting them under the materialized golden chakra, without any harm.】

"call......"Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. Great! I have protected everyone.

"That is......"In Naruto's inner world, Jiu Lama opened his eyes wide and looked at Naruto who turned on the fairy fox mode in the sky.

"I actually recognized this bastard boy?"

Although I saw myself speaking for this brat before, I thought he was just trying to save his life in the hands of that Otsutsuki, but now I can really see Naruto turning on the fairy fox mode.

‘Nine-Tails, you are just an unstable force without wisdom, obey me! 'You come to catch me on your own!

‘Nine-Tails, your power is too great. Sorry, I can't let you go free. 'Seal me on your own!

‘As long as you use your power, you will attract hatred, so stay quietly in my body. 'What do you mean by attracting hatred!

‘You can suppress the world, but I can suppress you. 'Just weak humans!

Humph! Humans are a group of greedy creatures who only talk to themselves and unilaterally restrain me. I will never approve of it!

The claws tightly grasped the closed prison door, and the expression on the huge red fox's face became more and more ferocious and terrifying.

【"Humph!" Looking at Uzumaki Naruto who was protecting everyone, Otsutsuki Momoshiki swung countless thunderbolts at him.

"How about this? How about this?"Otsutsuki Momoshiki laughed wildly, and used all kinds of ninjutsu to attack the venue.

Under all kinds of fierce attacks, Uzumaki Naruto's protection became precarious.

"If your body can't hold on, this place is over." Sasuke said and injected his chakra into Naruto's body.

"That's right, Sasuke." The golden fox coat was covered with a layer of purple armor.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at this and attacked everyone more fiercely:"This attack is over, fox, you must not die." After that, the huge tailed beast ball smashed straight down to the venue.

Uzumaki Naruto listened to everyone's screams of fear, put his hand down, and said calmly:"Sasuke, the people in the village are handed over to you."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at him and nodded:"I understand." Purple chakra replaced the golden chakra to block the audience in the venue.

"We are about to go, Kurama! Don't lose your shape!" Uzumaki Naruto put his hands together and called out to his long-lost partner.

"How is that possible! I'm always ready!"The huge red nine-tailed fox responded

"Good!"A stronger golden chakra than before burst out, nine tails wrapped around the venue, and Uzumaki Naruto turned into a huge golden fox to meet the huge Tailed Beast Ball in the air.

After a burst of explosions, everyone who had just been forced to close their eyes by the violent white light looked at the center of the venue where only Uchiha Sasuke was left, and panicked.

"Where is the Hokage?"

"Seventh generation sir!"

""Sasuke! Where's Naruto?" Nara Shikamaru approached and asked

"At the moment of the explosion, Otsutsuki Kinshiki used the power of his Byakugan to blur Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Naruto into another dimension."Uchiha Sasuke looked ahead, clenched his fists, and said expressionlessly."If it wasn't for protecting the village, that idiot could have been blown away by this attack."】

"block......Blocked it!"

"The Nine-Tailed Fox is protecting the village!"

"Uzumaki Naruto because of protecting the village......Got taken away?"

"That is the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox!"

"Is this the power of the tailed beast? No wonder so many people want it."

"Oh my god! With such a big Tailed Beast Ball, no one died in Konoha under the protection of Naruto!"

"Why are all the strong people in Konoha?"

"Judging from the situation, if it wasn't for the purpose of protecting Konoha, this kind of attack would be nothing to Naruto?"

Damn it! Sasuke looked at the center of the venue where only one person was left, clenched his fists, and his eyes became gloomy. Once again!

Last time he left Naruto and ran away, and this time he let Naruto be captured. What is the strongest! Can't protect anything! Didn't you say that Naruto and I would kill Otsutsuki Momoshiki?

"I was captured?" Naruto was a little confused and subconsciously touched his stomach."Kurouma......"Will it also be eaten by the white-haired monster?

He actually recognized Naruto in the future, so the red-haired fox with his eyes closed moved his pointed ears."You little brat, you will be eaten."’

"Naruto, you are a very competent Hokage."Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly as he looked at Naruto who was captured in the sky to protect the village.

"because.......Did I protect everyone?" Naruto said hesitantly.

"Because everyone in the village recognizes you, and they are all worried about you, Naruto."Sarutobi Hiruzen said with relief

"worry about me......"Naruto looked at the sky curtain. Those people looked anxious and helpless. They looked around and shouted......It's me.

It's not the disgust and indifference that the villagers usually have when they look at him, treating him as 'it'.

【Under the dark and gloomy sky, the huge tree trunk with tangled roots pierces the sky.

The scene zooms in, Uzumaki Naruto is tied tightly to the tree trunk with branches, sweating profusely, and looks very painful. Otsutsuki Momoshiki's hand is shining red and placed on his stomach to absorb the chakra of the Nine-Tails.

"How does it feel to be a nutrient in the seedbed I cultivated, fox?" Otsutsuki Momoshiki asked proudly.

"This sacred tree was cultivated by a Jinchūriki like you." Otsutsuki Kinshiki reminded

"Uncle....."Uzumaki Naruto muttered, looking worried.

"Soon, you will also be transformed into a sacred tree!" Otsutsuki Momoshiki said with a smile.

But after a while, Otsutsuki Momoshiki concealed his smile and frowned,"How can this chakra be so huge? It's only halfway there?" He retracted his hand and said irritably,"It takes too much time."】

"Is that also a sacred tree?"

"It is different from the previous sacred tree. It has no buds and is not as huge as before."

"Bi! Are you sure you are okay?"Raikage looked at the sacred tree in the sky and frowned.

"Stupid brother, didn’t I tell you before that Hachi would save me? Killer Bee said unfairly, and how could Hachi’s energy be so little? Naruto could hold on for so long, big brother, stupid idiot! You can’t even find this out!

"Naruto....."Sakura looked at Naruto who was in great pain with a worried look on his face.

"Hey, hey! Why are you all like this? I'm still here!" Naruto laughed as he looked at everyone's expressions.

"Shut up! You're the last one."Sasuke looked gloomy and sulked to himself.

""What! Bastard Sasuke." Naruto muttered unconvinced.

"that.....That uncle, do you know where the third generation grandfather is?"Naruto looked around and cast his expectant eyes on Sarutobi Hiruzen. He is a Jinchūriki like me, and he seems to have a good relationship with me. I really want to meet him.

"Naruto, Killer Bee is the younger brother of the Fourth Raikage, and he should be in the Hidden Cloud Village now."After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the confused little fox who obviously didn't know where the Hidden Cloud Village was, and added:"The Raikage keeps a close eye on his younger brother and won't let him leave the village easily. The relationship between Konoha and Hidden Cloud is not very good, so it may be difficult for you to meet.""

"oh......"Naruto was a little disappointed.

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