【"What happened?" Haruno Sakura lay down to avoid being blown away by the sudden hurricane, and stared at the black and red beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth in the center of the pit with wide eyes:"That is......"

In the seal, bloodshot and filled with hatred, the beast's scarlet eyes appeared.

"Gurgle, Gurgle......"The black and red chakra wrapped around Uzumaki Naruto on the ground like a stream of water, bringing a suffocating feeling.

"Is this the power of the Nine-Tails?"Tendo opened his eyes wide and looked at the cold and violent chakra.

Wrapped in this black and red chakra, Uzumaki Naruto broke free from the black stick that had been restraining him, but he also completely lost his mind and turned into a black and red four-tailed fox.

Chakra turned into several foxes and attacked Tendo, but was dispersed by Tendo with Shinra Tensei. Uzumaki Naruto, who had already turned into a fox on the spot, lifted up countless stones on the ground, and huge trees rose from the ground. The tail carried huge stones and threw them at Tendo, but under the protection of Shinra Tensei, he could not hurt Tendo at all.】

"Those eyes are a bit scary, is that the Nine-Tailed Fox?"

"Why is that chakra black and red? Wasn't the chakra before the Nine-Tails golden? So depressing"

"Why is the personality of this Nine-Tail different from the previous ones? His eyes are so fierce"

"Right, this is what a normal tailed beast should be! A violent, terrifying, crazy beast!"

"The previous one was abnormal!"

"Why are there only four tails? Why not nine?"

"??? The Nine-Tails can also use Wood Release! Are you serious? Isn't that a ninjutsu that only the first generation of Hokage can use?"

Seeing the giant tree rising from the ground, the people in the ninja world were amazed.

"Can't even the incarnated tailed beasts break through the Shinra Tensei?"

"Uzumaki Naruto has completely lost his mind and is now attacking randomly"

"That's Naruto......"Haruno Sakura looked at the black and red four-tailed fox in shock. She didn't see any companions at all. Naruto had become like this.

This feeling was so scary. It was totally different from Naruto's usual self. Why did Naruto lose his mind? Could the Nine-Tailed Fox have turned Naruto into this?

How could Naruto return to normal? Could anyone save him?

""Naruto-kun!" Hinata Hyuga looked at the fox transformed by Uzumaki Naruto worriedly. Naruto-kun looked so painful, was it because he saw my death?

"This is what Naruto looks like when he loses his mind."Nara Shikamaru vaguely recalled the words of the Konoha villagers. If that was the case, no wonder those people didn't allow their children to get close to Naruto. But it was obviously not Naruto's fault. He didn't want to become the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

"I love Luo......"Temari and Kankuro looked at the four-tailed fox staring at the sky with fear and breathing heavily. Gaara was surrounded by yellow sand. God bless, please don't go berserk in Konoha!

The seal has been reinforced before, it shouldn't go berserk again so soon! Temari and Kankuro wanted to cry but had no tears.

The villagers of Konoha looked at the violent fox and recalled the night of the nine-tailed fox before, with fear and resentment in their eyes.

【A violent roar of the beast sounded, and the huge energy impact caused the sky to change. A huge lightning struck the four-tailed fox, and its tails became six during this period. It also gave it white bone armor, and its strength was also improved.

"That's all, but my pain is greater than yours!" Tiandao's face was grim as he punched the ground and knocked out the underground water. The huge water column rushed towards the six-tailed fox like a sky.

The battle between the two sides changed the topography of Konoha. The flat land turned into a swamp. On the water surface, the six tails of the fox quickly attacked Tiandao. Each blow carried the force of splitting rocks. After he dodged them one by one, the furious six-tailed fox attacked with energy bombs, but they were all bounced away by Tiandao's Shinra Tensei.

""Roar!" The increasingly angry fox gathered energy in its mouth, and when it wanted to launch the Tailed Beast Ball, it was restricted by a cage formed by trees that suddenly stretched out from the ground.

At this time, Tiandao shot the black stick at the six-tailed fox, which injured it. The frantic fox directly used its chakra to ignite a raging fire and rushed through the trees. The flaming trees spread out in all directions like a rain of fire. The six-tailed fox wanted to gather energy again. The emerald green pendant on Uzumaki Naruto's chest emitted a dazzling light, and green chakra poured out of the pendant, tightly binding the fox that had lost its mind.

""Is it a sealing technique?" Tiandao said as he looked at the green light.

The black and red six-tailed fox struggled painfully, looking at the pendant floating in the air, and directly grabbed it with his claws and crushed it. The green chakra turned into a light spot and disappeared after the pendant was shattered. The six-tailed fox, which regained its freedom, howled to the sky.】

"??? Aren't those trees created by Kyuubi? Why stop him?"

