[When the Akatsuki people were dodging, the Rasenshuriken suddenly expanded and hit the Human Path unexpectedly. After the violent explosion, the Human Path lost its ability to fight.

After seeing this, the Animal Path summoned a Yasakatsuri to attack Uzumaki Naruto, but was kicked away by Uzumaki Naruto. At the same time, the Animal Path also rushed forward to fight with Uzumaki Naruto. The toads of Myoboku Mountain were also dragged by the Animal Path's summoned two-headed dog that would split when killed.

"The speed has slowed down. It seems that the previous move consumed too much senjutsu chakra."Tian Dao said as he looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was fighting against the animal path.

‘Oh no! The Sage Mode is about to end, and we have to at least get rid of this guy before that. 'Uzumaki Naruto thought as he looked at the Animal Path with a gasp.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fukasaku and Shima directly lifted up Bunta and threw him in the direction of Uzumaki Naruto, asking him to swallow Uzumaki Naruto and the Animal Path into his mouth to cut off the connection with the Samsara Eye.

In the darkness, Uzumaki Naruto directly used the Rasengan to get rid of the Animal Path, and was then spit out by Bunta, but Uzumaki Naruto had been released from the Sage Mode due to the excessive consumption.】

"That attack can actually expand instantly!"

"Why doesn't the Heavenly Dao go there? Just watch?"

"It seems that the big move used to flatten Konoha was not without cost. Tiandao should no longer be able to use that kind of repulsion and suction."Raikage Ai looked at the sky curtain and should be grateful for it for exposing Akatsuki's weaknesses and goals. It would be better for him and Yukito to stay in the village before dealing with Akatsuki.

"No way! This magic technique was useless after just one move?"

"The move just now was powerful, but it also consumed a lot of energy. I was too impulsive. There are still four enemies to deal with."

"As a young person, how can you not be excited to see your village become like this?"

"He threw the big toad towards Uzumaki Naruto! Was he planning to crush the enemy with his weight? But Uzumaki Naruto was also within the attack range!"

"It turns out that it was to cut off the sight of the Rinnegan! I almost forgot that their sight is shared."

"Is the Sage Mode canceled? We have only defeated three enemies! There are still three left?"

"My goodness, no one from Konoha came to help! Where is Uchiha Sasuke? Why isn't he in Konoha?"

"That's it!" Jiraiya opened his eyes wide and looked at the Rasengan Shuriken, muttering to himself:"Minato, your child has completed a ninjutsu that you haven't done, and added a change in the nature of the Rasengan. If you saw it, you would be very proud."

"Hey! How come this powerful state ended so quickly? I clearly lasted a long time when I was fighting that white-haired monster before!"Naruto was a little confused when he saw himself failing after solving the Shura Path, the Human Path, and the Animal Path.

"The last one, this is different from your previous state. Your previous pupils were crosses with golden outer layers, but yours are just horizontal pupils, there is no change."Sasuke swallowed the strange setting of adding red eyeshadow.

"One is pure Sage Mode, and the other is Sage Mode with Kurama's blessing. Moreover, Naruto in the sky should not have reconciled with Kurama yet. Sage arts are rejected by Kurama, and cannot gather too much natural energy, so naturally they can't last long."Hashirama Senju, who has fought four wars with Naruto and can use Sage Mode, obviously knows where the problem lies.

"Hmm? It turns out that I haven't become friends with Jiu Lama after a few years. I won't have to wait for more than ten years before Jiu Lama is willing to be friends with me!"Naruto touched his belly with some disappointment.

‘It won't take that long. Senju Hashirama looked at Naruto helplessly.

【Taking this opportunity, Tendou attacked Uzumaki Naruto. The two sides, who were exhausted, fought with fists and feet. At the moment when Tendou attacked with a black stick in the face, Uzumaki Naruto restored his sage mode and smashed the black stick directly.

It turned out that the large scroll that Uzumaki Naruto had just thrown to Sage Fukasaku contained a reverse summoning technique, which summoned the clone that was still absorbing natural energy in Myoboku Mountain. After the clone was released, the sage chakra cultivated could be fed back to himself.

Uzumaki Naruto, who had restored his sage mode, became much stronger. After fighting for several rounds, he directly kicked Tendou to the ground and threw a wind escape·Rasenshuriken at Tendou.

At the critical moment, Hungry Ghost Path blocked in front of Tendou and absorbed the ninjutsu. Only then did everyone realize that Jigoku Path had the ability to revive.

Uzumaki Naruto decided to deal with Jigoku Path first. He used smoke bombs to interfere with his vision, and used his transformation technique to disguise the Rasengan Shuriken to deceive Hungry Ghost Path who could absorb ninjutsu, and hugged him around the waist to stop his movement.

The main body fired a Rasengan shuriken at Tendō, and when everyone thought it was going to succeed, Tendō, who had recovered his strength, directly repelled it with his repulsive force.

"It's not over yet!" Uzumaki Naruto looked up at Tendou and said.

