[Mitomon En and Utane Komura were drinking tea, and the vibration broke their teacups.

"What happened?" They looked out the window.

""The Akatsuki attack has begun!" said Danzo Shimura who was standing at the door."The one who is attacking is the leader of Akatsuki who defeated Jiraiya - Pain."

"Not only did they kill Jiraiya, but they also came to attack Konoha?" Mitomon En said

"Well, in order to collect the tailed beasts, they are capturing Jinchūriki everywhere, including the One-Tailed Ninja, and I'm afraid most of them have fallen into their hands." Shimura Danzo said

"So, their purpose is......"Utane Koharu frowned and said

"The legacy of the Fourth Hokage - Uzumaki Naruto, but the Fifth Hokage is now planning to call Naruto back to the village."Shimura Danzo walked in and said disapprovingly. Shimura

Danzo's words were implicitly blaming Tsunade's decision, believing that she would drag Konoha to destruction.】

"Jiraiya! Jiraiya, one of the Three Ninjas of Konoha, was killed by the leader of Akatsuki?"

"Capture the tailed beast! It turns out that not only the Nine-Tails was in trouble, but other ninja villages have also been destroyed?"

"Seriously, can you please stop talking about Konoha and let's look at our village's situation!"

"Once again, I am glad that our village does not have any tailed beasts, so we will not provoke any powerful enemies."

"I love Luo......."Temari looked at Gaara with some worry, wanting to say something to him, but she couldn't.

"The One-Tail was taken away?" Chiyo looked at Tianmu with a somewhat grim expression. If the tailed beast was extracted, how could the Jinchūriki survive? But in the future, Gaara did survive and became the Kazekage.

Apart from my reincarnation, who else would save a Jinchūriki of the Sand Village? Was it really me who saved Gaara? But why?

"Lustful Immortal......Killed?" Naruto repeated the words in the sky blankly. The lecherous sage who was usually unreliable but taught him a lot of things died?

‘No, that's not right' Naruto shook his head vigorously. That lecherous sage wouldn't die so easily. Yesterday he asked him to turn into Naruko, saying he wanted to collect materials.

That unreliable adult who called him a big pervert and was still proud must still be peeping at the women's bathhouse to collect materials.

He will become very powerful in the future. He will definitely be able to protect the lecherous sage and everyone in Konoha.

‘The legacy of the fourth generation? The Nine-Tails? Sasuke felt a little strange. Why did they mention Naruto's name when they said the Nine-Tails?

Sasuke glanced at Naruto who was still in a daze. This idiot must not have noticed

"Jiraiya......"Orochimaru disguised as the Kazekage came to Konoha with a complicated expression. That idiot was killed? Or by Pein, what a shame!......It must be for Konoha, that stubborn idiot

"That guy......"Tsunade took a deep breath and calmed herself down. What? Konoha hadn't changed at all? One after another had sacrificed for Konoha. Konoha had already taken away her Dan and Nawaseki, and now it couldn't even protect Jiraiya?

"Pein? Isn't it Yahiko?"Jiraiya didn't feel much about his own death. Isn't he fine now?

"Nagato, you......"Konan looked at the thin Nagato and wondered if they would kill Teacher Jiraiya in the future?

【Explosions were heard everywhere, and the streets outside were filled with fleeing people.

"What?"The pregnant Yuhi Hong walked out of the residence.

"You can't come outside!" Nara Shikamaru ran over and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge centipede attacked them. Shikamaru immediately stood in front of Yuhi Kurenai and used the shadow binding technique to control the movement of the centipede. The shadow pierced the centipede's body, attached the detonating talisman to the kunai, and used the shadow to control the kunai to attack the centipede, blowing it to pieces.

"Teacher Hong, I will take you to the shelter. If anything happens to you, how can I face Asuma?" Nara Shikamaru said after he solved the centipede.

