The next morning, Sasuke followed Kakashi to train early.

According to Kakashi's instructions, Naruto also arrived at the riverside of Konoha early to wait for Jiraiya.


Naruto sat on a big rock by the river and threw stones into the clear river, his face full of anger,"Damn it! Where on earth did that weird uncle go!"

Naruto looked at the sky and felt that he could not wait any longer, so he turned and walked towards the village to see if he could catch Jiraiya.

"Hehe! So big!" Jiraiya stuck his butt up and leaned against the crack in the wall of the women's bathhouse, commenting and peeking inside,"Oh oh! This one is good too!"

"There's a pervert!" Naruto looked expressionlessly at the familiar figure clinging to the wall of the women's bathhouse in front of him and shouted loudly

"Ahhh! Pervert!"

"Who? Seeking death!"

"I'll chop you up!"

After the angry voice faded away, Jiraiya came out carrying Naruto,"You little brat! What are you yelling about? I'm just collecting materials and getting inspiration to write a good work!"

"What do you mean by collecting materials? It's obvious that you just came here to peep at women bathing. You big pervert���!"Naruto struggled for a while, but when he found that he couldn't get free, he turned around and shouted

"I am a famous writer, I want to write a novel,......"Jiraiya let go of Naruto, put his hands in his arms and took out a book with a very familiar cover.

"Ah! This book......"Naruto opened his eyes wide and a picture of Kakashi holding a book in his hand and smiling lewdly appeared in his mind.

"He has become quite famous!"Jiraiya saw that Naruto knew him and laughed with a lewd look.

"Isn't that just an indecent novel? You skipped my training just for this!"Naruto was so angry, this unreliable pervert

"This is my masterpiece, Jiraiya, the Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain! What do you know, little brat?"Jiraiya looked at Naruto proudly and made his signature move

"What Toad Sage? He's clearly a lecherous Sage! Help me train quickly!"Naruto angrily pulled Jiraiya towards the river.

"Young people are always impatient. For my creation, those plump young ladies are indispensable."Jiraiya did not move, obviously wanting to pick up another young lady.

"So just a plump little sister will do, look at me!" Naruto looked at Jiraiya, tilted his head and showed a happy smile, and made hand seals

"Bang!"After a puff of smoke, Naruko, a beautiful girl with blond hair and curvy twin ponytails, appeared.

"ah......This is so... so cute!" Jiraiya's eyes almost popped out of his head, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and his hands were gesticulating wildly.

"Don't look at me like that, it's so embarrassing." Naruko blinked her big blue eyes shyly.

"Full marks!" Jiraiya gave a thumbs up and smiled confidently.

‘"Fool!" Mingzi kept a shy smile on her face, but she was mumbling in her heart.

The clear chirping of birds rang out in the forest, and two little birds on the tree looked curiously at the two people, one big and one small, sitting by the river.

"Anyway, you should concentrate your chakra on your feet and stand on the water so as not to fall into the river." Jiraiya pointed at the river and said to Naruto

"What's so difficult about this!"Naruto walked confidently towards the center of the river and stood firmly on the water.

"Huh? Your chakra control is actually pretty good?"Jiraiya touched his chin and was a little surprised. With the Nine-Tails and the seal, Naruto could actually control his chakra so well.

"I'm really good!" Naruto said proudly, with his hands on his hips.

The warm feeling I had when I was concentrating my chakra just now appeared again, and treading water seemed to come naturally. I am really a genius.

"All right, let's start the next training." Jiraiya took out a scroll and waved to Naruto to come ashore.


After the chirping sound of the chirping bird, a big hole was punched through the boulder.

""Snap! Snap! Snap!" Applause rang out. Kakashi looked at Sasuke who was panting and exclaimed:"I didn't expect you to master it so quickly."

"Of course, I am Uchiha!" Sasuke calmed his breath and replied

"Kakashi! How far can this Chidori evolve?"Sasuke clenched his numb hands and turned to Kakashi and asked

"At least be happy, well, but this is also like you."Kakashi was a little helpless, his disciple was just too nervous

"Didn't you see the Chidori you will use in the future in the sky? Lightning Release requires a huge amount of chakra, which is the limit for me who doesn't have much chakra, but you can use it in many forms, so you can try this next time."Kakashi suggested.

As the sun sets, Sasuke and Naruto dragged their tired bodies back to the Senju main house.

"Welcome back!" Senju Hashirama smiled at the two people who were slumped in their chairs.

""Well! I'm back!" Naruto's eyes sparkled when he heard this, and he cheered up and replied with full energy.

Sasuke glanced at the two of them, did not reply, and closed his eyes to rest.

"Hmm?"Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at Hashirama Senju who was putting his hands on him and Naruto. The fatigue from overusing chakra disappeared, and some of the injuries on his body also healed.