Tendou knew something was wrong and turned to look behind him. Another clone of Uzumaki Naruto fell from the sky and smashed Jigokudo directly into the ground with a Rasengan, piercing his back. The three-stage attack was a great success! At this point, only Tendou and Hungry Ghost were left in Akatsuki.】

"It can be like this!" Naruto was a little surprised. Then I can create many shadow clones. I am best at this technique. If I can remove a clone after using up the natural energy, then I can always maintain the Sage Mode.

Sasuke looked at the happy Naruto and knew what this guy was thinking.

This guy didn't remember the theory of chakra control at all.

How could it be so easy.

There must not be many clones in the sky that Naruto can use to absorb natural energy, and he hasn't used many clones in the battle until now.

It is not this guy's style at all.

It should be because of balance.

If he uses too much, either the clone that absorbs natural energy will have problems, or the clone in the battle will have problems.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and sighed. It's not that I don't give Naruto a theoretical lesson, but Naruto is really just a practical person. The knowledge in the books has not entered his brain at all. This is different from Teacher Minato. Teacher Minato is a university bully.

"Wasn't the hungry ghost realm resolved before? Why did it appear again?"

"It's like this again! At critical moments, there are always five other paths standing in the way of the Heavenly Path. Before, it was the Shura Path where Kakashi was, and now it's the Hungry Ghost Path!"

"Jigokudo has the ability to resurrect, so he stands behind Tendou. He should be the first to deal with Jigokudo. Otherwise, no matter how many times he is defeated, with him around, Akatsuki will be unscathed."

"Uzumaki Naruto has a strong fighting consciousness! He came up with a countermeasure in such a short time, and it worked!"

"Good! The hell is solved, and now the people of Akatsuki can't be resurrected. Now there are only the heaven and the hungry ghost who can absorb ninjutsu. This kid was really solved by him alone."

"It's because Tendao used his ultimate move before. Otherwise, even with Tendao, Uzumaki Naruto wouldn't have a chance."

"Tiandao's ability has been restored. It seems that Uzumaki Naruto will be difficult to fight next."

"How long has it been? How come he recovered so quickly after using a powerful move that razed Konoha to the ground?"

"This move is so familiar! Did he also use this move when he and Uchiha Sasuke fought against Otsutsuki Momoshiki before?"

"Wow, Uzumaki Naruto really figured this out."

"You really like to use this trick."Sasuke raised his eyebrows and said to Naruto

"It's OK as long as it works! Isn't this very useful?"Naruto said proudly, pointing at the big guy who was solved.

【When Uzumaki Naruto and his friends were exchanging information and deciding on the next battle plan using illusions, Gamabun, Ken, and Hiro, who were fighting with Tendou, were knocked away by Shinra Tensei and were seriously injured and lost their ability to fight. Tendou directly used the Tensei to suck Uzumaki Naruto over, while Hungry Ghost Path locked him up and made him unable to move while absorbing his senjutsu chakra, allowing Uzumaki Naruto to release his sage mode.

"Then, the Nine-Tails was captured successfully."Tiandao said to Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto closed his eyes and ignored Tiandao's words, and directly increased the senjutsu chakra sent to the hungry ghosts.

It was not until the hungry ghosts turned into stone frogs that Uzumaki Naruto opened his eyes and said,"Natural energy is very dangerous!" He broke the arm that was locking him and regained his freedom.

"Now you're the only one left"

"You are wrong."Pain said calmly.

The slug explained to the puzzled Uzumaki Naruto that these were puppets and there was a real body controlling them.】

"What kind of illusion is this? Uzumaki Naruto looks very reluctant."

"Using illusion to deal with the Heavenly Dao? So simple?"

"Caught! Uzumaki Naruto was caught!"

"Hiss, is it so dangerous to learn magic? I can even turn into a stone frog!"

"It should be dangerous if you don't use the correct method to learn fairy arts. Isn't Uzumaki Naruto fine?"

"Indiscriminately absorbing natural energy actually has such consequences!"

"Senjutsu is a great nemesis for future opponents who can absorb ninjutsu. You don't even need to do anything yourself. Once you touch them, they will turn into stone."

"Hey~ so ugly! Those black sticks already made it look non-mainstream, and it’s even more eye-catching after it turned into a toad"

"Oh! If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten that there is a real body. If I don't find the real body, it's useless to defeat these puppets! I can do it with corpses. The last thing the ninja world lacks is corpses."

"I turned into a toad!"Naruto thought about what he would look like when he turned into a toad, and his face wrinkled. He thought that he should be a fox, because a big fox is more handsome than a toad! Much more handsome!

As if sensing that Naruto was praising himself, the huge red fox who was forced to sleep in his inner world shook his ears gently and slept more soundly.

Sasuke was nervous when he saw Naruto being captured, but when he saw the hungry ghost turning into a toad, and thought of the big orange toad with blond hair and blue eyes, he suddenly felt a chill. He thought that he should be a fox, because a fox is much better.

That day, the toads of Myoboku Mountain were deeply disliked.

That day, all the toads of Myoboku Mountain sneezed non-stop, which made everyone confused. What happened? Did they all catch a cold?

