【"........"Tsunade, who was maintaining the summoning technique in the Hokage Building, opened her eyes

"What's wrong? Lady Tsunade!"The ninjas guarding around Tsunade looked at the Hokage who suddenly stood up and were a little confused.

"Sorry, Master Tsunade......."The slug that stayed on Kakashi Hatake's body and tried to heal him informed Tsunade that he was dead.

""Tsunade-sama!" Akimichi Chouji came to the top of the Hokage Building and reported to Tsunade about Tendo's ability and sacrifice.

Tsunade immediately informed everyone of the information using a slug.

"Go to Choza and take him to the hospital. He can still be saved!" Tsunade closed her eyes and gave the slug an order.

"What.....Dad! He......"Akimichi Chouji looked up at Tsunade in surprise.

""Yeah!" Tsunade nodded in response to his surprise.

"Kakashi, where is teacher Kakashi?"After crying, Akimichi Choji asked again

"..........Go quickly." Tsunade was silent for a moment, avoided talking, and turned away.】


"What does that mean? Is Hatake Kakashi really dead?"

"What is the Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake? Twins?"

"That's right! That Hatake Kakashi No. 2 didn't have the Sharingan, so Hatake Kakashi actually died in this Pain invasion. The other one who became Hokage was his twin brother - Hatake Kakashi No. 2!"

"Maybe clones?"

"Otherwise, the future shown on the screen is not the same world. The future Kakashi Hatake died in Pain's invasion. In which future where the world is destroyed, Kakashi Hatake becomes Hokage?"

"Then this sky curtain cannot be trusted!"

"Who knows what the future of our world will be?"

"Hahahaha, that slug of Tsunade is no good! Kakashi-sensei is the future Hokage, how could he die?"Naruto said with a dry laugh, and said to the people who were still discussing Kakashi-sensei's Sharingan.

"No, Naruto, Tsuna's slug will not be wrong. The Hatake Kakashi in the sky is indeed dead."Senju Hashirama sighed in his heart and explained the truth to Naruto.

"Uncle Hashirama, you are joking too. Kakashi is the future Sixth Hokage! Well, it must be because you didn't see the sky before, so......."Naruto looked at the silent crowd and gradually stopped refuting.

How could it be possible? I had seen Kakashi, the teacher who became Hokage, die there. How could it be possible? Naruto was at a loss.

"Naruto, the teacher is still here!" Kakashi said, stroking Naruto's head soothingly.

"I will definitely protect Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto held Kakashi's hand on his head and said firmly

"Well, I believe in Naruto! So Naruto has to practice hard now so that he can protect me. Kakashi said with a smile on his face.

"........."Naruto suddenly let go of Kakashi's hand,"I suddenly feel a little sick, Kakashi-sensei, please don't talk to me like that!"

"Hey! It was you who started it, Naruto!" Kakashi was a little confused

"Idiot!"Sasuke looked at the two people arguing helplessly with a smile in his eyes. This is what it means to be the last one.

"Obito~" White Zetsu looked at the stiff Obito and called out in confusion.

Uchiha Obito's mind was very confused now. What was that old woman talking about? That big rubbish died? Kakashi died? Died in his Moon Eye Project?

How could he die? How could Hatake Kakashi die! He should be alive! He should see my Moon Eye Project succeed, and then sink into an endless dream.

‘Kakashi? Kakashi? 'When Uchiha Obito closes his eyes now, he will see Hatake Kakashi willing to die for Konoha.

""Muye!" Uchiha Obito broke free from his chaotic thoughts. It was all because of Konoha! Lin, the teacher, Sister Kushina, Kakashi, it was all because of Konoha, because of the war, because of the endless greed of mankind!

The Eye of the Moon, only the Eye of the Moon is the only way to redemption, but before that he had to find out what Black Zetsu had hidden from him, and to ensure that Kakashi would live to see the day when the Eye of the Moon was successful.

‘Pein. Uchiha Obito looked at White Zetsu thoughtfully.

