["I’m sorry, we ninja......It's not what you think......That way, we can manipulate them at will." Uzumaki Naruto panted lightly and sneered."Our strength is obtained through our own hard training, how can it be taken away so easily?"

"Humph! So what?"Otsutsuki Momoshiki increased the power of absorption and looked at him with contempt."To us, you inferior races who can only gain strength through hard work are nothing more than food after you become chakra fruits."

"Enjoy yourself, Fox! It'll take a long time."

""Ha! That won't do. I have to deal with you guys quickly and go home." Uzumaki Naruto suddenly laughed and said to the two of them.

As soon as he finished speaking, four figures appeared in the sky. Gaara directly cut the tree trunk that tied Uzumaki Naruto with sand. Darui and Chojuro attacked the enemy and forced them to stay away from here.

Taking this opportunity, Uchiha Sasuke flashed to Uzumaki Naruto's side and hugged the falling Naruto, landing safely.

"Lower Creatures"��Tsutsuki Momoshiki looked at them with disdain and took the lead in launching an attack. After a burst of explosions, he fought with the other four shadows.】

"Shit! Are all of them Otsutsuki like this?"

"Rations? How dare this guy say that!"

"I am diligent, I work hard, I am happy, it’s none of your business!"

"That's right! How could our power be taken away so easily?"

"Naruto, well said!"

"How can a guy who only knows how to sit back and enjoy the fruits of others' labor understand us ninjas?"

"Damn! I'm so envious. I don't want to work hard anymore."


"Don't be angry, didn't you come to save me?"Naruto said as he moved closer to Sasuke.

Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, who was staring at the sky with a bit of embarrassment on his face and didn't look at him, and said silently:"Idiot’

""Chojuro?" Mei Terumi raised her eyebrows and looked at Chojuro who was saving people in the sky. Did the Hidden Mist Village meddle in Konoha's affairs? Will the relationship between the five major ninja villages be so good in the future?

"Kurotsuchi, why did you run off to save Konoha's Hokage!"Ohnoki stared at his granddaughter who appeared in the sky.

"Grandpa, please don't ask about something that hasn't happened yet."Heitu looked disgusted and asked if he didn't know.

【The scene changed, Uchiha Sasuke and Otsutsuki Kinshiki were fighting, the sword and the giant axe collided, Otsutsuki Kinshiki's attack was like a storm, the advantage of the giant axe was brought to the fullest, Uchiha Sasuke's swordsmanship was exquisite and sharp, and one strike was sure to hit the target. They fought several rounds in just a few seconds. Otsutsuki Kinshiki was impatient, and relying on his size advantage, he punched Uchiha Sasuke into the giant tree with a heavy punch.

Before he could get close to Uchiha Sasuke, a blue laser attacked from behind Otsutsuki Kinshiki, and the destructive power was so great that it directly cut off a section of the sacred tree.

""You are big but very agile," Chojuro sneered.

Otsutsuki Kinshiki turned around and counterattacked:"You will soon regret it, regretting that you are a soldier and shouldn't be in the limelight." He jumped down with a huge axe in his hand, and his strong body cracked the ground. He soon clashed with Chojuro's flatfish, but after a few rounds of fighting, he cut Chojuro's chest.

"The torso is full of holes." Otsutsuki Kinshiki raised his axe and swung it downwards, mockingly saying

"You too." Chojuro raised his lips and looked at him.

"What?"Before he finished speaking, he was punched by the black earth that came out of the soil and flew several feet away, smashing countless tree trunks before stopping.

"What a trick!"Being suppressed by the human he always looked down upon, Otsutsuki Kinshiki was furious and flew into the sky ready to fight back.

"Chidori!"Uchiha Sasuke launched an attack from the air, lightning flashed, and a sword slashed at Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

Otsutsuki Kinshiki was injured in the back, the giant axe broke, and he fell to the ground with a scream.

"Blood Mist Sword Technique: Bone Pulling!"Chojuro pursued the victory, holding the double swords, Flounder, and countless blue lights pierced through Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

"Tsuchikage!" Uchiha Sasuke shouted as he descended from the sky

"Watch me!" Kurotsuchi formed seals with his hands and spat out limestone slurry from his mouth,"Dissolution Style: Limestone Sealing Technique!" He directly sealed Otsutsuki Kinshiki's actions.

"Leave this to us, you go deal with the other one." After Kurotsuchi finished speaking to Uchiha Sasuke, he sneered directly at Otsutsuki Kinshiki,"You are really unlucky to launch an attack when all five of us are here." Chojuro jokingly said while looking at his double swords,"If I die now, Kagura will have to become the Mizukage, and you can't escape!"】

‘Damn it, why is Sasuke always so handsome when he appears? 606 is biased towards Sasuke! 'Naruto, who was just comforting Sasuke, suddenly felt that he should be the one to be comforted. It was his turn to be either sealed or captured.

(606:"???"What's going on? Who is talking about me?)

"Sasuke's Chidori is very good. Sasuke is more suitable for lightning-based ninjutsu. Kakashi praised Sasuke.

"Hmm?" Sasuke looked over in confusion.

"This is an A-level ninjutsu developed by Kakashi, a lightning technique that combines chakra nature changes with form changes."Sarutobi Hiruzen added

"Kakashi, I want to learn!"Sasuke's eyes lit up and he looked at Kakashi and said

"Well, I was planning to teach you. My Chidori and Raikiri are more suitable for people with Sharingan."

"Also, Sasuke, you are already studying, what will happen if you call me teacher!" Kakashi put his hand on Sasuke's head and rubbed it.

""Pah!" Sasuke, who would never bow his head even if he wanted to learn ninjutsu, directly opened Kakashi's hand and said,"Shuobu!""

""Teacher Kakashi, what about me! What about me!" Naruto saw Sasuke learning a new ninjutsu and joined him.

"Well, Naruto, there is a teacher who is more suitable for you. Kakashi curled his eyes and looked to the side.

"Eh?" Naruto also looked in the direction Kakashi was looking at."Uncle Hashirama?"

Well, there are two people over there, Hashirama Senju and Jiraiya, but compared to Jiraiya who scared him when he just met him, Naruto definitely prefers Hashirama Senju who trained him and Sasuke in the Land of Waves.

"The ninjutsu that is more suitable for Naruto is not taught by me."Senju Hashirama said with a smile

"Ahem! Let's talk about it after we finish."Jiraiya coughed and changed the subject to Tianmu. Although he was planning to teach this kid the Rasengan, he couldn't let me think about it for a while. It would be cheap to teach him right away!

"Mizukage! Chojuro......I've become a Mizukage, this won't do!" Terumi Mei was referring to the fact that she was injured in just a few moves. He actually called Chojuro a soldier, damn it!

It seems that I will pass my position to Chojuro in the future. No wonder I saw him in the Kage-level meeting before.

"Yes, Lady Terumi Mei, I will work harder."Chojuro said shyly, it is not enough to just get the double swords Flounder, other aspects must also keep up

"Tsuchikage! Grandpa, I told you that it's time for you to abdicate!" Kurotsuchi became excited when she heard Uchiha Sasuke calling her Tsuchikage in the sky.

"Why are you abdicating? How old are you now? You haven't even mastered the ninjutsu yet, and you still want to be the Tsuchikage." Ohnoki said unhappily.

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