['I can't move.' Uzumaki Naruto tried to struggle, but he couldn't move at all. It was as if his body couldn't feel anything.

"It's about time I take you away." Tiandao reached out to Uzumaki Naruto, but as if he sensed something, he jumped back.

"Bang!"The attack of the white-eyed girl hit the ground and stirred up a cloud of dust.

"I will never let you attack Naruto-kun again!"When the smoke and dust cleared, Hyuga Hinata stood beside Uzumaki Naruto and said to Tendou not far away

"Why did you come out? Run away, you are no match for that guy!"Uzumaki Naruto said anxiously while looking at Hyuga Hinata

"I came here of my own volition, and this time I want to help Naruto-kun." Hinata Hyuga said firmly, looking ahead.

"I just cried and gave up from the beginning. I almost went astray several times. It was Naruto who brought me back to the right path."

"I always look at Naruto-kun, want to catch up with Naruto-kun, want to fight side by side with Naruto-kun. It was Naruto-kun who changed me, and it was Naruto-kun's smile that saved me."

"So, in order to protect Naruto-kun, I will not be afraid of death!"

"because......I like Naruto-kun the most."After mustering up the courage to say this, Hyuga Hinata used her Byakugan to pose with the Bagua Palm towards Tiandao.】

"White eyes! It's the Hyuga family. Did Konoha finally remember that there is someone to help?"

"The battle distance is so far that it would be impossible to see clearly without the Byakugan, but why is there only one Byakugan popping up?"

"Girl, instead of saying these words, are you really not going to help Uzumaki Naruto pull out the black stick first?"

"If you confess, Payne will not care about you, but if you dare to move the black stick,.......Oh, I'll beat you out in a second, okay?"

"Is she planning to deal with Payne? Seriously? She can't even get close, right?"

""Miss!" The Hyuga family looked at the familiar yet strange girl in the sky. With the character of their eldest daughter, would she actually jump out to help Uzumaki Naruto?

"Hinata......."Hinata Hiashi looked at his daughter in the sky. His eldest daughter was cowardly, which made him come up with the idea of letting Hanabi inherit the Hyuga family. Was it that Uzumaki Naruto who made her brave?

"I......I want to protect Naruto-kun!"Hinata Hyuga's face flushed as she looked at herself bravely standing up in the sky, and she was a little envious.

Sasuke was a little surprised to hear Hinata Hyuga's confession in the sky. This idiot actually has someone who likes him.

"Um......"Naruto stared at the sky and pondered for a while.

Seeing that Naruto seemed to be about to say something, Sasuke and the others focused their attention on him, and everyone thought he was going to express his thoughts.

Naruto was silent for a while, looking at the strange girl who suddenly appeared in the sky and spoke a lot of words in a daze,"Who is she?"

"It's Hyuga Hinata."Sasuke was speechless. You listened to a long paragraph and you were just wondering who she was? And you still haven't remembered her. With such obvious Byakugan features, do you completely forget who your classmates are? Although he does have a low sense of presence, if it weren't for those Byakugan, he wouldn't even have a deep impression of her.

"Ah! Who is that weird guy?" Hearing the name, Naruto dug through his memory and finally remembered the mushroom-headed guy who would always blush when he saw him and faint for no apparent reason.

"What are you looking at me like that! Her hairstyle has changed, from a mushroom head to long hair, and I think everyone in the Hyuga family looks the same."Naruto got a little irritated when he saw Sasuke and the others' weird looks, it's really not my fault. Hashirama Senju felt like his knee was inexplicably hit by an arrow, what's wrong with a mushroom head turning into long hair? Madara will be able to recognize me when we meet again on the battlefield!

【When everyone thought she was going to attack Tendou, she spun around and kicked off two of the black sticks on Uzumaki Naruto's body. When she tried to kick off the remaining black sticks, Tendou immediately reacted and used Shinra Tensei to knock her away. Hinata

Hyuga rolled on the ground and got up, and ran towards Uzumaki Naruto again, but this time she was knocked away by Tendou before she got close.

"Hinata!"Uzumaki Naruto looked at Hyuga Hinata flying away and shouted worriedly

‘I can't get close to Naruto, so I have to think of a way. 'Hinata Hyuga's head was bleeding. She looked at Tendou who was blocking Uzumaki Naruto, stood up shakily, and gathered chakra in her hands.

