【A purple-black vortex appeared in front of the gate of a residential building, and Uchiha Sasuke, who disappeared from the other dimension, fell in front of the gate.

The door was opened, and a woman with short cherry-colored hair, emerald green pupils, a Yin seal on her forehead, and a very capable temperament wearing a red cheongsam walked out of the room. She looked at the man lying on the ground with injuries in astonishment:"Sasuke!"

Uchiha Sasuke fell to the ground in pain, and said weakly:"Don't die, Naruto." Gradually lost consciousness. 】

The Land of Waves

"Sakura, it's the grown-up Sakura! Sakura is so beautiful when she grows up!"Naruto looked at the sakura-haired woman walking out of the house with sparkling blue eyes, and immediately forgot what happened just now. His face was full of smiles, and his mood changed very quickly.

"Hey! I am the grown-up me." Ying looked at herself on the screen with surprise, with short hair and capable temperament.

‘I look great! I look good even without long hair. 'Yakura thought while touching her long hair

‘And the future Sasuke seems to be looking for me specifically. Could it be that my future.........’Sakura holds her face and speculates about her future relationship with Sasuke

"Why should I go to Sakura?" Sasuke looked at himself covered in wounds and wondered, shouldn't he go to the hospital in this situation?

"That is.......Yin Seal?" Kakashi looked at Sakura's forehead on the light screen and said in a surprised voice

"Yin Seal? What is that?"Sasuke instinctively knew that was the reason why I went to find Sakura.

Naruto and Sakura looked at Kakashi with the same puzzled look after hearing Sasuke's question.

"The Yin Seal is an S-level medical seal developed by one of the three ninjas, Tsunade-sama. Its characteristic is that a diamond-shaped mark will form on the forehead. Tsunade-sama also has one on her forehead. After the seal is released, it can achieve the effect of instant healing and enhanced attack."Kakashi looked at the three little ones and explained

"It seems that Sakura will worship Tsunade-sama as her master in the future. Tsunade-sama is the best medical ninja in the whole ninja world. Kakashi smiled and patted Sakura's head and praised:"Sakura will be very powerful in the future."

"Sakura will become a medical ninja in the future, so amazing!" As a person who still likes Sakura, Naruto also praised her.

"Hey! Medical ninja? Will I study medicine in the future?"Sakura is sure that she doesn't have the idea of becoming a medical ninja now.

"Moreover, Tsunade-sama, one of the three ninjas........"Sakura said with admiration. As a Konoha person with excellent academic performance, she certainly knew the name of the three ninjas.


So that's why I went to find Sakura." Sasuke said calmly.

"Wow, amazing, I instantly appeared in another place"

"Who is that woman? She looks familiar.

Haruno Zhao and Haruno Meibuki, who were watching the sky curtain with the villagers, looked at the cherry-haired woman who appeared in the sky curtain in surprise.

"Anaida." Haruno Meibuki looked at her husband in surprise.

"It's Sakura, our daughter." Haruno Zhao said excitedly

"That's the Yin Seal!"Nara Shikaku turned his gaze to the Third Hokage, the teacher of the Three Ninjas.

"I didn't expect Tsunade to accept a disciple. Will she return to Konoha in the future?"Sarutobi Hiruzen was happy for Tsunade. His disciple left Konoha for the matter of Dan and Nawaki. Will she be willing to come back in the future?

‘If that's the case, Tsunade is actually very suitable to take over my position, as well as Jiraiya, so why not send a message to call them both back' Sarutobi Hiruzen thought

"That is.......Sakura." Yamanaka Ino looked at Sakura on the sky screen,"What? She has grown up very well. You can't tell that she was a crybaby when she was little."’

【The scene turns back to the alternate dimension.

Ji Xuan stands where Uchiha Sasuke disappeared, listening to Uzumaki Naruto speak.

"It's such a pity, even if you can track Kawaki with the 'wedge', you can't find Sasuke's location."Uzumaki Naruto hypocritically mocked Jixuan.

Jixuan was not angered by Uzumaki Naruto, turned around and flew outside the range of the lid, saying as he flew:"You have been quite busy, the seventh generation Hokage, you can just sing praises to this slightly extended life in the dark." He turned around and stayed in the sky outside the range of the lid, looking at Uzumaki Naruto and said:"The next time we meet will be the date of your death, provided that you are still alive."