"Training is not about wearing your body out, and I will give you more training after dinner, so I will treat you first." Senju Hashirama said to them with a purple light in his hand.

"Awesome!"Naruto jumped up and stretched his body. The pain was gone.

"Uncle Hashirama, what kind of training do you do at night?" Naruto asked curiously.


Senju Hashirama looked at the two of them and said seriously,"I am very strict."

"Come on, come on!" Naruto said excitedly

""Hmm!" Sasuke's eyes were also full of fighting spirit.

Late at night, the cold moonlight shone quietly on the earth.

Senju Hashirama looked at the two little guys sleeping in bed. They were very good. Naruto's fighting instinct and Sasuke's keen insight, plus the tacit understanding between the two, although they had already seen it during the Fourth War......

""Caw!" The crow's cry was clearly audible in the quiet Senju main house.

Senju Hashirama left the room and walked towards the courtyard. Looking at the crows resting on the tree, he whispered,"Itachi, Sasuke's brother, right!"

""Shodaime-sama." Uchiha Itachi released his transformation technique and stood in front of Senju Hashirama.

Uchiha Itachi looked at Senju Hashirama. He had only planned to come to Konoha to see Sasuke. On the way, he received a message from the Sandaime-sama, hoping that he would go to the Senju main house to find Shodaime-sama.

To be honest, he was very surprised when he received the message. After all, everyone knew that Shodaime-sama had been dead for decades, but now standing in front of him, one can tell at a glance that this must be the God of Ninjas, Senju Hashirama. There will never be a second one. He is majestic, powerful, gentle and generous.

With Shodaime-sama here, Sasuke's safety will definitely not be a problem even if there is the influence of the sky curtain. Moreover, with Shodaime-sama's teachings, Sasuke can quickly become strong, and then Sasuke will come to seek revenge on him........

"Your health is very poor. If you don't get treatment, you won't live long. Come with me into the house and I'll check you out."Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Itachi's emaciated body and interrupted his thoughts with a frown.

"No thanks, Master Shodai." Uchiha Itachi rejected Hashirama Senju's proposal.

"Itachi, I'm sorry about the Uchiha family. I know you wanted to give your eyes to Sasuke."Hashirama Senju sincerely apologized to Itachi Uchiha

"But with the Sky Curtain, how can you guarantee that it won't reveal the truth about the Uchiha clan's genocide? What do you want Sasuke to do then? The clan was genocide so that he could survive. Now that his brother is dying, he still wants to give him his eyes."

"Itachi, Sasuke is a good boy, he is pure and gentle by nature, he always knows what he wants to do, he has the right to make his own choice."

Senju Hashirama looked at the pale Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha are all stubborn guys, once they make up their mind, they will never look back, but as long as they are human, they have weaknesses.

Outside the Konoha barrier

"What happened?" Uchiha Obito asked the returning White Zetsu.

As soon as he arrived in Konoha, he felt a strong and familiar chakra in Konoha, which made him hide in the Kamui space and leave Konoha. The chakra seemed to be the chakra of Hashirama Senju in the memory given to him by the old man.......

"Obito~ It's over, it's over! It's Senju Hashirama! Senju Hashirama is alive and still in Konoha."White Zetsu circled around Uchiha Obito

"How is it possible!"Uchiha Obito was furious, how could Hashirama Senju come back to life, was it the Impure World Reincarnation? Because of the Sky Curtain, Konoha was worried that it could not suppress the people of other ninja villages, so it Impure World Reincarnation of the First Hokage?

Konoha is a bunch of useless things! Just because of this Impure World Reincarnation of the First Hokage, none of the guys in the Akatsuki organization can be the opponent of Hashirama Senju, how are they going to catch the Nine-Tails then?

Time flies, and the training time is always long and fast.

While Naruto and Sasuke were training hard, the Chunin Exam came quietly, and Konoha gradually became lively. Ninjas from other villages could be seen wandering everywhere. With the influence of the Sky Curtain, this was probably the most crowded Chunin Exam since Konoha held it.

"It’s on! It’s on!"

"The sky is bright again!"

Everyone looked at the sky and saw movement again. They ran out and took a good position to watch.

Because of the Chunin Exam, Naruto and Sasuke stayed at the Senju House for training today.

""Gah!" The black crow looked at the bright sky and flew from the tree to Sasuke's shoulder.

"Hey! Why does Xiao Hei like Sasuke so much?"Naruto looked at the black crow with some dissatisfaction. He was the one who usually fed it, even though it didn't eat.

"Because you are too noisy, it likes quiet."Sasuke glanced at Naruto and combed the crow's feathers with his hands.

Senju Hashirama looked at the black crow with a smile in his eyes.

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