"Very reliable, Shikamaru." Yuhi Kurenai looked at Nara Shikamaru and praised him.】

Seeing the pregnant Yuhi Kurenai, Kurenai and Asuma looked at each other with red faces, turned away shyly, but turned back and smiled at each other.

"Hong!"Asuma watched nervously as Yuhi Hong was attacked

"Really, I'm fine!"Xi Ri Hong was a little helpless, but her heart was also very sweet.

"Very reliable, Shikamaru. Yamanaka Ino smiled a little, and learned from Teacher Hong's words to praise Shikamaru.

""Ah!" Nara Shikamaru scratched his head. Isn't this natural? She is Asuma's lover. If something happens to her, how can he face Asuma?

【The number of wounded gradually increased, and the bodies of those who had not had time to escape were everywhere under the collapsed buildings.

Konoha Hospital was unable to bear so many wounded. Haruno Sakura directed the wounded who could still move to the shelter on their own, and the other wounded were divided into different colors for treatment according to the severity of the wounded.

"I'll call Naruto back right away." said the red communication frog

"No! Let Naruto stay in Myoboku Mountain!" Mitomon En and Utane Koharu opened the door and walked into the Hokage's office to stop him.

"What?"Tsunade looked at the two people who broke in unhappily.

"Naruto is still a child, didn't the invaders even defeat Jiraiya? If Naruto is defeated and the Nine-Tails falls into their hands, then......"Before Koharu Utatane could finish her words, she was grabbed by the collar and lifted up by the angry Tsunade.

"What are you doing!"Utatane Koharu scolded."Let go now! Tsunade!"

"What do you want to do to us consultants?"Mitomon Yan was dissatisfied

"You are the ones! Who do you think you are? How long do you want to treat him as a child?"Tsunade looked at the two so-called consultants angrily.

"He inherited Konoha's will and grew up. Naruto is now surpassing Jiraiya. He is not a tool hidden by Konoha to stop the war, but a ninja who protects Konoha - Uzumaki Naruto!"Tsunade threw the two of them directly to the ground.

"Jiraiya, Sarutobi-sensei, and Chiyo-sama of Sand Village, do you know what you don't have?"Tsunade asked them, recalling the past scenes.

"What you don't have is the power of belief!"

After being reprimanded, the two advisors said it was up to Tsunade and left the Hokage's office.

Without the obstruction, Tsunade issued a series of instructions in an orderly manner and took the lead in leaving the Hokage's office.】

"Wow! Tsunade-sama is so handsome!"

"As expected, elders from all over the world are annoying!"

"Now that you are old and can no longer perform tasks, wouldn’t it be better to retire?"

"Why are these elders blocking the Hokage's orders!"

"Well done! Lady Tsunade!"

"I made a decision that you cannot question!"Tsunade frowned, her face full of anger. It's already this hour and you are still pointing fingers. If you have the time, go deal with the enemy!

And that Naruto, I really believe in him in the future. What's the charm of that little guy? I actually believe that he can save Konoha

"Yan, Xiaochun."And Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook the ash from his pipe.

When he retires, he can take these three old friends with him. The world will be ruled by young people next time, and these old guys should not stay and cause trouble.

"That is......"Chiyo looked at herself in Tsunade's memories. It turned out that I was the one who saved Gaara. I exchanged my life for his. Do you believe in the next generation? Why would my future self have such thoughts?

"......."Gaara looked at himself lying on the ground in the sky. What was that old woman doing? And that Naruto, why could they get close to me?

"Granny Tsunade is so cool!"Naruto looked at the sky happily. I am not a child. I am Uzumaki Naruto who can protect Konoha. Granny Tsunade's words are so cool!

She was just a big sister and now she has become a grandmother. Naruto

"Tsuna, you have grown into an excellent Hokage, protecting the next generation, believing in the next generation, and entrusting the unfulfilled expectations and dreams to the next generation."Hashirama Senju showed a hearty smile, with 'My granddaughter is awesome!' written all over his face.

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