[While the ninjas from various families were dealing with the summoned beasts and members of the Akatsuki organization, Tian Dao came to the top of the Hokage building.

"It's you!"Seeing the Tendou appearing before her, Tsunade recognized that this was one of the three people that Jiraiya had to save in the Land of Rain.

"Long time no see, Master Tsunade. You are the only one left of the former Three Ninjas of Konoha."Tian Dao said

"Uzumaki Naruto, where is the Nine-Tails?"

"Who knows!" Tsunade sneered and replied

"The capture of the Jinchūriki has been basically completed. The balance of power maintained by the tailed beasts can no longer be maintained. It is meaningless to protect the Nine-Tails."Tendo looked at Tsunade calmly and said

"The flames of war will spread everywhere, and we will control the war. Join us, and we can let you go."

"Don't underestimate the Five Kage. If you want to destroy the peaceful life we maintain, there is nothing to say to you terrorists!"Tsunade said angrily

"Don't be so arrogant!"Tian Dao opened his eyes wide, and his powerful and terrifying chakra���Covering everyone

"Your peace is violence against us!"Tian Dao's tone was filled with anger.

Tsunade admitted Konoha's past mistakes, but she would never compromise with Tian Dao.

"What you want will never fall into your hands!"Tsunade looked at Tiandao and said firmly

"If you think that Konoha Ninja can always protect Uzumaki Naruto......"

"No! Naruto......But it's very strong!" Tsunade said with a smile】

"Hiss! A wonderful ninjutsu showdown, so much information!"

"Konoha suffered a huge loss!"

"Only one of the three ninjas of Konoha is left? After Jiraiya's death, Orochimaru is also dead?"

"Didn't Orochimaru defect? It shouldn't be counted as his."

"From the tone of voice, I feel like Orochimaru is still dead!"

"The Tailed Beasts have been captured! It's confirmed that other ninja villages with Tailed Beasts have also been attacked!"

"Tianmu! Stop favoring Konoha! Show us what's happening in our ninja village!"

"Why are you so arrogant! If we offend the five major ninja villages, they will unite and wipe out your Akatsuki!"

"Why are we still chatting? You, a terrorist, are talking to us about peace!"

"Could the Fourth War mentioned earlier be launched by Akatsuki?"

"How can a big country understand the pain of a small country like us who are surviving in the cracks?"

"Collect the tailed beasts as weapons of war? But why should the tailed beasts listen to Akatsuki? Let Akatsuki's people be the Jinchūriki?"

"Orochimaru......"Tsunade was a little dazed. After Jiraiya, Orochimaru also......

What! One or two troublesome guys die quickly, and the future......Am I the only one left? Tsunade thought a little sadly.

"......."Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the sky in silence. Is Tsunade the only disciple left in the future? The child who has been pursuing immortality can't escape death after all.

Orochimaru looked at the sky calmly. Did his reincarnation fail? Or was he killed by someone? But Pein didn't understand my methods. Maybe I will still be alive in the future, but others think I am dead.

That means he was killed by others. If the reincarnation failed, the people around him would not spread it everywhere.

‘I am not so easy to kill. Those who kill me should be prepared to be retaliated.

"Tsk! That Orochimaru guy." Jiraiya was a little annoyed.

Damn! I will be dead in the future, why should I care about that guy? Maybe I will die before that cold-blooded guy.

"The result is still......I didn't accomplish anything." Jiraiya said self-deprecatingly

【When Tiandao asked Tsunade where Uzumaki Naruto was, Renjiandao attacked the Code Division and captured all the people who were gathered there to analyze intelligence.

Renjiandao directly read Shizune's memory and got the news that Uzumaki Naruto was in Myoboku Mountain.

"Uzumaki Naruto is at Myoboku Mountain."Through the memory sharing, Tiandao learned about Naruto's whereabouts.

"How do you know that?"Tsunade looked at Tiandao in surprise.

"Then it would be meaningless to stay here."Tian Dao said and turned to leave.

The Akatsuki members in other parts of the village also began to retreat.

"One last question."Tendo stopped walking and turned his head to ask Tsunade."Are you using the chakra gathered under your feet to fight me? You seem to have known my ability."

"However, all these are meaningless in the face of overwhelming power. You, the great country, have already proved this. You fantasize that you are the protagonist of the world, that you are far away from death, and that you are superficially indulging in false peace. Those who kill will eventually be killed......."

"What a bunch of nonsense! Our great country is also feeling the same pain!"Tsunade interrupted Tendou's mumbling loudly.

"Ridiculous!"Tendo turned around and looked at Tsunade.

"Feel the pain! Think about the pain!"Tian Dao said as he rose to the sky."Accept the pain! Understand the pain!"

"Wait! Pein, what do you want to do!"Tsunade saw Tiandao flying higher and higher and had a bad feeling.

"Those who do not know pain cannot understand true peace!"Tian Daofei said in the sky.

When the rest of the Akatsuki were escaping from the siege of Konoha ninjas, the Animal Path directly summoned them to the outskirts of Konoha.

"What's going on?"Xiao Nan looked around and asked the beast

"I need that."The beast replied】

"It turns out that chakra stick is used to control the corpse!"