【When Fukasaku and the others were preparing for the illusion, Tendō used the Tensei Tensei to suck Fukasaku over. Uzumaki Naruto was unable to stop him, and Fukasaku was pierced by the black rod.

"Grandpa Fukasaku!"

"I've had enough of that illusion." Tiandao threw Fukasaku's body out.

"Ten Thousand Things Heavenly Attraction!"Uzumaki Naruto was grabbed by the neck and thrown to the ground by Ten Path. He grabbed his hands and twisted them back to nail the black sticks to his hands. Uzumaki Naruto immediately screamed in pain.

"I think you will be a little more peaceful now, Nine-Tails." Tendou said, squatting in front of Uzumaki Naruto.】

"What a pity. I wanted to see what kind of illusion it was. Why did Uzumaki Naruto dislike it so much?"

"It seems that Tiandao has suffered from this illusion before! It must be Jiraiya!"

"After Jiraiya used it, the Heavenly Dao was prepared! He killed the toad directly. Jiraiya, Jiraiya! You killed your apprentice and the toad."

"This is really miserable. He was directly pinned by the black stick. That black stick can directly seal the chakra, right?"

"Master Fukasaku!" Jiraiya's pupils shrank. Although he had always lived a heartless life, the Sage Fukasaku who called him Little Jiraiya and raised him as a child also died at the hands of Nagato in the future.

He still remembered the Nagato who was taciturn but peace-loving and full of hope in his eyes, who lived seriously with Yahiko and Konan and was happy even when life was hard.

How did Yahiko die? What happened after he left the Land of Rain? Why did Nagato become like this.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he looked at the painful Naruto. Damn it, where did I go in the future! Why wasn't I in Konoha!

Everyone in Konoha who was familiar with Naruto looked at Naruto who was nailed with a black stick in the sky with concern.

【"Who are you? What are you going to do?"Uzumaki Naruto said while holding back the pain.

"Didn't I just say that we should foster peace and achieve justice for the sake of Jiraiya's teacher's legacy?"Tian Dao stood up and looked down at him.���road

"Peace! Justice! What a joke! You have ruined my master, my teacher, my village and my companions like this, what right do you have to speak nonsense there!" Uzumaki Naruto struggled and asked loudly

"Then what do you want?" Tian Dao asked

"I will defeat you and protect the peace of the ninja world!" Uzumaki Naruto gritted his teeth and said

"Really? That's really a great thing, this is justice!" Tiandao walked aside and looked at the ruined Konoha,"But it was you, the Konoha ninjas, who turned my family, my companions, and my village into the same place as this village."

Facing Uzumaki Naruto's doubts and shock, Tiandao said that big countries launched countless wars for resources and to prevent their citizens from starving, turning small countries into battlefields and leaving them devastated. Tiandao asked him how to solve such hatred

"I......I don't know about this either." Uzumaki Naruto said with his eyes downcast.

Facing this answer, Tendo told about Akatsuki's plan to collect the tailed beasts in order to create the strongest weapon that can instantly destroy a great country, use their fear of pain to stop war and lead the world to peace.

"No, this kind of peace is deceptive! The lecherous sage believes that a future of mutual understanding between people will eventually come, but it is different from you!"Uzumaki Naruto looked up at Tiandao and retorted

"It's just a lip service. For someone like you who can't even give an answer, all you can do is give me the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox."Tian Dao took out the black stick

"Your death can bring peace."Instantly, several black sticks were nailed into Uzumaki Naruto's body.】

"Whose peace is like this?"

"Oh my god! Jiraiya, how did you teach your disciples? Why is your understanding of peace like this?"

"Could it be that he had written too many pornographic books? When he told his disciples about the conflict, they took it seriously?"

"What is this? A pornographic book destroyed Konoha?"

"Hmm? I just remembered that Jiraiya is dead and"Intimate Paradise" is no longer updated! Jiraiya! Remember to finish writing"Intimate Paradise" before you die!"

"It's confirmed! He came here for revenge. The people of Konoha destroyed his village and killed his family!"

After hearing what Tiandao said, all the ninjas with conscience fell silent.

"He is right. The big country started the war but we have to bear the consequences of the war."A ninja from a small ninja village who came to Konoha to participate in the Chunin Exam looked at Konoha, which was much more prosperous than them, and said softly,"All this is because we have borne the damage for them."

"Can we really achieve peace by being afraid of pain and war?"

"What good is peace under pain and fear? I think what he needs is not a powerful tailed beast weapon, but a doctor who can heal his brain!"Raikage Ai sneered at Tiandao's opinion.

"Such arrogance, we five Kage will never agree to such a thing."Onoki was unmoved by Tendou's words. There are only a few people as gentle as that sir. No, it should be said that he is the only one who is willing to do this for peace.���The weak bow their heads.

If the other one hadn't been there, he would have been completely like Pain, fear and submission. Ohnoki felt a pain in his waist just thinking about it.

"It's not that easy for people to understand each other! If Pain's idea is still feasible, then Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto's ideas are simply naive!"

"Resources, benefits, money, food, and missions are not as simple as this kid thinks. He is still young and fanciful."

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