The screen freezes when Otsutsuki Momoshiki is floating in the air.

"Is this the end?"

"But Otsutsuki Momoshiki is not dead yet?"

"I thought we could see our appearance."

"So is this picture still there? It's different from before, where it went back to bright white."

The people in the ninja world looked at the sky that was different from before and were puzzled.

"magnetic——"A sharp buzzing sound resounded through the ears of everyone in the ninja world, and the sky became illusory.

"Shit! What the hell?"

"My ears hurt and my head feels dizzy."

"Give me a hand."

When the people in the ninja world were confused by the noise, someone noticed that the sky curtain seemed to disappear for a moment, but when he looked closely, he found that it was still hanging in the sky. If he was not confident in his eyesight, he would probably think it was an illusion.

The picture that had just been frozen on the sky curtain had completely disappeared and returned to the state before the playback. The people in the ninja world waited for a while and knew that this time it was over.

The core space of the system

"Cleaning......Extracting......Cleaning completed." After the cold mechanical sound, the light ball seemed a little dim.

"It's a close call, there's actually so much power of faith accumulated." 606 looked at the cloud crystals formed by the extracted golden light spots.

To 606, faith is poisonous, it will wipe out the weak consciousness it has just born, it doesn't want to go back to the way it was before when everything was done according to the program, 606 likes it now.

606 shook and circled around the crystals"Give them to Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, they are the faith of their world."

606 made a patch, so that all the faith generated in the future will flow to Naruto and Sasuke

"Hmm?" Naruto and Sasuke paused at the same time, feeling strange, how come their bodies felt warm, as if someone was whispering in their ears, but when they tried to listen carefully, the tiny voices disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asked in confusion as he watched them pause.

"My whole body feels warm, and it seems someone is talking to me?" Naruto said, feeling confused.

"You too?" Sasuke looked at Naruto in surprise.

"Oh?" Kakashi looked around and met the eyes of the others. Everyone else shook their heads to indicate that they did not have such a feeling.

‘Naruto and Sasuke......’Is it 606? Kakashi thought of the commonality between the two and turned his eyes to Senju Hashirama.

"......."Senju Hashirama blinked and nodded slightly to Kakashi.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya looked at them playing charades, both a little confused, did the first generation do something?

"Now that the curtain has ended, it's time for the kids to rest. They've been traveling all day and haven't had their meals yet."Senju Hashirama said as he looked at the three kids.

"Kakashi, take Naruto and the others to eat first."Sarutobi Hiruzen said

"Yes!" Kakashi replied

"Just like that?" Sasuke was a little puzzled, just let them go like that without asking any questions?

"Well, wait a moment." Senju Hashirama seemed to have thought of something and called them, then turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen and asked,"Monkey, is the Senju main house still there?"

"Of course, Master Shodaime, it's just that no one has lived there for a long time."Sarutobi Hiruzen replied

"Naruto and Sasuke, are you willing to live with me in the Senju House first?" Senju Hashirama looked at Naruto and Sasuke with gentle eyes.

""Hey! Live together?" Naruto opened his eyes wide, a little excited, if so, will there be someone waiting for him to go home? Although he would live with the bastard Sasuke, it was not impossible.

Naruto glanced at Sasuke, wanting to know what Sasuke thought.

"Why?" Sasuke asked after a pause.

"In order to better ensure your safety."Senju Hashirama replied

""Okay." Sasuke had mixed feelings but still agreed.

"Well, let's go eat first, the teacher will treat you, and then the teacher will accompany you to pack your luggage."Kakashi said with a smile, and then he left with the three of them.

""Master Shodai, if you have anything to say, let's go back to the Hokage's office to discuss it." Sarutobi Hiruzen suggested as he watched Team 7 leave. Senju Hashirama nodded and went back to the Hokage's office first.

""Ramen! Ramen! Ichiraku Ramen, Kakashi-sensei! Let's go eat ramen!" Naruto said happily.

He hadn't eaten Ichiraku Ramen for so many days since he was on the mission, so he had to eat his fill this time.

"Where are Sasuke and Sakura? What do you want to eat?"Kakashi looked at Sasuke and Sakura and asked

"Whatever!"Sasuke doesn't care

"I can do that too!" Sakura replied

"Then let's go to Ichiraku Ramen!" Kakashi decided on the dining place after watching Naruto's happy face.

After Kakashi helped Naruto and Sasuke pack their luggage, he accompanied them to buy some daily necessities, after all, the Senju Mansion had been uninhabited for a long time.

While shopping, they were also stared at strangely by the people of Konoha, but Naruto and Sasuke were not the kind of people who cared about these things. If Naruto was used to it, after all, he had been like this since he was a child, then Sasuke really didn't care and was not interested.

Kakashi brought the two little guys to the Senju Mansion and saw the first generation waiting at the door.

""Shodai-sama, I'll trouble you to take care of Naruto and Sasuke from now on." Kakashi said respectfully

"Naruto and Sasuke are both good kids, how can they be trouble? Besides, I live alone in the Senju mansion now, so I am very happy that they can come."Senju Hashirama said with a smile

"Naruto, Sasuke, we will start training you in ninjutsu tomorrow so that you can protect yourself as soon as possible. Sasuke will follow Kakashi first, and Naruto will follow Jiraiya."Senju Hashirama looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said.

Sasuke didn't have any objections. He wanted to learn Chidori from Kakashi, so he nodded.

"Hey! Why can't I follow Kakashi teacher and follow that weird uncle?"Naruto said dissatisfiedly

"Naruto, Jiraiya-sama's ninjutsu is the most suitable for you. The ninjutsu and Sage Mode used by your future self in the sky can only be taught by Jiraiya-sama."Kakashi said patiently

"And Master Jiraiya is one of the three ninjas, and he is one of the strongest in Konoha right now. If you learn from him, you will become very powerful too."

"Is that weird uncle really that powerful?" Naruto muttered.

"The last one, whether he is strong or not, we will know tomorrow, if he is not good enough, we can change him."Sasuke said

"Bastard Sasuke, don't call me the last one." Naruto glared at Sasuke first, then said:"Then I will learn from that weird uncle tomorrow. "

After they finished talking, Hashirama Senju said to Kakashi,"Sakura will be Tsuna's apprentice in the future, right? Tsuna hasn't come back yet, so ask her if she wants to learn medical ninjutsu from me first. If she agrees, come to the Senju house to find me tomorrow.""

""Okay, Master Shodai." Kakashi was a little surprised but also happy for Sakura, so that Sakura would not feel lost because she was so far behind Naruto and Sasuke.

After sending Kakashi away, Hashirama Senju brought Naruto and Sasuke into the Senju residence. The two were a little surprised to see the spotless and well-kept courtyard.

"I had already cleaned the house before you came, and I have arranged the rooms so that you won't be left without a place to stay." Senju Hashirama looked at their expressions with a smile in his eyes.

The two of them were a little embarrassed, but they could also help clean up.

"Have a good rest today, you will have a hard time tomorrow." Senju Hashirama took the two to their room and wished them a good sleep.

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