【After the blurry light and shadows became clear, a city with bright lights appeared in the night. There were tall buildings everywhere, and every household was brightly lit. Even in the night, it was difficult to hide its prosperity and bustle.

The camera zoomed in, and a magnificent red building with a big fire character on the roof and the iconic Hokage Rock with seven heads carved on it appeared in front of everyone.】

Konoha Village

"That is.......Konoha?"

"It’s the Hokage Building and the Hokage Rock!"

"Ahhh! The seven Hokage avatars are the future of Konoha!"

"Oh my god! The future of Konoha is so great!"

"Konoha......Is it that big?"

Everyone in Konoha was shocked to see the prosperous city appearing on the sky. If it weren't for the Hokage Building and the iconic Hokage Rock, and some layouts that could be seen in their current form, they simply couldn't recognize that this was the Konoha they lived in. It was outrageous. In at most twenty years, Konoha had become what they could not reach now.

"Is this Konoha?"

"This must be fake. I’ve been there before and Konoha doesn’t look like this at all!"

"But......That building with the word"fire" on it must be the Hokage Building!"

"When did Konoha have seven Hokages?"

The Kages of each village looked at the sky in astonishment. Damn, Konoha's resources were richer than theirs, but it wasn't so exaggerated.

And Konoha changed Hokage? How come they didn't know that it was the seventh generation!

"What on earth is this?"Uchiha Obito looked at Konoha appearing in the sky and felt that the situation was out of control.


Is Konoha developing so well?"The Fire Country Daimyo looked at Konoha, which was more prosperous than the Fire Country capital, and asked his attendants.

"This is.....Is this the Konoha of the future?"Naruto looked at the Konoha on the screen and compared it with the Konoha he saw on the Hokage Rock in his memory.

"This is so beautiful!"

"Ahhh! The seventh person engraved on the Hokage Rock is me! It's me!"

"It feels so ugly! Why is it not handsome at all!"After Naruto was excited, he looked at the Hokage Rock with a bit of disgust.

No one paid attention to Naruto's shouting, because they were also shocked to see the completely changed Konoha

【The scene changes to the Hokage's office, which is filled with a lot of official business. A man with short silver hair, a black mask and a white Hokage robe is sitting in an office chair, concentrating on processing documents.

"Is that Kakashi?"Asuma, who was standing with Hong, was so shocked when he saw Hatake Kakashi wearing the Hokage robe that the cigarette in his mouth fell off.

"Ah! My dear friend, this is youth! Good! To celebrate Kakashi becoming Hokage, run 100 more laps today!"Gai looked at Kakashi in the sky with excitement, clenched his fists, and a blazing fire representing youth ignited behind him.

"OK! Teacher Kai, I'll go with you!" Xiao Li and Kai ignited their youth together.


"Teacher Kai!" Li and Kai shook hands and looked at each other with tears of emotion.

"Set off!"

""Yes!" They ran out in a flash.

Hyuga Neji and Tenten looked at the two guys running away, and were both speechless.

"Kakashi is the sixth Hokage?"Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled as he looked at Kakashi wearing the robes of the sixth Hokage.

He was very optimistic about Kakashi, but the past events had always weighed on Kakashi, causing the child to have a serious tendency to self-destruct. Now seeing Kakashi come out and become the Hokage, he was very happy.

"Kakashi is the sixth Hokage, so who is the fifth? The scene just cut too fast and I can't see clearly."Nara Shikaku said with some regret.

"That's Konoha's technician, Hatake Kakashi? When did he succeed as Hokage?"Raikage Ai looked at the sky curtain and was a little confused. Isn't Konoha still ruled by the old man of the Third Generation?

"Wasn't it the Third Hokage who negotiated for the Chunin Exam before?"The Kazekage Rasa flipped through the documents sent by Konoha before, and yes, it was still the Third Hokage who signed the name. Rasa: I don't understand.jpg

"Grandpa, Konoha has a new Hokage, you are so old, it's time to step down!" Kurotsuchi looked at the Tsuchikage who was holding his old waist and suggested sincerely.

"Bullshit, don't I know whether Konoha has changed Hokage or not? Or the sixth generation, this must be fake!"Tsuchikage Ohnoki looked at his granddaughter angrily and said

""Oh! This guy looks quite handsome." Mei Terumi said with a smile

‘He is looking down, how can you tell that he is handsome? Qing complained in his heart

"Hmm? Kakashi? The old man abdicated?"Tsunade shook the dice in her hand and said.

"Wow! Kakashi-sensei is the sixth Hokage!" Naruto said excitedly while looking at the light screen.

"this......"Sasuke was a little speechless, the unreliable bad teacher was actually the Hokage.

It deepened his previous feeling that Konoha was going to be finished, but the image about Konoha at the beginning made him feel that Konoha was developing very well.

Sakura looked at the light screen, my teacher is the Hokage, my teammate is also the Hokage, then what about me, what will I be like in the future? Thinking about the future self that had appeared before, Sakura was a little expectant.

Although his facial expression could not be seen, Kakashi was the most surprised one, how could I be the Hokage?

He was a little confused and touched his left eye. After going through all those things, how could I become the Hokage? That was obviously......With soil......dream

【He looked up as if he had discovered something, his black eyes fixed on the empty space in front of his desk.

The space twisted, and a man with pale skin, horns on his head, wearing aristocratic clothing and high-heeled wooden shoes, with long gray hair and white eyes appeared. 】

Konoha Village

"Kakashi's eyes!"Everyone who knew about Kakashi's Sharingan looked at Kakashi's black eyes on the sky in surprise.

"How could it be! Where is Kakashi's Sharingan?"Sarutobi Hiruzen knew very well how much Hatake Kakashi valued his Sharingan.

"Was he poached? Was he voluntary?......."Nara Shikaku didn't finish his words, but everyone else understood what he meant.


Those are Byakugan! How is that possible!"Everyone in the Hyuga family found it incredible. When did the Hyuga family have someone with white hair and horns? But those eyes don't look like they were transplanted.

"Boom!"The violent chakra was released recklessly, destroying the surrounding environment.

"That rubbish! Trash!"Uchiha Obito couldn't control his anger when he saw Hatake Kakashi's eyes.

Who, who dug out that rubbish's eyes? Who dared to touch the ones he gave him? He wanted to go to Konoha to see if his eyes were still in that rubbish's eye sockets.

"Obito, I told you to take your eyes back."Black Zetsu looked at Uchiha Obito and said


Shut up!"Uchiha Obito's voice was gloomy, suppressing his anger.

"Kakashi-sensei, your eyes are not......."Sakura was a little confused. I can't remember it wrong. Isn't Kakashi's left eye the same Sharingan as Sasuke's? The scar is still there.

"It turns out that Kakashi's Sharingan can be closed just like Sasuke's, so why does he always use a forehead protector to cover his face tightly?"Naruto complained

"Eh! Is that so?" Sakura's thoughts were also somewhat diverted by Naruto.

"Obviously not!"Sasuke looked at his two teammates helplessly. They were poached. Who dared to covet the Uchiha family's Sharingan?

"Obito......"Kakashi covered his left eye and felt a little suffocated. Can't I even keep the last thing that Obito gave me?

""Teacher Kakashi." Naruto stopped playing tricks, and the three little ones looked at Kakashi, who was in a bad mood, with concern.

"It's okay, teacher." Kakashi smiled and patted the heads of the three little ones one by one.

This time, Naruto and Sasuke did not resist.

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