【Dark root base

"In this way, Tsunade's era will come to an end."Shimura Danzo said in front of the root members who were kneeling in front of him."But we can't just hand the Nine-Tails over to Akatsuki. Before the turmoil above subsides, we should hide underground first."

"Should we go and help them? Even if Danzo-sama leads us, it will be meaningless if Konoha and its people disappear."A root member wearing a tiger mask looked up and said

"Tsunade is a woman who has become Hokage. Since she has used the Slug Technique, she will not be completely destroyed. There may be some casualties, but for me, these are necessary sacrifices."Shimura Danzo's gloomy face forced out a trace of sadness

"All for me to become Hokage"】

"Holy shit! How old is this old man, and he still wants to be Hokage!"

"Are the people of Konoha blind? How dare they let such a person be an elder?"

"This is totally not treating the people in your own village as human beings!"

"At least our elders will still protect the village."

"What is Elder Danzo talking about?"

"Necessary sacrifice? We are the necessary sacrifice?"

"There are so many people in the Root, but not one of them came out to protect the village!"

"That old guy Danzo actually wants to be Hokage?"

"He wants Lady Tsunade to die!"

At this moment, Shimura Danzo lost the trust of all the people in Konoha Village. He could find a reason to kill the contact frog before, but what can he find now? How can such a person be the elder of Konoha?

""Danzo, you old thief!" Tsunade looked angrily at Shimura Danzo in the sky. If he wasn't in Konoha now, she would definitely beat that old guy to death.

"Danzo......."Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious when he saw Danzo saying this in the sky. He thought Danzo was just a little power-hungry and that he still had the heart to protect Konoha, but he actually watched Konoha suffer without rescuing it, just to become Hokage? Danzo was completely crazy for the position of Hokage!

"The Hokage exists to protect the village and the people in the village. If he can't do that, there is no need for the Hokage to exist at all!"Hashirama Senju looked at Danzo Shimura in the sky. The disciple taught by Tobirama turned out to be this kind of person. Then Sasuke was right to kill him.

【The Animal Path went to various places to summon more summoned beasts, wreaking havoc in the village and attracting the attention of the Konoha ninjas. When the members of the Anbu were scattered to deal with these summoned beasts, the Animal Path brought the summoned beasts to destroy the Intelligence Department. Yamanaka

Inoichi read the information in the minds of the ninjas of the Rain Village and found that the Animal Path was originally a corpse after seeing her and told Shizune who came to the Intelligence Department to find him.

Yamanaka Inoichi took the rest of the people to the Code Department, leaving Ibiki and a small number of Anbu to deal with the Animal Path】

"It's actually a corpse!"

"Like puppetry?"

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? It can actually make corpses move and have the Rinnegan!"

"Could this be another of the Rinnegan's eye techniques?"

"So there should only be one pair of Samsara Eyes? These are just corpses controlled by the Samsara Eyes!"

"The one controlling it should be Tiandao, who seems to be their leader, so all we have to do is defeat Tiandao?"

"Who would release the real body? That Heavenly Dao is definitely not the real body."

"Yahiko......"Jiraiya frowned. If Yahiko was already dead, then the one who was controlling him was......Nagato

【In the ruins, Jigokudo attacked two ninjas and forced them to ask about the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto. After Konohamaru had arranged for the injured, he was attracted here by the screams and hid behind the building to watch all this.

"That pattern......It was Akatsuki who killed Uncle Asuma!" Konohamaru came to the conclusion after seeing Jigokudo's clothes

"Is Uzumaki Naruto in the village, or not in the village? Jigokudo asked as he approached the two Konoha ninjas he defeated.

"Even if it was Naruto, he was also a comrade of Konoha. We would never betray our comrades' information!"As soon as he finished speaking, Hell Road grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"Humph! The so-called will of fire? If you don't tell me, you won't have a chance next time."Hell Dao threatened, and the Yama beast appeared behind him.

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto?"

""Brother Naruto!" Konohamaru listened in surprise and stuck his head out.

"I told you I don’t know!"

"Give up, we won't tell you anything!" The two ninjas struggled but refused to reveal Uzumaki Naruto's whereabouts.

