【After the smoke cleared, three huge frogs appeared in the deep pit. On the head of the dark brown frog in the middle were two small frogs.

On the orange small frogs stood Uzumaki Naruto, who was wearing a fiery red robe, carrying a huge scroll on his back, and with orange eyeshadow on his eyelids.

He opened his eyes with golden horizontal pupils, crossed his arms and looked at the deep pit in front of him.

"Where is this place?"Uzumaki Naruto looked around, blinked, and asked at the unfamiliar place in front of him.

"Where are the enemies?" Fukasaku was also a little confused. He looked at Shima who jumped on top of Bunta and asked,"Mother of the child, why don't you send us to Konoha Village?"

"This is Konoha Village."Senren Shima said solemnly

"How could it be?"Uzumaki Naruto looked at all this in astonishment. Shima Sennin motioned Naruto to look up. Uzumaki Naruto looked at the half-destroyed Hokage Rock with anger in his eyes.】

"Wow! That little girl really called someone out."

"What kind of humanoid summoned beast is this!"

"Hey! What's the point of coming back after Konoha is destroyed? Are you just giving yourself away?"

"How old is he? Can he beat Payne?"

"Hiss! Why do I feel like he looks better than before? Is it because of his hairstyle?"

"Ahhh! My eyes hurt so much, why did I suddenly see Konoha's Fourth Hokage, I can't stand seeing this!"

"Why do I feel that Uzumaki Naruto is a little silly?"

"Haha! Standing in the village and asking where this is so seriously is too stupid!"

"The serious atmosphere is gone in an instant, okay?"

Everyone in Konoha was a little stunned when they heard Uzumaki Naruto's question.

It's too crazy! You can't even recognize your own village? Konoha is right under your feet!

They glanced at the sky again. Well, if they hadn't seen Konoha become like that with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't have recognized such a big deep pit.

"I'm finally back!" Naruto looked at himself in the sky, who had returned to Konoha, and was waiting until tears came out.

"This is too much! He turned the village into this. I will never let Pein go!"

Sasuke looked at Uzumaki Naruto in the sky. He was not as optimistic as Naruto. Instead, he was a little worried. Can that guy beat Pein? And why haven't I shown up until now? Am I not in the village either? Is he out on a mission or training outside?

Jiraiya looked at Naruto in the sky proudly. Has he mastered the Sage Mode at this age? He is much stronger than me, Naruto.

【The Anbu guarding the Hokage pushed open the collapsed wall, revealing Tsunade inside. Tsunade looked at the ruined Konoha Village, her eyes full of grief and anger:"I can't forgive you, I can never forgive you! Pein!"

"There is no mark on the forehead anymore. Tsunade-sama gave all her chakra to Slug-sama to protect everyone in the village from Pein."The guardian Anbu looked at the exhausted Hokage in surprise.

In the ruins, countless slugs were wriggling, spitting out the people of Konoha Village who were being protected. The people of Konoha crawled out of the ruins and looked at the completely destroyed village in front of them.】

"Lady Tsunade!"

"Still alive! Everybody is still alive!"

"Tsunade-sama saved so many people, it's great! So many people survived"

"Long live Lady Tsunade!"

Everyone in Konoha was excited to see the slug spit out familiar people one by one and treat them. If Tsunade came back now, she would definitely receive a wave of gratitude and love.

Jiraiya closed his eyes to hide the weakness and kindness in his eyes, opened his eyes and looked at the sky coldly. Even if it was his own disciple, it would hurt Konoha and Tsunade. After meeting Nagato and Konan, he would definitely not show mercy.

"Hokage-sama, compared to the unreliable and lagging elders of Konoha, Tsunade and her direct troops have been working hard. Konoha should have a strong demand for Tsunade to be the Hokage now!"

Mei Terumi just arrived in Konoha when the sky screen was playing. Now she walked to the Hokage building to hand in the paperwork. She smiled and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and taunted the elders of Konoha.