"It turns out that this is not the ability of the Samsara Eye."

"Of course not! That black stick can only be used by the Rinnegan, right? Didn’t Otsutsuki Momoshiki use it to catch the Eight-Tails before?"

"This ability to read memories is even better than that of the Yamanaka family!"

"If we had this ability, intelligence would come to us in large quantities. How embarrassing it is for us that we can't get any intelligence even after trying our best!"

"Of course, if someone dies while forcing someone to reveal information, it would be a waste of time."

"Where is the peace? People still die every day because of missions."

"How can we be immersed in peace? We are all trying to live, bastard!"

"Isn't it the fate of ninjas to kill or be killed? When will this fate end?"

"Use that? Which one is that? Don't speak in riddles!"

"By transferring their own people away before, is it a large-scale attack?"

"This guy said that others are arrogant, but in fact he is the most arrogant one. We are working hard to maintain the peace, why do you say that we don’t know anything?"

"Shizune! Damn it!"Tsunade looked at the dead Shizune in the sky. Shizune had been with her for so long, and it could almost be said that she raised her, but she was killed by Akatsuki's people. She and Akatsuki have an irreconcilable relationship!

"Nagato! In the future, you will use......"Konan looked at Nagato worriedly.

"Nagato, your future self has clearly obtained information about the Nine-Tailed Fox, so why did you still use that trick? It will shorten your lifespan!"

"Just like what I said in the sky, if you don't feel pain, you can't understand true peace."Nagato looked at Konan's worried expression and said softly

"Konan, we will definitely realize Yahiko's dream. Even if the ninja world knows our information, in the face of absolute power, the result will not change."

‘But Nagato, haven't we seen the more distant future? There is no place for Akatsuki in that future. 'Konan looked at Nagato's paranoid look and felt a little confused.

【"What happened? Those guys actually retreated?" asked the Anbu guarding Tsunade.

"That guy seems to be planning to do something."Tsunade said, looking at Pein in the sky.

"No matter what he's going to do! Slug, protect everyone!"Tsunade said as she chased Pein.

Pein rose high into the sky, his back to the sun, the sun's light cast a shadow on him, he opened his arms, like a god

"I will not forget Yahiko's pain, and from now on, let the world feel the pain!"

"Shinra Tensei!"

With Tendou as the center, a huge impact force spread out from all around him, and Konoha was flattened by the huge repulsive force. The ground was directly cut off by several hundred meters. When the smoke dissipated, everyone could only see Konoha reduced to ruins.

Haruno Sakura came out of the protection of the slug and looked at the deep pit with disbelief that was once a residential building, but now it was nothing.

"Why is this happening! Naruto, come quickly!"Haruno Sakura watched all this with tears in her eyes.

"Please, Naruto!"

"Bang!"A puff of smoke appeared in the deep pit.】

"I want to fly up to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

"What a smell! My Lord God!"

"Who is Yahiko? Is Pain seeking revenge? Because Yahiko died in the conflict between the great powers, that is why he hates the great powers so much."

"Yahiko's pain?" Jiraiya looked at Tianmu nervously. Did Nagato become like this because of Yahiko's death? How did Yahiko die?

The people of Konoha who were noisy just now after the Shinra Tensei was launched suddenly became quiet.

One blow directly turned Konoha into a deep pit? Can anyone survive? How can ordinary people survive such an attack!

What is that! I thought I had about 20 years to live, but now I only have about three years?

No, that's not right, maybe not even three years. Who knows if the Akatsuki organization will be killed because of Tianmu's violence ? They had leaked their information and attacked in advance.

With this kind of strength, the major ninja villages really have to unite now. If they don't wipe out Akatsuki, are they really waiting for them to defeat them one by one? Those ninja villages with tailed beasts are probably the most anxious.

The eyes of the ninjas who came to Konoha to participate in the Chunin Exam were hesitant. Konoha had provoked such a strong man. Are they really safe to stay in Konoha now?

If that strong man goes crazy and comes to Konoha to capture the Nine-Tails now, won't they be buried with Konoha?

Seeing Haruno Sakura come out from under the protection of the slug, the people of Konoha Village had a glimmer of hope.

"Yes, we still have Lady Tsunade. Lady Tsunade asked the slug to protect us before Pein launched the attack, so we should be able to survive." Someone said in a confused tone

"I said that when I saw the layout of Konoha in the future, it seemed a little strange. It seemed that the terrain was much lower. So this is why!"Someone said with a forced smile

"If Elder Danzo hadn't killed the communication frog, would things have been different when Naruto came back? Tsunade-sama said Naruto was very powerful, right? Naruto was also very powerful in the past future. If he was there,......"The voice gradually became quieter.

"Hey! Everyone! These are things that haven't happened yet, so cheer up! Since we already know this future, we can definitely prevent it from happening again."

"No matter how powerful this Akatsuki is, it can never be the opponent of our united ninja village! This time Tianmu has revealed Akatsuki's ambition and purpose, and the Yings will definitely not let them be arrogant anymore."

There are optimistic people everywhere cheering everyone up and telling everyone not to be so depressed.

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