["Naruto, it’s hard to find the answer to the question that Pein asked you. Wars are started in order to save important people. As long as love exists, hatred will arise." Namikaze Minato said to the confused Uzumaki Naruto.

"Ninjas are exploited by this hatred. As long as there is a ninja system, the monster of hatred will breed new Paynes."

"It was Pain who killed Jiraiya, but if you think about it, it was the disorder of the ninja world that gave birth to Pain, and the teacher was killed by it."

"Even so, I will never forgive Pein!" Uzumaki Naruto said loudly, and then whispered softly:"I can't forgive him......"

"Fourth Hokage, what should I do?"Uzumaki Naruto approached Minato Namikaze and asked

"You have to find the answer yourself. I don't know what the answer is either." Namikaze Minato couldn't tell him the answer.

"How could I possibly know something that even the Fourth Hokage and the Lecherous Sage didn't know! You are so willful!"Uzumaki Naruto complained loudly.

"And I......."Before he could finish his words, Minato Namikaze suddenly put his hand on Uzumaki Naruto's head. He opened his eyes wide and felt the warmth on his head.

"If you say so, you will definitely find the answer!" Minato Namikaze said to Uzumaki Naruto with trust:"I believe you!"

"Really? Can I really do this?"Uzumaki Naruto looked at Namikaze Minato's trusting eyes and was a little unconfident.

"Of course, no matter what, believing that your child can do it is what parents do."After saying this with a smile, Minato Namikaze took back the chakra on Uzumaki Naruto's head and said with regret:"I am almost leaving now, my chakra is gradually decreasing."

"What? Wait......"Uzumaki Naruto wanted to keep her, but couldn't say it.

"I restored the seal, but this is the last time." Namikaze Minato closed the vortex in Uzumaki Naruto's abdomen with his five fingers, and gradually floated away:"Konoha can still be rebuilt, please, Naruto."

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the gradually disappearing Namikaze Minato and strengthened his determination:"Thank you, Dad!"】

"Because of the mission, you have to kill people. Killing people will create hatred. But if you don't do the mission, you will have no money or food, and you can't survive. Ninjas are like this."

"Alas! It is because I love the village and my family that I must complete the task successfully, so that I can win more tasks and funds, and the people in the village can live a better life."

"Being used by hatred? That's true."

"Tsk! How noble of you, Minato Namikaze, to have no complaints against the murderer of your teacher."

"This should be the correct attitude for Uzumaki Naruto. How could he forgive so easily?"

"Hmm? Just let your child find the answer! Remember when Uzumaki Naruto was speechless? Namikaze Minato is really big"

"It seems like a big deal! Saying"I believe" can make others rack their brains and work hard. Well, it's not someone else, it's my own son."

"Uzumaki Naruto! Give another punch to this irresponsible father like Minato Namikaze!"

"Eh! Did you run out of chakra like this? So you came out just to repair the seal! See how much your son misses you!"

"Believe in me no matter what?" Naruto wiped his tears with his sleeves, greedily looking at Minato Namikaze who was gradually disappearing in the sky, and his tears could not be stopped again.

"Doesn't it hurt to wipe your eyes like this?"Sasuke took out a handkerchief and covered his eyes with it,"Hold it yourself." Naruto took off the handkerchief, sniffed, and blew his nose directly with it.

Sasuke's mouth twitched, thank you, I don't want this handkerchief anymore

"I still don't understand. I don't understand what he said about hatred and the ninja system at all."Naruto said somewhat unhappily.

"But he said he believed me! So I want to find out! I will find the answer that he can't find!" His blue eyes were full of determination.

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Naruto regain his vitality. His thoughts returned to the masked man who appeared on the night of the Nine-tailed Fox that Minato had mentioned before. Minato's death was related to him. If it wasn't for him, would Minato have survived the night of the Nine-tailed Fox?

"The masked man?"Hiruzen Sarutobi thought of his wife Biwako and the Anbu who were killed outside Kushina's delivery room, the traces of Minato's fight with others in the woods, and the Sharingan in the mad Kyuubi's eyes that could not be ignored.

At that time, there was obviously an unknown third person, which was also the reason why Konoha later distrusted Uchiha and further exacerbated the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha.

【"Roar!"The Eight-Tails struggled as if it had been skinned, and the seal of the Chibaku Tensei gradually fell off.

"It can actually break free from the seal of Chibaku Tensei, it is worthy of being the Nine-Tails."Tendo put his hands together again and tried to create a bigger Chibaku Tensei.

Suddenly, the struggling eight-tailed fox disappeared, and was replaced by Uzumaki Naruto in Sage Mode hanging upside down on the sealed boulder.

""Has the confusion disappeared? What happened?" Tiandao looked at the Uzumaki Naruto who appeared and asked puzzledly."Can you control the Nine-Tails?"

"Cough cough!" Nagato started to cough violently. His body became even thinner. He gasped with difficulty.

"Nagato!"Konan ran to Nagato and looked at him worriedly.

The Chibaku Tensei suddenly collapsed and split into countless boulders that fell from the sky. Uzumaki Naruto dodged the falling boulders while sensing his own chakra.

"Because of the Nine-Tails, my chakra started to become disordered. My clone in Myoboku Mountain has disappeared. Now I can only use my own chakra."

The boulders fell, the smoke and dust dissipated, and Tiandao looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was facing him:"Have you entered the sage mode? What a difficult guy. I just wanted to test the power of the Nine-Tails, but I didn't expect that even the Chibaku Tensei could......’