"How is the Fourth Mizukage?"Sarutobi Hiruzen greeted Mei Terumi, who led the team to Konoha to participate in the Chunin Exam.

Our Konoha Elders are lagging behind, but the biggest laggard of you Mist Kage is not the one who brought down your own Mizukage in the Blood Mist Village? Where do you get the sense of superiority to mock us?

"The Mizukage is fine."Terumi Mei said calmly. Ever since the sky curtain released her as the future Mizukage, Qing went to investigate whether the Fourth Mizukage had any problems.

Qing's white eyes seemed to have found something wrong, but it was a pity that he could not observe more closely. However, the Great Elder transferred some power to her, and this time he also asked her to come to Konoha to investigate the situation.

"As a teacher, I know how good Tsunade is. If she comes back this time, she will be the next Hokage."Sarutobi Hiruzen said with satisfaction as he looked at Tsunade who was trying her best to save Konoha.

"The Konoha founded by that adult has become like this......"Ohnoki was a little sad. The top leaders were corrupt and Konoha was razed to the ground by powerful enemies.

However, the next Hokage was very good. The Konoha ninjas, even the Genin, were very strong-willed. They were not afraid even though they knew that if they didn't reveal the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto, they would die. As long as the top leaders who had become a cancer were eliminated, Konoha's future would be promising.

I wonder if the yellow earth has reached Konoha. And this Akatsuki actually wants to capture the tailed beast. We should also pay attention to the safety of Han and the village.

"And Lao Zi outside the village, that guy......"Ohnoki frowned when he thought of Lao Zi

【Outside Konoha, Shurado, who was resurrected by Jigokudo, met up with the others and headed towards Tendo.

Pain descended from the sky to the ground and walked towards Uzumaki Naruto:"It saves me the time to look for you."

Tsunade jumped down the pit and blocked Uzumaki Naruto:"I am the fifth Hokage. You have trampled on the treasures and dreams of our ancestors. I will never forgive you! Here, as Hokage, I will end this with you!"

"It seems that you understand pain a little bit."Tendo looked at Tsunade and said

"But I have nothing to do with you. What I want to find is......."Before he could finish his words, Shurado attacked Tsunade, but was smashed to pieces by Uzumaki Naruto who came down from the sky.

"It's me!" Uzumaki Naruto raised his head from the corpse of Shurado and looked coldly at Tiandao.

"There is no need for the Hokage to take action against this kind of guy. Grandma, you should go to the side and rest first. Uzumaki Naruto said calmly to Tsunade behind him.

""Pein! Let's end this!" Uzumaki Naruto shouted angrily.

‘The power of the Heavenly Dao cannot be restored for the time being.......’The Heavenly Path looked at Uzumaki Naruto and asked the Animal Path, Human Path, and Hungry Ghost Path to protect him.

""Gamaji!" Uzumaki Naruto called out to the smaller orange toad, asking him to take Granny Tsunade to a safe place. Tsunade asked him to bring the slug with him, as there was information about this group of people.

"I probably shouldn't ask this question. I can absorb natural energy now, so I can feel everyone's chakra. Did Kakashi leave the village for a mission?"Uzumaki Naruto asked Tsunade.

Tsunade didn't say anything. Uzumaki Naruto already understood. He suppressed the sadness of losing his teacher again and asked Gamaji to take Tsunade away.】

"The Shura Road was already in such a rotten state before, but it was intact after being swallowed by that strange giant beast?"

"Wouldn't that be equivalent to Konoha suffering heavy losses after fighting for such a long time while Akatsuki remained unscathed?"

"Now Naruto has to face six members of Akatsuki. Can he defeat them?"

"Why didn’t Xiaonan follow?"

"Xiaonan is alive, right? She doesn't have those black sticks on her body. Maybe it's to protect her."

"Lady Tsunade was so weak, yet she still stood in front of Uzumaki Naruto!"

"!!! One hit......This boy is so handsome!"

"Wow! I feel so safe!"