"The trees......"Kakashi looked at the tree that bound Naruto. Was it the Shodaime? No, that's not right. The Shodaime didn't exist in that future. If that's the case, the only one who can use Wood Release in Konoha is Tenzo.

He will reinforce the seal for Naruto in the future, which means that Naruto had gone berserk before Pain invaded Konoha. When was that? What happened? Kakashi looked at his ill-fated disciple with concern.

"Is there anyone in Konoha who can use Wood Release now?" Senju Hashirama asked with some curiosity. There is actually someone in Konoha who can use my Wood Release. I really want to meet him.

Uh, could it be that he has transplanted my cells like Madara did? Then could it be that he has my face growing on his body?

The situation was urgent on the battlefield of the Fourth War, so I didn't have time to ask Madara if he could put on more clothes and not show my face on his chest. It was so weird and embarrassing.

Madara is fine, but could it be that there are other people with my face growing on their bodies? Senju Hashirama's thoughts were drifting further and further away, and he completely forgot about the question he asked. He was filled with horror at the thought that Konoha was full of people with his face growing on their chests running around.

‘Help! Tobirama, help! 'Hashirama Senju's imagination is now unstoppable, and he even added drama to Tobirama Senju.

Kakashi looked at the first generation in confusion, who suddenly showed fear after asking the question. What happened?

"I......I will become like that? It is totally different from the golden and majestic fox before."Naruto pursed his lips, as if he saw the difference between the buyer's show and the seller's show. Why is the difference so big? Suddenly, he felt that whether he turned into a toad or a fox, he would be so ugly!

""A-choo!" The big fox sneezed, his eyelids moved as if he was about to wake up, and soon he turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

"Idiot, don't you see that you are in pain on the screen?"Sasuke looked at these guys who were completely out of shape and felt helpless. They should be a little more reliable. These guys are actually Hokage. Suddenly, he felt that he was out of place here.

""Gah!" Uchiha Itachi rubbed his brother to comfort him.

"You also think this group of people is unreliable, right?" Sasuke combed the black crow's feathers with his hands.

"That pendant!"Tsunade pulled out the pendant that she had been wearing around her neck. I gave it to Uzumaki Naruto in the future? Why did I give this cursed necklace to him? Tsunade suddenly became extremely curious about Uzumaki Naruto.

【"The seal has been unsealed."Tian Dao stood on a rock that was not submerged by the water and said to the six-tailed fox.

The six-tailed fox landed on the water and rushed towards Tian Dao at high speed with the water. The huge waves overturned the rock where Tian Dao was standing and made him fall into the water. The six-tailed fox attacked him with its huge tail. Tian Dao could only use Shinra Tensei to bounce the tail and the water away, but the six-tailed fox that approached grabbed his head with one claw, and the six tails also broke through the repulsive force and appeared beside him.

"Impossible! He actually survived the Shinra Tensei!"Tian Dao's face was distorted by the sharp airflow, and he was directly slapped out by the six-tailed fox's claw.

Tian Dao rolled countless times and smashed countless boulders, but he could not relieve the huge impact. He crashed into the stone wall and stopped. The stone wall was loosened, and the boulders rolled down. Tian Dao was smashed to the ground and buried under the boulders. The six-tailed fox emerged from the water, and countless blue or black and red bubbles lingered around him. He faced the sky and condensed the Tailed Beast Jade in his mouth.

""Tian Dao rushed out from the ground, clapped his hands, and made a huge rock fall from the sky and hit the six-tailed demon fox that was gathering chakra.

"Roar!" After the deafening roar, a violent explosion destroyed the boulder, and the strong energy wave dyed the sky red with flames.

"What an amazing Nine-Tailed Fox power." Tiandao looked at the shattered rock and turned around and ran towards the main body.】

"This is the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox......"

"This is only the six-tailed beast, not the nine-tailed beast yet. The golden nine-tailed beast before is its true strength."

"Vulpix is already Kage-level, okay? If he meets Uzumaki Naruto in the future, if he loses his rationality when provoked and his strength increases dramatically, how can we fight him?"

"What are you thinking? He has Sage Mode. You can't beat him unless his tail explodes."

"He actually managed to survive the Shinra Tensei, and the Shinra Tensei, who had never failed before, was blown up by the Nine-Tails."

"Ran away! Payne actually ran away!"

"Uzumaki Naruto ran along with him, he wouldn't fall into the tiger's mouth!"

"How could you say the word"sheep" to such a ferocious nine-tailed beast?"

"The boss actually ran away? Could he really not defeat the Nine-Tails? Hmm." Deidara looked at the running boss with a surprised face. He was as surprised as he was when he saw the boss beating Konoha before.

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