[In a dim alley, Renjiandao grabbed a Chunin's head with light blue chakra in his hand and read his memory.

"Is there no information about the Nine-Tails?"After the Chunin's memory was read by him, his soul was directly extracted and he fell to the ground and died.

Jigokudo grabbed the necks of the two Konoha ninjas and asked,"Where is Uzumaki Naruto!" Konan turned into countless white papers and wrapped the Konoha ninjas, trying to torture him to find out the whereabouts of the Nine-Tails.】

"Here to look for the Nine-Tailed Fox again!"

"It turns out that it’s not Konoha that summons the Rinnegan, but the Tailed Beasts that summon the Rinnegan!"

"Suddenly I feel that it is a good thing that our village does not have tailed beasts"

"I.....Am I dead too?"

"Uzumaki Naruto only brings disaster!"

"Why would that person be the future Hokage? Is it just because of his strong ability?"

"A demon fox! It really is a demon fox that only brings disaster!"

"What are you talking about! It's not Naruto who destroyed the village! If you want to hate someone, shouldn't you hate Akatsuki?"

People who are close to Naruto are in a bad mood after hearing these insults.

"Me? Are they here to find me?"Naruto looked palely at the Konoha ninjas who died after being tortured in the sky. So many people died because of me?

"Naruto, it's not because of you. If I really want to say it, it's my fault. I was the one who sealed the Nine-Tails."Hashirama Senju walked up to Naruto and looked into his eyes seriously.

"Naruto, I'm sorry! Kurama, I'm sorry!"

"No.....Me? It's not Uncle Hashirama's fault."Naruto looked at the serious Senju Hashirama in panic, and the burden in his heart was relieved a little bit.

"Damn Senju Hashirama, who allowed you to call my name!"The huge red fox roared in the cage, and every time it moved its tail, there was a sound of water.

"Damn it! It's getting more and more humid, can you please stop crying!"Kurouma looked at his wet tail and paws, and angrily slammed the cell door. Sasuke watched this scene and decided to become stronger. Only in this way could he take revenge and protect the people he wanted to protect.

【The top of Shurado's head opened, and a cannonball with greater power than before was fired, destroying Konoha even more thoroughly.

Shizune flashed by with a black stick similar to the one on the attacker in her hand, and seemed to know the information about this. Yamanaka Inoichi of Konoha's Intelligence Department was reading the information in a person's brain. Nara Shikamaru, Haruno Sakura, and Shiho, a member of Konoha's Code Division, were discussing something, but they were all interrupted by the sudden vibration.

"What?" Yamanaka Ino looked at the giant centipede that emerged from the thick smoke and destroyed everything, and said to Akimichi Choji,"Choji, I'm going to contact the Intelligence Department."

""Yes!" Akimichi Choji nodded, turned and walked towards Akimichi Choza,"I'm going to find my dad!"

The streets were no longer peaceful and tranquil, and there were chaotic crowds of people fleeing everywhere.

"Ah!" A little girl about 5 or 6 years old fell to the ground.

""Little Duomei!" Her grandmother approached her and tried to help her up.

The centipede that had been summoned had already spotted them and turned around to attack them.

"Bastard!"Haruno Sakura punched the centipede's head, and the huge force broke its head, and the centipede lost its attack power.

"Are you okay?"Haruno Sakura asked as she looked at the two people lying on the ground.

"Well, thank you!"The rescued grandparents looked at Haruno Sakura who suddenly appeared with gratitude.

"Sakura!" Iruka ran towards Haruno Sakura who was treating the little girl.

""Iruka-sensei! What happened?" Haruno Sakura asked

"I don't know, but someone is attacking Konoha, and Lady Tsunade has been informed of the situation, so an alarm should be issued immediately." Iruka explained

"Who are they that actually attacked the village directly?" Haruno's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden explosion, and screams of fear were heard everywhere.

""Go! Iruka!" Iruka's companions shouted at him to go to the rescue

""Okay! Sakura, go to the hospital and take care of the injured. There are many injured people in the hospital." Iruka said to Haruno Sakura as he ran towards his companions.】

"Duomei! Duomei's grandmother immediately hugged the three-year-old Duomei nervously.

"Grandma?"Duo Mei looked at her grandma in confusion, not really understanding why she was hugging her so tightly.

"Grandma, it hurts!" Duomei struggled for a while, feeling a little aggrieved.

"Two or three years, at most three years, the future in the sky is so close this time."Someone estimated the time of the attack based on the ages of the ninjas including Nara Shikamaru who appeared.

Sakura looked at herself in the sky, clenched the basic medical book in her hand, and had to work hard.

"Bang!"Tsunade smashed the table in front of her,"Shizune, pack your things and go back to Konoha!"

Tsunade looked at the sky angrily. Although she would not go back to Konoha, it did not mean that she would watch Konoha being destroyed. Seeing Shizune appear and her name being mentioned, she knew that she would really go back to Konoha in the future, so it would not matter if she went back early now.

"Yes! Lady Tsunade!"Shizune smiled, not even looking at the sky, and went straight to pack up her things.

【In the Hokage's office, Tsunade stood by the window and watched the village being attacked

"The barrier team reported that an intruder had sneaked into the sky above Konoha. The barrier responded that it was one person, but after the response, it was immediately confirmed that there were multiple people attacking."

"The analysis team reports that the enemy's combat strength is probably three battalions."Two ninjas appeared and reported what they found.

"The enemy who can flexibly use this combat power without being detected is indeed......"Tsunade frowned as she listened to their report. She already knew who the attacker was.

"Report, there is an eyewitness, black clothes, with a red cloud pattern on them"

"Sound an emergency alarm, and call Naruto back!" Tsunade gave the order.

"Yes, Lord Hokage!"】

"Is that Princess Tsunade?"

"Apparently, Tsunade is the Fifth Hokage"

"Why do I feel that Princess Tsunade looks exactly the same as the one I saw before? It’s been so many years, she must have found a way to keep her youthful look!"

"It's unbelievable that Princess Tsunade is actually from my grandmother's generation."

"It's Tsunade-sama! Tsunade-sama is the Fifth Hokage!"

"Huh?"Tsunade opened her eyes wide and looked at the sky. Her ears were very good, so she was sure she didn't have any disease. Was she kidding me? It's fine if I return to Konoha in the future, but why did I become a Hokage?

"Hmm? So the fifth Hokage is Tsunade! It's really suitable."Sarutobi Hiruzen was looking at the sky with a frown on his face, but he was relieved when he saw that Tsunade was the fifth Hokage.

"Tsunade?"Shimura Danzo's face was gloomy. Did she actually return to Konoha? And became Hokage. Why didn't she just die outside?

""Sarutobi-sensei!" Jiraiya was a little worried. Although he was also very happy that Tsunade became Hokage, so that he would no longer have to listen to Sarutobi-sensei's nagging hope that he would succeed as Hokage, he didn't know whether Sarutobi-sensei abdicated while still alive, or had already.......

"Call me back? Wasn't I in Konoha at that time?"Naruto perked up a little and looked at the sky curtain seriously. Was he on a mission outside at that time?

"That big sister is also the Hokage?" Naruto was a little confused

"That's Tsunade, my granddaughter, she can be Naruto's grandmother." Looking at the serious granddaughter in the sky, Senju Hashirama was a little emotional.

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