"You're actually being protected by a little kid?" Tsunade was a little stunned. Although her future self showed that she trusted this kid, he was still just a kid of fifteen or sixteen years old!

""Tsunade-sama, everything is packed!" Shizune came out with a package on her back and Tuntun in her arms.

"The future Naruto is very mature." Kakashi looked at the disciple in the sky with some sadness. He was not much older than he is now. After discovering the death of his teacher, he chose to hide his sadness and face the enemy. How much suffering did he go through to grow up like this?

"Clam....."Gamaji?" Naruto looked at the big orange toad who was holding Grandma Tsunade in his hand after being called.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke was a little confused. Why did the last one react so strongly?

"it.....Gamaji, it's not even as big as my palm now! How big will it grow in the future!"Naruto looked at Sasuke and showed him the current size of Gamaji, expressing his surprise.

���The giant rhinoceros summoned by the Animal Path rushed towards Uzumaki Naruto, who grabbed its horn and threw it away.

When two more giant beasts rushed over, Fukasaku and Shima used the Senjutsu: Frog Croak to freeze them, and Naruto used the Shadow Clone and the Senjutsu: Great Ball Rasengan to knock them away.

After being reminded by the slug that he could not use ninjutsu, Uzumaki Naruto used the Frog Kumite to attack the Hungry Ghost Path.

This can use natural energy for one's own benefit, and can attack even without touching the enemy. The Hungry Ghost Path was directly knocked away by the invisible attack and lost its combat effectiveness.

The rest of the Toads used their own methods to deal with the summoned beasts summoned by the Animal Path, and they all won.

Uzumaki Naruto felt that he could not procrastinate any longer, and wanted to use a new technique to decide the outcome, but was told by Pain that he had also studied under Jiraiya and was his senior brother, and they should understand each other. The peace that Jiraiya teacher hoped for

"Stop kidding! This is not peace at all!"Uzumaki Naruto showed Tendou the damage he had caused, and angrily threw the Wind Style Rasenshuriken at him.】

"Immortal Technique! So powerful! Why didn't the lecherous immortal teach me?"Naruto's blue eyes sparkled as he watched himself defeat the enemy in just a few moves.

"Naruto, you have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. It is very dangerous to learn fairy arts if you haven't laid a solid foundation yet."Hashirama Senju frowned when he thought of his experience of learning fairy arts in the Wet Bone Forest. He obviously didn't want to recall it anymore.

Sasuke looked at Naruto in the sky and suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. If he only learned from Kakashi, he might fall behind Naruto.

Sasuke gritted his teeth secretly. How could this be possible? He should be stronger than Naruto. He should be the one who always stands in front of Naruto. Sharingan, he will use Sharingan more in the future, but how should his eyes evolve? How can he get the same eyes as Uchiha Itachi, and the Samsara Eye?......

When everyone in the ninja world heard that Pain was actually Jiraiya's disciple, they were shocked. Are they kidding me? The disciple taught by Jiraiya actually came to attack Konoha!

"Huh? ?!! The Pein who invaded Konoha was actually Jiraiya's disciple!"

"It was said before that Jiraiya died at the hands of Pein. What kind of master-disciple relationship is this? The master was also killed! Pein, you are so filial!"

"Being a teacher is a high-risk profession nowadays"

"Isn't this just fellow disciples killing each other?"

"Jiraiya, how did you teach your disciples? His understanding of peace is to come and destroy your village!"

""Hey! Disciple of the Lecherous Sage?" Naruto was puzzled. If that was the case, then that guy must be his senior brother, right? But he was the one who killed the Lecherous Sage and destroyed Konoha.

No, that's not right. None of this has happened yet. Naruto's mind was a little confused. He scratched his head and shouted,"Ahhh! So annoying!""

"It turns out that he is Jiraiya-sama's disciple!"Nara Shikaku felt a little sorry. Why didn't Jiraiya-sama bring him back to Konoha? Such a powerful fighter actually became Konoha's enemy in the end.

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