""Huh! I thought I was going to die!" The little slug crawled out from Uzumaki Naruto's collar.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the place where the smoke was coming from, which was the direction of Konoha:"How could it be......"

"That was done by Naruto who transformed into the Nine-Tails."The little slug answered Uzumaki Naruto's confusion.

Uzumaki Naruto took a step back in disbelief and quickly sensed the chakra in the direction of Konoha,"It's still there, Hinata's chakra is still there."

The little slug explained that although Naruto caused damage to the terrain of the village, he did not hurt anyone.

"Really? That's great, that's great." Uzumaki Naruto said with tears in his eyes, clutching his chest.】

"It recovered so quickly!"

"I actually want to see what would happen if Uzumaki Naruto turned into the Nine-Tails uncontrollably."

"There was a touching event of the father and son recognizing each other. Thinking about it this way, Uzumaki Naruto should thank Pain. If he hadn't forced him to explode the Eight-Tails, he wouldn't have met Namikaze Minato."

"Why do I feel that after using the Chibaku Tensei, the leader of Akatsuki has become thinner, and you can even see a piece of his ribs. I even suspect that he will die if he breathes too hard."

"The contrast is too great. He looks like he is about to die at any moment. He doesn't consider taking good care of his body and just wants to be a terrorist."

"Hmm? That girl from the Hyuga family is still alive? No, she was so close to the tailed beast Uzumaki Naruto and Tendo, and their fight had plowed Konoha, which had turned into a deep pit, and she is still alive?"

"This is so lucky!"

"It's like even if Uzumaki Naruto loses his mind and turns into a tailed beast, he still has the consciousness to not harm the village and his companions!"

"Hinata is fine!"Hinata Hiashi was relieved to hear that his daughter was fine. His eldest daughter was only sixteen years old at that time, and he didn't want his daughter to get into trouble.

"I......I'm still alive." Hyuga Hinata was a little surprised. She was so badly injured, and the battle between Naruto and Pein was so fierce afterwards, but she was able to survive.

""You are so lucky! Hinata!" Inuzuka Kiba patted Hinata Hyuga's shoulder and marveled at her luck. He had accepted that his teammate died young, but she was fine? So lucky!

【"It's about time to make a break, and understand the pain a little. If you don't know the same pain, you can't truly understand others, and you can't sympathize with others. This is the truth, just like it's a waste of effort for you to chase Sasuke."Tiandao said to Uzumaki Naruto.

After wiping away his tears, Uzumaki Naruto looked firmly at Tiandao who was standing opposite him:"Take me to your real body! I have something to say to him directly."

"Oh! Did you notice the real body? Konoha is quite capable, but nothing will change now."Tiandao swung out the black stick and said to Uzumaki Naruto

"Anyway, let me say a few words!"Uzumaki Naruto doesn't want to fight with Tiandao now.

"Sage Mode, that tricky chakra shuriken seems to be able to be used only twice at most, and then, Sage Mode will disappear."Tian Dao said as he approached Uzumaki Naruto, his speed from slow to fast.

"So we can only fight?" Uzumaki Naruto exhaled and took a defensive posture,"Then there is no other way, I will find the real body myself."

When Tendo attacked, he grabbed the black stick, turned around and broke the black stick, and threw Tendo directly onto the stone wall.

Uzumaki Naruto took the half-remaining black stick and stabbed it directly into his right shoulder, sensing the chakra in it, using the Sage Mode to conduct a counter-search, and locked the position of Tendo's real body at this time.】

"We actually understand pain very well! Can you please stop labeling us as having a good life for no reason?"

"The way he talks is really infuriating!"

"Let alone ninjas, even ordinary people have lost their relatives or friends in missions or wars! You don't need to cause us pain in the name of peace!"

"Who doesn't try to live? Your words"to make us understand pain" will destroy our family or make us die."

"Are they finally going to meet the real one? To be honest, the real one is so weak that I doubt he will die with just one punch."

"How could Tiandao tell Uzumaki Naruto's real body?"

"But if we talk about it, I don't feel any murderous intent! No way, did Uzumaki Naruto really give up his hatred because of what Minato Namikaze said?"

"In this case, you can only force them to surrender! Just talking is useless!"

"Ah, why didn't he kill Tiandao directly, but instead hurt himself?"

"The Sage Mode can actually be like this, it can sense from such a long distance!"

"Chasing Sasuke? Why should I chase Sasuke?"It was a waste of time. Naruto was a little confused and caught what he wanted to hear from the long paragraph.

I can't understand, can I sympathize with Sasuke? But I think Sasuke and I have a tacit understanding! Although Sasuke is sometimes inexplicable, loves to lose his temper, and loves to act cool and arrogant, but actually......

Naruto thought of Sasuke who would stand in front of him when there was danger during the mission, and Sasuke who had just comforted him. Sasuke is a very good person. We are friends now! Naruto looked at Sasuke with shining eyes.

"How should I know? And what's with that look in your eyes?"Sasuke was also a little puzzled. Why should I follow this last one?

Considering that he had not appeared in Konoha during this sky curtain, did he leave Konoha to seek revenge on Uchiha Itachi? This idiot was worried about me and didn't let me go? This shouldn't be the case. Why would this idiot come to stop me?

"......."Hearing this, Jiraiya inexplicably thought of Orochimaru. Wouldn't Uchiha Sasuke defect as well? Wouldn't that be in vain? He was so stubborn and didn't listen to anyone at all. Then think about how often Naruto mentioned the Uchiha kid during training. Although most of the time he didn't say anything good, Naruto actually liked him as a teammate.

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