[The scene turns to Otsutsuki Momoshiki's side. Gaara's sand net, which is constantly spreading across the sky, supports Darui in attacking Otsutsuki Momoshiki in the sky. Darui forces Otsutsuki Momoshiki down with a sword and continues to fight with him on the ground.

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto jumped down from the giant tree, formed seals with his hands, and smiled,"Sorry, I'm late."

Uchiha Sasuke also appeared beside him at this time and said,"Naruto, don't use ninjutsu on him." As soon as he finished speaking, he attacked Otsutsuki Momoshiki with a sword at an extremely fast speed, kicked him from the air to the ground, and then landed to confront him.

At the same time, Gaara, Darui and Uzumaki Naruto also landed on the surrounding tree trunks, surrounding Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

"You can absorb ninjutsu and then release it, right? It's the same as the toys in the scientific ninja tool set."Sasuke looked at Otsutsuki Momoshiki and said coldly

"So we have to use physical skills!" Darui squatted on the tree trunk and continued

"It's a very simple decision." Gaara said calmly with his arms folded across his chest.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at the people surrounding him, his expression gradually became ferocious, and he looked at Uzumaki Naruto and said,"Fox, I sympathize with you. You have such a powerful force, but you can't pass it on."

"Let me show you what our clan does!"

"Lord Momoshiki!"Otsutsuki Kinshiki struggled to break free from the seal to help, and the lime slurry was gradually shaken off by him.

Kurotsuchi and Chojuro were shocked and maintained the technique, but they were still broken free by his huge force.

Otsutsuki Kinshiki's whole body shook, and the huge impact not only made him break free from the technique but also shook Kurotsuchi and Chojuro away.

Otsutsuki Kinshiki flew directly to Otsutsuki Momoshiki, protecting him in front of him, and forced Sasuke back with a wave of his sword.

The sword light directly cut the sacred tree in half, and the impact blew everyone else away.

"Now, Mr. Momoshiki......It seems that it is time to absorb my chakra."Otsutsuki Kinshiki, who broke free from the seal with blood all over his body, said weakly."Just like in the past when my guardians entrusted their power to me........"

"Of course!" Otsutsuki Momoshiki said coldly. He stretched out his right hand to catch the red peach-shaped fruit that Otsutsuki Kinshiki's body turned into, and ate it bite by bite.】

"Only physical skills can deal with it."

"You forgot that I mentioned magic before."

"Damn! If a ninja can't use ninjutsu, then he's obviously half useless against the Otsutsuki."

"Otsutsuki Kinshiki doesn't seem to have the ability to absorb ninjutsu"

"Because he doesn't have those red circles under his eyes."

"Obviously he doesn't have a high status!"

"Just like the Hyuga family in Konoha, there are main and branch families and so on."

"By the way, aren’t the Hyuga family with the Byakugan also from our planet?"




"Cannibalism! He ate his companions!"

"Ugh!! That's the Chakra Fruit?"

"The way they pass on their power is so disgusting! Suddenly I don't envy them at all"

"They are not human! They are fruit spirits!"

"Can all of them, the Otsutsuki, become like this?"

"you want to eat??!!"

"Just asking"

【Everyone was watching this in amazement:"He actually.......Eat your own companions?"

"Not good!"Uchiha Sasuke realized that he couldn't go on like this, so he picked up his sword and jumped up, turning around and slashing at Otsutsuki Momoshiki's neck, but it was like slashing at a block of iron, making a"clang" sound.——"A sound

"late——!"Otsutsuki Momoshiki turned around and looked at Uchiha Sasuke with a fierce smile.

Before he finished speaking, a huge chakra flow burst out from his body, blowing away everything around him.

After the smoke cleared, everyone saw that the completely changed Otsutsuki Momoshiki was standing in the center of the sacred tree. His hair was flying, his face was covered with dark stripes, his Byakugan and the Rinnegan in both hands had completely turned golden, and a golden Rinnegan had grown on his forehead. He looked at everyone fiercely.】

"Changed, the eyes turned golden."A young man from the Hyuga family said blankly

"Can our Byakugan become like this?"It is clear that the Hyuga family is in chaos.

"Invulnerable to swords and guns?" Sasuke frowned. If so, his physical skills would not be superior to that of Otsutsuki Momoshiki. And it was definitely not just invulnerable to swords and guns. His Samsara Eye and Byakugan had all turned golden, and there was an eye on his forehead.

Suddenly, Sasuke felt a sharp pain in his arm while he was deep in thought. He looked down and saw Naruto, who was beside him, holding him tightly.

"The last one in the class!"Looking at Naruto's pale face and his frightened look, Sasuke shouted

"Dry......What are you doing?"Naruto turned his head awkwardly.

"Let go!" Sasuke said expressionlessly.

"What?!"Naruto was completely confused and followed Sasuke's gaze and looked down.


"The black texture......"Kakashi felt a little helpless watching the interaction between the two little ones. The Otsutsuki Isshiki who appeared before also had this kind of black lines. Was it because he also ate his companions?

【Otsutsuki Momoshiki instantly appeared behind Darui who was falling

""So fast!" Darui was surprised, and turned around to slash down with his blade in an attempt to counterattack, but was kicked from the air to the ground.

Gaara tried to use the sand binding technique to help, but Otsutsuki Momoshiki easily spun around to avoid the sand that Gaara attacked him, and used his hair to entangle him, and punched through the sand defense and hit Gaara in the stomach, knocking him out.

In the chaos of giant trees and gravel flying around, Kurotsuchi and Chojuro were dodging the falling giant trees, and their eyes fixed, and they saw Gaara spitting blood and falling from the air.

""Lord Kazekage!" Chojuro tried to catch Gaara, but was knocked away by a punch from Otsutsuki Momoshiki who appeared behind him.

Kurotsuchi tried to attack Otsutsuki Momoshiki with his rock punch, but he caught it with one hand and knocked him out with his elbow.

However, after a few rounds, the four kages were all suppressed and lost their ability to fight.

He rose into the air again and searched for the other two figures in the smoke and dust.】

"No way! Our shadow was defeated just like that?"

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki was obviously not in the same league before he ate his companion's heel"

"Speed, strength, and physical strength have all been significantly improved by more than one level."

"You won't last long if you go."

"He actually broke Gaara's Sand Defense with just one punch!"Temari and Kankuro looked at the sky curtain in disbelief. That was Gaara's absolute defense, and no one had ever broken it.

"Boom!"The sound of a building collapsing was heard.

"That's it!"Temari looked over in astonishment.

"The One-Tail is rioting! Quick! Quick! Go inform the Kazekage and the elders."A dozen jonin were evacuating the crowd to prevent Gaara from hurting anyone.

"Gaara!"Temari and Kankuro rushed towards Gaara.

"Darui! Practice with me for the next period of time! I'll be your sparring partner!" The veins on Raikage's forehead bulged when he saw Darui being defeated so easily.

Then he looked at Killer Bee who was doing nothing, and his expression became even more ferocious,"Bi! You too!"

"Huh?"Chirabi was innocently deprived of his rap time."........."

"Yes!" Darui looked at himself who had brought shame to the Hidden Cloud Village, and his expression changed from lazy to serious. He said that he would work harder. As a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village, he was actually outdone in physical skills. It was really embarrassing for the Fourth Generation.

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