The Land of Waves

"Is the Third Grandfather there too? Why can't I see him?"Naruto looked at the screen blankly, trying to find out where the Third Grandfather is.

"Idiot, if this light screen really shows the future, we are all around 30 years old, how can the Hokage still be the Third Hokage?" Sasuke looked speechlessly at the last one who was making a fool again at this time.

"I'm not stupid, Sasuke is the big idiot! How do you know that the third grandfather was no longer Hokage at that time?"Naruto puffed up his baby fat cheeks and retorted angrily

"But I'm already thirty years old, and if the Third Grandpa hasn't retired yet, then I won't be able to become Hokage for decades, and now I'm sealed!" Naruto looked frustrated, and his heart was so sad that his golden hair wasn't as bright as before. Sasuke almost hallucinated a golden fox that was soaking wet, with its ears and tail drooping,"What am I thinking about!"

Sasuke covered his forehead, and his irritability turned into depression,"What an idiot! If this guy is really the future Hokage, I'm really worried about my future self and Konoha.’

"There is only you besides me. If you think that one-horned weirdo is the Hokage, then I didn't say anything."Sasuke no longer wanted to talk to the stupid loser. He was tired.

""Sasuke, you are the one saying something stupid. How can that weirdo who doesn't look like a good guy be the Hokage? He wants to seal me and kill you!" Naruto looked at Sasuke in disbelief, saying that I was an idiot, but Sasuke was the biggest idiot!

"Well, Naruto, if Sasuke is not the Hokage, then it can only be you." Kakashi's voice with a smile sounded in Naruto's ear

""Eh?" Naruto stared blankly at Kakashi who had just spoken, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

""Hey!!!!" Naruto looked around with wide eyes, then stopped at himself on the light screen.

"I........I am the Hokage! I am the Hokage!!"The golden fox, who was just looking downcast, suddenly had his hair standing up, and every strand of hair was filled with excitement.

"The Hokage is Naruto, and Naruto is the Hokage."Sakura felt like her soul was leaving her body. Although her opinion of Naruto had changed during the days of teaming up, her biggest impression of him was still that of the last in the class. The future last in the class became the Hokage. This was simply too terrifying.

"The future Hokage of Konoha is a fool, or the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Is there no one left in Konoha in the future?"Zabuza looked at Uzumaki Naruto who was already extremely excited, and said sarcastically

"Lord Zabuza." Bai looked at Team 7 in a somewhat awkward manner. In fact, he had a good impression of Naruto.

"Instead of worrying about this, you should think about how to get out of this bridge alive without the light screen."Sasuke looked at Zabuza with cold eyes.

"This is Konoha's business anyway, so don't worry about it, Mr. Kito, and Naruto is very good."Kakashi said politely with his eyes bent.

【""Sasuke, run away!" Uzumaki Naruto formed seals with his hands and used his best technique, the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

After a puff of smoke, multiple clones appeared and attacked Jixuan who was walking towards Uchiha Sasuke. Jixuan looked at the attacking shadow clones with contempt, and eliminated three clones with a kick and a swing.

"Hurry up!"Uzumaki Naruto looked at Uchiha Sasuke firmly and said

"you......"Uchiha Sasuke knew that this was the best way now. Naruto would not die. As long as he was still alive, he could save Naruto. But he was still unwilling. How could he abandon Naruto and run away?

"It is impossible to defeat him now. If we continue like this, we will all be killed by him. It is better for you to escape alone."Uzumaki Naruto looked at Uchiha Sasuke, his tone became more and more urgent. He knew that Sasuke would agree. The number of shadow clones was decreasing. After Jixuan used the black stick, he destroyed most of the shadow clones in a few seconds. As the shadow clones disappeared one by one into smoke, Uzumaki Naruto's condition became worse and worse.

""Sasuke!" Uzumaki Naruto frowned as he watched Jixuan getting closer and closer, and shouted anxiously.

Uchiha Sasuke just looked at Uzumaki Naruto and activated the ability of the Samsara Eye. A black and purple vortex appeared behind Uchiha Sasuke, and disappeared at the moment Jixuan attacked.】

The Kingdom of Waves had been suppressing his emotions since Uzumaki Naruto on the light screen told Uchiha Sasuke to run away. He looked at Sasuke on the light screen with sinister eyes. After seeing that Uchiha Sasuke disappeared, he finally burst out

"The last one, do I need you to save me? You can't even save yourself, who do you think you are! What do you think you are!!"Sasuke grabbed Naruto's collar with a cold expression, and the double magatama in his scarlet eyes slowly turned.

"Who is the idiot? What did I say wrong on the screen? Whoever escapes is one!"Naruto angrily retorted while grabbing Sasuke's hand that was grabbing his collar.

‘Sasuke's emotions are really inexplicable! 'Naruto thought angrily

"You don't need me to save you! Then why did you block Bai's attack for me? If Bai hadn't shown mercy, you would have died! What's more, I will only be sealed in the light screen, but you will be killed. You are the big idiot!"Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand and fought back, shouting back even louder.

"Without water or food, and seriously injured, how long do you think you can hold on!"Sasuke saw the situation of Uzumaki Naruto, and his mind told him that the choice of the two people on the light screen was right, but his emotions became more and more extreme, full of hatred for himself on the screen. Why was he still so powerless, why couldn't he save anyone?

"Sasuke! Naruto!"Sakura looked at them anxiously, wanting to separate them but not knowing where to start,"Teacher Kakashi!"

""Okay, okay." Kakashi came in front of the two and restrained one with one hand, and with a little force, he separated the two who were fighting each other.

"Sasuke, you also know that the choice made by Naruto on the light screen is the most appropriate. You are angry with yourself, but you should not vent your anger on Naruto who did nothing wrong. As companions, there is nothing wrong with helping each other. As long as you work hard to become stronger, you can avoid this dilemma in the future, but you must always remember that you are not alone."Kakashi pulled Sasuke and persuaded him like this

"Teacher knows that you all care about each other. Kakashi held their hands one by one.

"Come, make a seal of reconciliation, and we will still be good friends in the future. Kakashi said with a smile.

"Humph" ×2

Kakashi looked at the two people who ignored each other and sighed, students are all debts!

‘Did Sasuke's eyes turn into Sharingan just now? But his chakra still hasn't recovered, what's going on? Kakashi thought as he sensed the recovery of his chakra.

"Gone! What is that purple-black vortex?"

"The fox demon......Saving people""Hey, the Third-Kai has ordered that people not to call Uzumaki Naruto a demon fox anymore."

"This is an escape, right?"

"If Uzumaki Naruto is really the future Hokage, then.......Did that Uchiha orphan abandon the Hokage and run away?" Someone whispered.

Someone immediately retorted,"That demon........Uzumaki Naruto can't be the Hokage!"

"Is that purple-black vortex the space-time ninjutsu of Future Sasuke?"Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the purple-black vortex that disappeared with Uchiha Sasuke. Was he sucked into another space, or could he be teleported to a specific point, like the Flying Thunder God of the teacher and Minato.

"Hokage-sama, the place where Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are in the sky does not look like the real space. In addition, that weirdo is so afraid of Uchiha Sasuke's space-time ninjutsu, I am afraid he is also proficient in space-time ninjutsu. Moreover, he dispersed all of Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clones in just a few seconds, and his physical skills are also very strong."Nara Shikaku analyzed.

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