"Once the seal of the Eight-Tails is lifted, I will appear in your consciousness." Namikaze Minato looked at Uzumaki Naruto gently and explained

"Although I hope this won't happen." Namikaze Minato turned his head to hide his gentle emotions and said to the nine-tailed fox in the cell door behind him:"Because I don't want to see you anymore, nine-tailed fox"

"Roar!" The angry beast roared as if responding to him, do you think I want to see you?

"However, I am also looking forward to seeing my son when he grows up, so it is a mixed blessing." Namikaze Minato said with a smile as he looked at Uzumaki Naruto, who was full of surprise.

"Fourth Hokage! Come, watch me tear you into pieces!"The bloodshot eyes looked at Minato Namikaze with hatred as he sealed the freed creature into the body of this little devil.

"Even if they want to tear me to pieces, they can't get close to me." Namikaze Minato didn't think the Nine-Tails was a threat,"I'm right, Naruto"

"Naruto is my name, why......The Fourth Hokage will know my name." Uzumaki Mei said with some doubt.

"Well, because I gave you your name." Namikaze Minato looked at Uzumaki Naruto:"I just said that you are my son."】

"Hmm? So is Konoha's Fourth Hokage dead or alive?"

"He left his chakra in the seal before he died. Once Uzumaki Naruto opens the seal, he will appear."

"What?! It's not alive.......Huh? Not alive? That's great!"

"Can Chakra be like this?"

"First of all, you need to have the strength of the Fourth Hokage. Do you have it?"

"Is Golden Flash such a gentle person? It's different from the image we usually hear about."

"??? Uzumaki Naruto is actually the son of the Fourth Hokage?"

"What? Minato Namikaze is married? And he has a son this old?"

"Damn it! As expected, the son of a genius is also a genius, and in the end his son became a Hokage!"

The people of Konoha couldn't believe it. Uzumaki Naruto was the son of the Fourth Hokage?

The Fourth Hokage, whom they had always respected and loved, who sacrificed his life to save Konoha on the night of the Nine-Tails, was actually Uzumaki Naruto's father.

Then what did they do to Uzumaki Naruto?.......Some people who have always been grateful for the kindness of the Fourth Hokage are now in a state of guilt.

They hate Uzumaki Naruto not only because he is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but also because the Nine-Tails killed the Fourth Hokage, and they hate Uzumaki Naruto as the incarnation of the Nine-Tails.

"So what? He is the child of the Fourth-sama, so those who died on the night of the Nine-tail can be resurrected?"

"So my wife and children can survive?"

"They won't come back to life, and my parents will never hug me again!"

But most of the villagers whose loved ones died on the night of the Nine-Tails didn't think there was anything wrong with what they did. They hated the Nine-Tails itself.

They couldn't rationally distinguish the difference between the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki and the Nine-Tails. In their minds, the equation of Uzumaki Naruto = Nine-Tails was valid. It wasn't that Uzumaki Naruto becoming the son of the Fourth Hokage could erase their hatred and fear.

So how hard did Uzumaki Naruto have to go through in the later period? Through his own efforts, he changed their views, won their recognition, and finally became everyone's hero.

"Naruto......"Sasuke looked at Naruto, whose eyes were wide open and whose body was stiffly staring at the sky, and called out softly.

Kakashi and Hashirama Senju both looked at Naruto with worry.

Hashirama Senju was a little at a loss, ah ah ah! What should I do, is he going to cry? Tobirama, Madara! Help! I don’t know how to comfort people! Can I use the same tricks I used to comfort Tsuna before?

"Huh? Haha, Sasuke, you called me!"Naruto tried to speak as usual, but no one present could hear the suppressed cry in his words.

"Tsk, idiot! Cry if you want, we won't laugh at you." Sasuke directly covered Naruto's eyes with his hands, and after feeling the wetness of his palms, his somewhat tough tone softened.

"I didn't........"Naruto's sadness was magnified by the sudden darkness. If no one comforted him, he would just cry silently, but Sasuke's behavior suddenly made him want to vent his emotions.

"Why? Am I not his son? Why did he seal the Nine-Tails in me? I used to admire the Fourth Hokage very much! Such a powerful Hokage is loved and respected by everyone! I also want to be recognized by everyone!"

"When I learned that it was the Fourth Hokage who sealed the Nine-Tails in my body, I hated him a little bit, just a little bit. Why me? Because I'm an orphan? So it doesn't matter what happens! I'm hated by everyone and treated coldly by everyone!"

"But it turns out that it's because I'm his child, because I'm his child.......Woohoo......"Naruto covered his face with Sasuke's hand and burst into tears.

Sasuke stood there stiffly, his mind blank. Ah! What should I do? What should I do next? Should I say something? What should I say?

【Uzumaki Naruto froze for a moment, his mind blank, he lowered his head and exhaled a short and convulsive breath, raised his eyes to look at the gentle Fourth Hokage, tears fell uncontrollably, and he laughed out loud while crying.

""The Fourth Hokage!" The Nine-Tails roared, its eyes fixed on Minato Namikaze

"The guy behind is very noisy, let's go to another place to continue the conversation." Namikaze Minato snapped his fingers.

Uzumaki Naruto stopped laughing, watching the surrounding environment change from dim to bright, and wiped the tears from his face with his arm.

