【"Where's the fox? Why is it you?" Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at Hatake Kakashi and said.

Kakashi moved his fingers, signaling the Anbu to stay where they are and not to act rashly.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at his actions with contempt:"Ant"

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki? What do you want to do with Naruto?"Kakashi was secretly shocked when he saw Momoshiki suddenly appear. After being killed by Naruto and Sasuke, he was reincarnated so quickly.

"You better let that fox and the Samsara Eye come to see me, otherwise, even if I destroy the entire Konoha, no one can stop me."Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at Kakashi's vigilance and said disdainfully.】

Konoha Village

"Who is that, so arrogant!"

"It was that Uzumaki Naruto who brought this about again."

"Monster! Disaster!"


The villagers of Konoha looked at the name mentioned again in the sky, and their hatred for the demon fox was stirred up again.

"Otsutsuki? Is there such a surname in the Ninja World?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked the patriarchs of the major families who had just arrived.

"No, we haven't heard of it."The patriarchs of each family affirmed

"He has Byakugan, doesn't the Hyuga clan leader know about it?" Shikaku asked Hyuga Hiashi

"No, I don't know where his Byakugan came from."Hinata Hiashi was obviously puzzled. The Hyuga people did not intermarry with outsiders, but the man's Byakugan did not show any signs of transplantation. It can be seen that it was natural.

"Suddenly appeared in the Hokage's office. That person knew time-space ninjutsu and had Byakugan. Kakashi was obviously afraid of him. When he said that no one could stop him from destroying Konoha, Kakashi did not refute him. This person is very strong!"Nara Shikaku analyzed

"He said he wanted to see the fox and the Samsara Eye. The fox was Uzumaki Naruto, but who was the Samsara Eye?"Yamanaka Inoichi asked

"this......What is the Samsara Eye?"Everyone was a little confused.

"Maybe it's Uchiha Sasuke." Nara Shikaku thought of Uchiha Sasuke who appeared with Uzumaki Naruto in the first sky curtain.

"Don't the Uchiha clan have the Sharingan?"People have no idea what the Sharingan looks like after it evolves.

"What do you mean by destroying Konoha? No one can stop him. Do you think we are dead?"Hongdou was obviously very unhappy.

"Seeing Kakashi's alert look, this person must be very strong!"Xi Yan was also a little angry. Anyone would be upset if their beloved village was looked down upon like this.

"Oh! How come Konoha is so bad? People are bullying us."

"Hahaha! What a big tone to destroy Konoha!"

"Young man, I'm counting on you!"

People from other villages were all laughing and gloating over what happened to Konoha in the sky.

"Wow, this guy is quite arrogant! Konoha has been humiliated, but that Hatake Kakashi has no reaction. He is really useless."Raikage Ai said disdainfully

"Yo~, obviously very strong, stupid brother, I can't tell, Yeah~" Kirabi said while singing

"No matter how strong you are, as a Kage, you have to fight against those who look down on your village!"Raikage Ai said seriously.

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki? When did such an arrogant strong man appear in the ninja world? He doesn't even take Konoha seriously."The Kazekage Rasa asked in confusion.

"Fox and Samsara Eye, what are these connected to each other?" Some people also complained that they didn't understand what this sky curtain meant.

"Otsutsuki......Samsara Eye......"Others don't know what Otsutsuki and Samsara Eye are, but Uchiha Obito, who got the memory of Uchiha Madara, doesn't know.

Didn't Otsutsuki be divided into Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki? Where did this Otsutsuki Momoshiki come from, and dared to be so arrogant to that waste? Uchiha Obito felt that Hatake Kakashi who listened to the insults without reacting was indeed fake.

"Black Zetsu, what's going on? Isn't the Samsara Eye in Nagato's hands? Why does this thing know about Otsutsuki and the Samsara Eye?"Uchiha Obito said indifferently.

Black Zetsu was almost scared to death, Otsutsuki Momoshiki? My mother's family, they came to this planet? And they are still in Konoha! What about my mother?