"Really? Then I will make the judgment." After Jigokudō finished speaking, the tongues of the two ninjas were pulled out and absorbed by the Yama beast behind him.

Konohamaru was too scared and accidentally made a sound, which was discovered by Jigokudō. When Jigokudō turned and walked towards him, Ebisu stood in front of Jigokudō and attacked him, but was kicked against the wall by Jigokudō with one blow.

When Jigokudō looked in the direction of Konohamaru, Ebisu stood up and said,"What are you looking at! You can't kill me at this level!" After that, he attacked him again.

But it was all in vain. Ebisu was no match for Jigokudō at all. After several rounds, Jigokudō grabbed his neck and tortured him about the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto.

"Naruto, is Konoha's companion! I have nothing to tell you Akatsuki."Ebisu said with a sneer on his face.

When Ebisu was about to have his soul extracted, Konohamaru appeared and saved him.】

"Konohamaru!"Naruto looked at Konohamaru who ran to a dangerous place and was a little worried

"Do you know him?" Sasuke was a little confused

"Well, I met him when I was training with the Lecherous Sage, and I even taught him ninjutsu!" Naruto said proudly.

"Just you?"Sasuke looked at Naruto suspiciously. What kind of ninjutsu could this idiot teach?

Wait! No way, this idiot wouldn't teach that, right? Well, definitely not. There shouldn't be any idiot who would follow him to learn that.

""Asshole Sasuke, what's with that expression on your face! I know a lot, okay!" Naruto looked at Sasuke's suspicious look and became angry.

"Asuma!"Hong looked at Asuma beside him with disbelief in his eyes, and his eyes turned red in an instant.

"Red, I......I'm here, I'm fine." Asuma looked flustered and tried to comfort her clumsily.

""Asuma-sensei!" Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, and Akimichi Choji all screamed.

How could it be that Asuma-sensei was killed by Akatsuki before Pain's invasion? So when was it?

"That's right! Teacher Hong is pregnant, which means that Teacher Asuma is at most 7 months into Pain's invasion, which means there should be about two years left."Nara Shikamaru analyzed.

"Asma......"Sarutobi Hiruzen's pipe fell to the ground, and his original worry for Konohamaru was overwhelmed by grief. Was his child gone at such a young age?

"Damn it! Tell it to me! Let that bastard come find me!" Naruto looked at the ninja who died after being tortured, and he was a little excited.

"Naruto, they are ninjas, how could they betray their companions? Kakashi looked at Naruto disapprovingly.

"I.....I just......"Naruto closed his eyes

"This idiot just doesn't want anyone to sacrifice in vain."Sasuke looked at Naruto and said

【When Ebisu told Konohamaru to run

"Someone taught me that there are no shortcuts on the road of ninja, and I will not run away, because there is no brother Naruto at the end of that road!" Konoha said and launched another attack.

But Konohamaru was no match for Jigokudo. After being knocked away, he was directly pinned to the wall by Jigokudo. At this time, Konohamaru also saw the technique launched by Jigokudo. When his soul was about to be extracted, Konohamaru turned into smoke and disappeared.

"It's a clone!" Hell Dao turned his head and looked back.

"Rasengan!" Konohamaru's high-speed spinning wind attack smashed the Hell Path into the wall, rendering him unable to move.

"This is the ninjutsu that Naruto taught me! Sarutobi clan Genin, Konohamaru! You remember this!" Konohamaru clenched his fists and said to the unconscious Jigokudo.】

��The next generation of Konoha, damn! I'm so envious!"

"How old is he? He can actually use such a powerful ninjutsu!"

"That's right! That's it, Konohamaru!"Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. Great, Konohamaru!

But, did he teach Konohamaru the Rasengan? Well, it must have been taught by his future self.

Sasuke looked at the ninjutsu that Konohamaru used at the end. It turned out to be the Rasengan. It seems that Naruto didn't teach him any weird ninjutsu.

""Brother Naruto!" Konohamaru looked at his handsome self in the sky with shining eyes. Did brother Naruto teach him such a powerful ninjutsu? Brother Naruto is really amazing!

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