"The Third Hokage didn't seem to tell you anything. He probably wanted to hide the information about the Nine-Tails as much as possible."Minato Namikaze said to his son, who was hiding his face with his arms and couldn't see his emotions.

"If they knew you were my son, you would be in a lot of danger."

Uzumaki Naruto lowered his arms from his face, lowered his head and whispered,"Dad......"

Minato Namikaze, who had always been very calm, showed a look of surprise for the first time when he heard the word"Dad".

"Bang!"Uzumaki Naruto suddenly punched Minato Namikaze in the abdomen

"Cough!" Namikaze Minato looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a painful expression on his face.】

"Ha! Konoha is really keeping it a secret. If I knew that Minato Namikaze had a son, I would kill his son even if it meant sacrificing my own life."

"I can't kill Minato Namikaze for revenge, but can't I kill his son?"

"You may not be able to kill now."

"His son is only thirteen years old at most! I can't kill a child?"

"Tsk tsk, are you touched? Are you broken? I said that Minato Namikaze always had a fake smile mask on his face, and this"dad" finally blew out your other expressions."

"Hey, your prejudice against the Fourth Hokage is about to overflow. Can't you just allow him to be truly gentle?"

"I thought the next scene would be the father and son hugging each other and crying, but I never expected that Uzumaki Naruto would just punch him."

"Look at the force, there is no mercy!"

The people who were familiar with Naruto had mixed feelings because they suddenly knew that their friend was actually the son of the Fourth Hokage, but this punch interrupted their prepared emotions.

Ah, this is really you, Naruto!

"I can't see anymore, Sasuke."

Sasuke slowly put his hands down and looked at Naruto who had stopped crying but was still staring at the sky.

"If he appeared in front of me now, I would also want to punch him."Naruto said while covering the seal on his abdomen

"That's too much, but if he was always there, would he be able to see me like Jiu Lama?......"

【"Why did you seal the Nine-Tails in my body? Thanks to you, I really suffered a lot!"Uzumaki Naruto cried and complained loudly

"Adults all looked down on me, and it was hard for me to make friends, so I kept trying to get everyone to accept me."

Minato Namikaze listened quietly to the complaint with a tearful tone.

"I practiced hard, and then I met Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, and the lecherous sage. I was very happy to become stronger, but I was targeted by those Akatsuki guys, so I had to practice twice as hard."

"Even though he finally became stronger, his companions were killed by Akatsuki.......I.......Why......"Uzumaki Naruto scratched his hair, not knowing what he was going to say

"Ah! I can't tell whether I'm happy or angry anymore!" Uzumaki Naruto wiped the tears from his face.

Namikaze Minato smiled and asked softly:"Naruto, how old are you?"

"Sixteen years old."Uzumaki Naruto replied with a crying voice

"Really? You're already sixteen years old. It seems you've been through a lot of pain. Naruto, I'm sorry."

"As a father, I have no face to apologize to you for letting you, my son, suffer so much." Namikaze Minato said to Uzumaki Naruto

"It doesn't matter anymore, I'm the son of the Fourth Hokage, I can bear it." Uzumaki Naruto stopped crying, turned his head and pretended not to care.

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, then laughed:"I left half of the Nine-Tails' chakra before sealing it, because I believe you can control how to use this power."

Uzumaki Naruto looked over with some surprise.

"If it was my son, there would be a reason why I did this on purpose." Namikaze Minato's expression became serious, and he told Naruto that there was another mastermind behind the Nine-Tails' attack on the village sixteen years ago. He was a member of Akatsuki, the masked man.】

"This is the treatment of Jinchūriki. Even though he didn't volunteer, he still has to bear the fear and hatred of others towards the tailed beasts."

"Minato Namikaze asked his son to be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Didn't he know what kind of life a Jinchuriki leads?"

"Seeing that Naruto is obviously very optimistic and seems to like Konoha very much, I thought Konoha was more friendly to Jinchūriki. It turns out that the treatment of Jinchūriki is the same everywhere."

"There is actually a mastermind behind Payne! Payne is so strong, how strong must the person behind him be!"

"The boss is not the real boss?"The rebel ninjas of Akatsuki were a little surprised. There was someone behind their leader? How come they didn't know? Was what Minato Namikaze said true or false?

"I love Luo......"Temari called out hesitantly,"Gaara, who had changed from his frantic excitement to his usual cold and emotionless state since he saw Uzumaki Naruto calling the Fourth Hokage daddy in the sky.

If......If it was that Uzumaki Naruto, the child who had the same experience as Gaara, could he change Gaara? Temari thought of Gaara who became the Wind Shadow after being gentle and calm and going to save people.

‘Why not hate? Why is it so easy to accept. Gaara's grayish green eyes stared at Uzumaki Naruto in the sky. Why can they exist like this? Why don't they rely on killing and hatred to establish a connection with the world? Why isn't he alone?

"Uzumaki Naruto?" Gaara called out the name in confusion.

"I'm not late this time, Minato-sensei."Uchiha Obito's exposed eye couldn't tell his emotions, but he had a backup plan before he died! But you who didn't recognize me are dead anyway, what can you change? If you can't even save yourself, who can you save?

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