""Soft Step, Double Lion Fist!" Giving up the idea of rushing to Uzumaki Naruto to remove the black stick, he quickly attacked Tendou. After a few rounds of fighting, Tendou was exposed due to Nagato's weakness.

Hyuga Hinata seized this opportunity and turned around and broke one black stick with one punch. At the moment of breaking the other black stick, Tendou, who had recovered, was thrown into the air and fell straight to the ground.

"Hinata! Hinata!"

"Naruto-kun......"Hinata Hyuga, who had fallen into a coma, regained consciousness after hearing the shouting in her ear. She stood up again tremblingly and limped towards Uzumaki Naruto.

""Stop! Hinata, don't come over here!" Uzumaki Naruto couldn't bear to watch any longer and advised Hyuga Hinata.

After hearing what Uzumaki Naruto said, Hyuga Hinata fell to the ground, but still got up and approached Uzumaki Naruto little by little. She grabbed the black stick that was inserted in Uzumaki Naruto's hand.】

"Hey! I got slapped in the face. It turns out that he was pretending to attack and took the opportunity to kick the black stick off."

"As expected! As soon as he moved the black stick, he was beaten away. Payne didn't even move. His courage is commendable, but it's useless."

"She really likes that Uzumaki Naruto. She can get up several times like this."

"Come on! The girl only needs two more and Uzumaki Naruto will be free again!"

"This is youth! To protect important things, she becomes stronger and is not afraid of any difficulties. This little girl is also a passionate person! Li!"Might Guy said admiringly, pointing at Hinata Hyuga in the sky.

""Yes! Teacher Kai! In order to protect everyone! I will become stronger too!" Xiao Li said with his blood boiling.

"If it keeps boiling, it will dry up, okay?"Tiantian complained

"......."Hyuga Neji looked at Hyuga Hinata in the sky with complicated eyes. That cowardly eldest daughter of the main family, Hyuga Hinata, who had nothing but the identity of a main family, actually had the courage to come out and face the powerful enemy.

【"Why are you so unwilling to give up even though you are so weak? Tian Dao looked at the girl who refused to give up and asked,"Why are you fighting? You know you will die."

"Keep your word and move forward bravely, because this is my way of ninja."Hyuga Hinata smiled and looked at Uzumaki Naruto who looked up after hearing this.

Just as she was about to pull out the black stick, she was controlled by Tendou to fly high into the sky and fell heavily to the ground. Unlike the previous force, the ground was smashed by his body this time. Tendou directly stabbed the black stick into Hyuga Hinata's body, and blood spread along the ground.

"So be it, my parents were also killed by you Konoha ninjas in the same way, it is because of love that sacrifices are derived, hatred is derived, and only then can we know pain."Tian Dao said as he looked at Uzumaki Naruto, who was staring at the pool of blood with his eyes dull and his pupils losing their luster.

"Yes, know the pain."Tian Dao said softly, looking at Uzumaki Naruto's eyes that turned scarlet due to pain.】

"Why does the phantom of Uzumaki Naruto appear when I say it? It's so scary! Is it a spirit possession?"

"This sentence should be said by Uzumaki Naruto. This girl just used his ninja way."

"Doesn't she have her own ninja way?"

"die.....Dead? Just like that? What a pity!"

"Didn't Konoha have enough casualties this time? What's so regrettable?"

"Uzumaki Naruto was devastated!"

"Uzumaki Naruto's eyes have turned into beast pupils! Is he going to turn into the Nine-Tails? The Nine-Tails is coming out!"

"Why......"Naruto looked at Tianmu in disbelief, why did he have to go to this extent, why didn't he just run away!

‘People, when they want to protect something important, they become very strong.' Naruto remembered what Shiro said to him in Wave Country before, and when Sasuke stood in front of him and took all those Senbon for him to protect him. Am

I an important person to Hyuga Hinata? But we don't have any intersection at all? Why?

"Nine-Tailed Fox......."Kakashi looked at the sky curtain nervously. Naruto's emotions fluctuated too much. The Nine-Tails was about to come out. What should he do? Can Naruto in the sky curtain survive?

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