【"I found you, fox!" Otsutsuki Momoshiki appeared in front of Uzumaki Naruto in an instant.

Uzumaki Naruto was jumping to avoid the falling giant tree. As soon as he stood still, he saw Otsutsuki Momoshiki appear in front of him. He was hit by his punch directly. After sliding for several meters, he was able to relieve the impact and stabilize his body.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki appeared next to him and hit his head with his palm. He dodged it with his head turned, defended with one palm, and turned his other hand into a fist and attacked Otsutsuki Momoshiki directly. Unexpectedly, Otsutsuki Momoshiki predicted his moves and punched him in the abdomen where he had no defense.

The two fought for several rounds with physical skills. Uzumaki Naruto was suppressed by physical skills and his head was grabbed by acupuncture. When he couldn't break free.

Uchiha Sasuke dodged and attacked from behind. He slashed at Otsutsuki Momoshiki's back with a sword, but was suppressed by Otsutsuki Momoshiki with physical skills. His right palm hit his stomach directly, causing Uchiha Sasuke great pain.

Afterwards, Otsutsuki Momoshiki grabbed the two men's heads with his hands and flew into the air, then threw them heavily to the ground from a high altitude, dragged them down for several meters, and then threw them out like sandbags, smashing directly into the rocks.】

"No? Is this the strongest in the ninja world?"

"Didn’t this not last long?"

"How did they kill this Otsutsuki Momoshiki?"

"Oh~, Darui, all five shadows are like this~, don't lose heart, yeah~" Kirabi sang and danced around Darui. Finally, he looked at his stupid brother, trying to escape the extra training.

"Don't even think about it!"Raikage Ai didn't buy it at all and said that he had to practice more.

Naruto was sure that this sky screen was broadcasting his dark history. When he thought that everyone in the ninja world saw him being pressed to the ground and rubbed by the white-haired monster, he didn't want to go out these days.

Oh! And Sasuke, Naruto looked at Sasuke, wanting to know what he was thinking now.

"......."Sasuke's shame was about to explode, and his usually pale face was full of red. He almost suffocated when he thought that the whole ninja world, especially that man, would also see this scene.

Looking at the two people who were hit hard, Kakashi comforted them:"You have lasted a few more rounds than the others, which is already amazing."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at them resentfully."......."It's better not to comfort

"You obviously haven't tried your best yet, and the outcome is still undecided, so why are you so dejected?" Senju Hashirama looked at them with amusement.

【"I see." Uzumaki Naruto wiped the blood from his mouth without a care, stood up from the ruins, and walked towards Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

"Compared to before, he is like a different person."Uchiha Sasuke also stood up, took out the Kusanagi sword and walked towards Otsutsuki Momoshiki, and formed a pincer attack with Uzumaki Naruto. Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked around and his expression became tense.

"No, it's better to say that he has become a monster rather than a different person."Uzumaki Naruto said loudly.

When Otsutsuki Momoshiki heard this, he turned his head to Uzumaki Naruto and sneered:"It's ridiculous. If you want to talk about monsters, you and I are the same." After that, he opened the Rinnegan in both hands, showing an attacking posture.

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke increased their speed to the highest speed, and flashed directly to attack Otsutsuki Momoshiki. Their figures could no longer be seen in the picture, and only Uchiha Sasuke's black cloak was left floating in the air.

The chirping of chidori sounded, and golden and blue chakra flashed in the air. In just one second, the two sides had collided for several rounds.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke charged towards Otsutsuki Momoshiki with one hand, but he crossed his hands, changed his fists into palms, blocked their attacks on the left and right, and sneered:"It's getting more and more interesting."

At such a critical moment, Uzumaki Naruto closed his eyes and smiled,"Let us teach you a lesson, Sasuke!" After saying that, he opened his eyes, his pupils had turned into a cross, his whole body was covered with golden chakra, and he directly activated the Nine-tailed Sage Mode.

""Yes!" Uchiha Sasuke readily agreed, and the blue chakra of Chidori lit up on the sword again. He pressed the sword down, revealing his right eye that turned into a blood-red hexagram and his left eye that lit up with purple light.】

"Standing still, pupils turned into a cross, this is the Sage Mode!"Jiraiya looked at the sky in admiration,"Kid, you are very good!" Jiraiya turned around and tried to talk to Naruto about the Sage Mode and subsequent training, but.......

"Ahhh! Sasuke! Hand, where's your left hand?"Naruto saw Sasuke's left hand under his cloak in the sky and rushed directly to Sasuke, touching Sasuke's left hand which was still intact.

"......."Sasuke just stared at the sky. It turned out that his left hand was not injured, but was directly cut off. However, I also got the Mangekyō Sharingan from that eye, so it was not bad news.

"Idiot, my hand is still fine, stop touching it."Sasuke held Naruto in his arms and told him not to move.

""Asshole Sasuke! I care about you." Naruto said sullenly. This future is not good at all.

"Sasuke......"Sakura also looked at Sasuke's left hand worriedly. When she saw Naruto's action, she also wanted to rush over to express her concern, but wasn't that too unrestrained, Sakura thought shyly.

Kakashi looked at his stubborn disciple worriedly. The future revealed by the sky curtain really had no good news except that Naruto would become Hokage.

Jiraiya's mouth twitched. Are you kidding me? Am I being ignored like this?

"That is......"Uchiha Itachi, who was walking towards Konoha, stopped and used his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

It seems that I really died on Sasuke in the future. Sasuke replaced his eyes with my eyes and became a hero of Konoha. Itachi was a little relieved and a little melancholy.

After seeing Sasuke's mutilated left hand, Uchiha Itachi's heart choked. How could it be?

【The golden and blue chakras intertwined together, and a fierce confrontation broke out with Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

During this period, Uchiha Sasuke used the Sharingan to predict all of Otsutsuki Momoshiki's attacks, and captured the high-speed rotating Kusanagi sword, absorbed it with chakra, and then shot it towards Otsutsuki Momoshiki. Uzumaki

Naruto directly entangled Otsutsuki Momoshiki and fought with fists and feet, and cooperated with Uchiha Sasuke's Lightning Release Instant Body, and found the right time to kick him away.

With their tacit cooperation, Otsutsuki Momoshiki, who had suppressed them in physical skills before, is now slightly inferior. He was directly knocked away by Uchiha Sasuke's punch, and the two took advantage of the victory to pursue, passing through the intertwined roots of the sacred tree, and the three landed on the platform that was formed after the sacred tree was cut off.】

"Great! I thought Sasuke and I would be beaten by that white-haired monster."Naruto was relieved as he leaned against Sasuke. Sasuke also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was really ugly to be beaten down, especially in such a public execution.

"I've told you guys that you're not that weak anymore, have some confidence in yourself, are my words so unreliable?" Senju Hashirama was a little depressed, with Tobirama and Madara not around, was there no one listening to what he said?

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