【"Okay, I have to go to Lord Fukasaku and inform Naruto as well." Just as the contact frog was about to perform a reverse summoning seal to Myoboku Mountain, it was killed by a sword, and blood splattered everywhere.

The camera moved up, and a gloomy face appeared. It was Danzo Shimura:"What a bunch of useless guys, they only grow old but not smart. They were actually completely shocked by Tsunade. But this way, we can trap the Nine-Tails."】

Everyone was shocked. Was the life-saving frog killed? This Konoha elder was probably an undercover agent from another village! Would he betray his own village like this?

Don't say it was to protect the Nine-Tails. Just look at his villain face. Even a three-year-old child wouldn't believe it.


"Why did Elder Danzo do this!"

"Damn it!" Shimura Danzo looked at the sky with gloomy eyes. He did this all for Konoha. Tsunade was not a qualified Hokage at all. After Tsunade died, he would naturally save Konoha, but why did he disclose this future?

"for......Why?"Naruto's smile froze on his face,"What is that bastard doing!"

Naruto was full of disbelief, why kill the communication frog, why stop him from coming back! Konoha is about to be destroyed! Why not let him come back to protect Konoha!

Sasuke frowned and looked at the tightly wrapped right eye and right arm of Shimura Danzo in the sky, feeling very uncomfortable

"Danzo!"Tsunade gnashed her teeth. How dare that old guy! I'll beat him up when I get back.

"Ha! Konoha!"Uchiha Obito knows this group of corrupt Konoha high-level officials too well. They are good at nothing and only play tricks and schemes to push the next generation to death.

"Pass the order down, cancel all the elder privileges of Shimura Danzo, and reclaim the Root." Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he couldn't wait any longer, his old classmate was simply crazy, he should retire before he made a bigger mistake!

"Yes!" The Anbu went to the Root Base to convey the Hokage's order.

【The people of Akatsuki in the village were interrogating the whereabouts of Konoha Ninja Uzumaki Naruto, but no one revealed it.

On the top of the Hokage Building, Tsunade stood there and activated the summoning technique, summoning a giant slug

"From now on, you will immediately follow all the ninjas in Konoha, as well as all the civilians, accept my chakra, and treat all the wounded!" After Tsunade gave the order, the giant slug turned into countless small slugs and scattered around, looking for the wounded to treat them.

"We must protect the village at all costs, even at the cost of our title of Hokage!" Tsunade said firmly, looking at Konoha.

Iruka left the explosion area with a wounded man, but met Tendou.

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto? If you don't tell me, I'll kill you."Tendo pointed a black stick at Umino Iruka from his sleeves and said

"I have nothing to say to a guy like you!" said Umino Iruka

"Really? Then you are useless!"Tian Dao said and attacked him with the black stick.】

"No one has revealed the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto"

"What do you think you are a ninja, asshole!"

"As expected, she is the number one medical ninja - Princess Tsunade!"

"Having treatment at this time can be a lifesaver!"

"Is it possible that the whole village can be treated? It's amazing!"

"It's so cool that he's willing to protect the village at all costs in the name of the shadow!"

""Master Tsunade!" Sakura looked at the sky with admiration. When Master Tsunade came back, she would definitely ask Master Tsunade to accept her as a disciple.

"No! Teacher Iruka!"Naruto roared and rushed towards the sky, trying to stop it all. His emotions fluctuated violently, and the red chakra of the Nine-Tails began to appear on his body.

"Naruto!"Sasuke grabbed Naruto who was on the verge of going berserk,"This hasn't happened yet! Calm down!"

"Naruto!"Hashirama Senju came directly in front of him and used Wood Style to suppress the Nine-Tails' chakra.

"Not now, Kurama, Naruto's body can't bear your chakra yet, you should get some sleep first."

"Thousand, Hand, Pillar, Room!" Jiu Lama couldn't resist the strengthening of the seal power and gradually fell into a deep sleep, snoring softly.

【At the critical moment, a hand grabbed the black stick that was attacking Umino Iruka. It was Hatake Kakashi.

"Please take the wounded away, leave this to me."Hatake Kakashi said to Umino Iruka

"In that case, I ask you, where is the Nine-Tails?"Tian Dao did not stop the other two from leaving, and looked at Hatake Kakashi and said

"All your efforts are in vain. The people here are different from ordinary villagers. There is no one who would sacrifice their lives or betray their companions!"Hatake Kakashi said coldly to Tiandao.】

""Teacher Kakashi! That's great!" Naruto said with a sob. Teacher Iruka is fine. He survived.

Sasuke supported Naruto and watched him trembling and crying. Iruka is really important to Naruto.

【After the confrontation, Hatake Kakashi directly broke the black stick, first used Earth Release, Earth Flow Wall, Carved Dog Head Technique to block Tendō's retreat, and then used Raikiri to attack his head, but his moves were seen through by Tendō's Rinnegan, and Tendō's black stick directly pierced his shoulder, and Raikiri did not hurt Tendō at all.

Seeing that this attack did not work, Hatake Kakashi immediately jumped back, and gathered Lightning Release Chakra again to attack Tendō, but was directly knocked away by the repulsive force of the Rinnegan, and the Earth Flow Wall was also shattered.

Hatake Kakashi, who was buried in the ruins, struggled to get up, looking at the cleared space around Tendō.

"What was that just now? With him as the center, everything around him was blown away.


"In that case, what about this?"Hatake Kakashi used the transformation form of Lightning Release, turning the lightning attack into a dog form and attacking Tendou. The lightning dog was dispersed before it could get close.

‘Physical attacks and ninjutsu were all bounced back, so what should I do?

Shurado landed behind Hatake Kakashi and twisted his wrist. Countless shells were fired at Hatake Kakashi. In the smoke and dust caused by the explosion, Hatake Kakashi appeared directly behind Shurado and stabbed at him with the Raikiri in his hand, but was dodged immediately.

‘It's a shared vision! 'After realizing that he was dodged, Hatake Kakashi looked at Tendou in front of him and remembered what Master Fukasaku said.

After Shuradou dodged the attack, his neck turned and two faces grew on his head. After taking off his Akatsuki robe, his body had been deformed into a three-headed, six-armed body.

Before Hatake Kakashi could be on guard, a strong suction force pulled him towards Tendou. Hatake Kakashi immediately took out a steel cable from his ninja tool bag and tied it to a boulder in an attempt to stop the suction force.

‘I am no match for them alone, so I must ask for support. As the suction force increased, Hatake Kakashi gradually lost his grip on the steel cable and crashed directly into the huge weapon of Shurado, piercing his body.】

"Without knowing the information, it is really difficult to use the Rinnegan!"

"It’s hard to fight even if you know the intelligence!"

"These eyes are cheating"

"??? Hatake Kakashi died so easily?"

"What the hell! He is the future Hokage of Konoha!"

"......."Naruto was almost suffocating. He was just glad that Iruka-sensei survived, and now Kakashi-sensei is dead? His mood today was up and down.

"Kakashi will not die so easily. Without knowing the enemy's intelligence, he likes to use clone technique and substitute technique to test."Sasuke has been training with Kakashi for such a long time, and he thinks he knows Kakashi's routine.

"Besides, Kakashi is the future Sixth Hokage, how could he die there!"

"Yes, Kakashi is the Sixth Hokage."Naruto murmured, Sasuke is right, Kakashi will not die there.

‘Sasuke really cares about Naruto. Uchiha Itachi sighed as he listened to Sasuke hurriedly saying such a long string of words to comfort Naruto.

"Humph!" Uchiha Obito crossed his arms and looked at the sky. That fake would not die so easily.

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