Uzumaki Naruto had a blank expression, and his blue eyes stared at Jixuan tightly:"Remember this sentence, I will return it to you intact."

The 'lid' in the sky gradually closed with the 'coffin' on the ground, completely sealing Uzumaki Naruto in the darkness.

Jixuan stretched out his right hand to control the coffin to slowly become the size of a person's height, and landed on the ground outside the coffin, opening a vortex similar to Uchiha Sasuke, and left this strange space.】

The Kingdom of Waves

"The seventh generation?"Kakashi frowned and looked at the light screen. How could it be the seventh generation? The Naruto on the light screen looked only about 30 years old. Even if Naruto had just succeeded to the throne, the speed of replacing Hokage was still too fast. What happened in Konoha?

""I am the Seventh Hokage." Naruto chuckled with a dreamy tone. Although I was sealed by a monster, I just need to practice hard now. If I meet this one-horned monster in the future, I will definitely be able to defeat him.

He sealed me and wanted to kill Sasuke. I must make him pay! Humph, beat him half to death, and then use Kakashi's Thousand Years of Death to hurt him to death, Naruto muttered secretly in his heart.

Seeing the coffin completely closed

"That weirdo can fly!"Naruto looked at Jixuan hovering in the air with envy.

"Teacher Kakashi, is there any ninjutsu that can make you fly? I really want to learn it!"Naruto looked at Kakashi with sparkling eyes and a face full of curiosity.

"Yes, but most of them are other people's secret techniques, so forget it."Kakashi suppressed all the emotions in his heart and said to Naruto in a relaxed tone, it's too easy, other flying secret techniques require the help of various media, but the person on the light screen seems to be able to fly by himself.

‘Who is that person and why is he looking for trouble with Konoha? Kakashi looked at the white mist around him and the chakra that had not recovered. He knew he had to go back to Konoha as soon as possible to tell the Third Hokage. Sasuke looked at Naruto who was so heartless and still coveting the flying secret technique. He felt that the darkness and tyranny that had just erupted in his heart because Naruto was completely sealed, was vented like a punctured balloon.

‘Why should I get angry with a fool? Sasuke felt that if he continued to argue with Naruto, he would be pissed off by him and become ten years older.

"The Seventh Hokage!"

"Uzumaki Naruto is the Seventh Hokage!"

"He is actually the Hokage!"

"Impossible! How did he become Hokage?"

"Are the top brass crazy?"

"Then our future Hokage is sealed, right? Konoha is doomed?"

When they heard that weirdo calling Uzumaki Naruto the Seventh Hokage, everyone started talking again, and the voices were getting louder and louder.

"Seventh Generation......."Nara Shikaku thought of the same question as Kakashi, it was too fast, how could it be the seventh generation?

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Naruto who was completely locked in the coffin, his brows tightly knitted, his face that usually looked kind and gentle, now expressionless, brows tightly knitted, and his majesty rose up, making people feel that this was a person who had been a Hokage for decades and had been in a high position for many years.

‘Naruto should be fine. Since Sasuke has escaped, he will be able to rescue Naruto as long as he wakes up, thanks to his mastery of space-time ninjutsu. Besides, Naruto is currently on a mission in the Land of Waves. With Kakashi here, he will be safe. 'Sarutobi Hiruzen comforted himself

"Naruto......"Umino Iruka looked at the completely sealed Big Naruto and wanted to see his Little Naruto appear immediately so that he could take a good look at him. He was still as tough as before.

"Naruto-kun......"Hyuga Hinata was really worried and cried this time.

"Hey, Hinata, don't cry! Uzumaki Naruto is still on a mission outside the village. The guy on the sky is not the last one we know. He must be fine now, so don't worry."Inuzuka Kiba comforted Hinata and said

"Shino, say something too! Forget it, I can't count on you." Inuzuka Kiba looked at Shino, who was wrapped up tightly, and gave up asking him for help.

"The Seventh Hokage?"The dark and cold Root Base, the head and one eye were wrapped tightly, there was a cross scar on the chin, the gloomy old man looked at the sky with contempt, he was just a container of a beast, was he worthy?

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