"Obito, the things in this sky are obviously fake. You also saw the Konoha Village just displayed. That is definitely not Konoha. And how could Hatake Kakashi become Hokage?"Black Zetsu calmed down a little after hearing Uchiha Obito's question. He said it was fake, but he knew it was not necessarily true. After all, he and his mother were probably the only ones on this planet who knew about the Otsutsuki clan. Even the two brothers, Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, did not know.

‘Could this sky curtain be created by the Otsutsuki clan? Black Zetsu thought with fear.

"Is that so?"Uchiha Obito didn't say he didn't believe it, nor did he say he did. He just said it calmly.

There's something wrong with this Black Zetsu guy. He's hiding something from me. Is he really the old man's consciousness? Will this veil be revealed?

‘Moon Eye.......’If there is a problem with Black Zetsu, Uchiha Obito's face hidden under the mask is gloomy

"Samsara Eye! Nagato......."Konan looked at Nagato with some worry. How could Konoha have the Rinnegan? Isn't this Nagato's eye?

"Interesting." Orochimaru looked at the sky that suddenly appeared. It was really interesting. Was it the future?

"Samsara Eye!"Jiraiya, who was lying on the grass and looking at the sky, perked up and sat up when he heard the Samsara Eye........

Looks like I have to go back to Konoha.

"Why is it me again? And I'm not a fox! I have a name!"Naruto looked at the screen unhappily.

"Samsara Eye......."Sasuke frowned and thought, could this name refer to me? If so, why would it be the Rinnegan and not the Sharingan?

"Otsutsuki......"A giant nine-tailed fox put its head against the prison door. How could it be Otsutsuki?

‘Why is Konoha so busy? Zabuza looked at the light screen that had trapped them here.

【Kakashi saw that he didn't look like he was looking for trouble. Just like he said, if he wanted to destroy Konoha, he didn't need to come to the Hokage's office in the middle of the night.

"Naruto and Sasuke are not in Konoha now. I can tell them what you have to say. Kakashi said calmly.

"Where are they?" asked Otsutsuki Momoshiki

"This is Konoha's secret." Kakashi looked at Momoshiki and passed over the words lightly.

"Isshiki has come to look for the fox and the Samsara Eye."Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at Kakashi and said affirmatively

"Isshiki? Otsutsuki Isshiki?" Kakashi asked in confusion

‘Is this one thing related to Naruto's disappearance and Sasuke's serious injury and coma? Kakashi thought

"They won't be killed by Isshiki, will they?"Otsutsuki Momoshiki doubted. After all, he has defeated me before, otherwise he wouldn't have come to cooperate with the fox and the Samsara Eye, and he wouldn't be killed so easily by Isshiki, right?

"You're overthinking this. I'm sure Naruto and Sasuke are still alive and well. Kakashi replied with a smile.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at Kakashi for a while, trying to find any signs of him lying, but his facial expressions were completely blocked by the mask.

‘I'm sick. Momoshiki thought unhappily.

"I will come back when the fox and the Samsara Eye come back."Otsutsuki Momoshiki was too lazy to say anything more and planned to leave directly.】

Konoha Village

"I'm here to find Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Who is Otsutsuki Isshiki? Why do I always see strangers?"

"It seems that this is the person who sealed Uzumaki Naruto and injured Uchiha Sasuke."

"Oh! Is this a follow-up to the previous video?"

"Shit! He can come and go as he pleases in Konoha. Who does he think he is?"

"The Hokage just let him humiliate Konoha like this?"

"Is it possible that he is very strong?"

"No matter how strong he is, are there still so many people in Konoha afraid of him?"

Everyone in Konoha looked at Otsutsuki Momoshiki who came and went freely in Konoha with displeasure. What kind of person is this! He looks weird and is so arrogant. If this weirdo dares to come now, he will be in trouble.

"Hiruzen, I've already told you that we can't just leave the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki out there like this, and that Uchiha orphan, we should keep them under guard." Shimura Danzo said grimly.

"And that Hatake Kakashi! What qualifications does he have to be the Hokage? He actually allowed Konoha to be humiliated."Mitomon En and Utane Koharu were very dissatisfied.

"The opening clip shows that Konoha is well managed by Kakashi and is so prosperous. Isn't that enough to prove his ability? Which of us old guys is so powerful?"Sarutobi Hiruzen rejected the words of Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu

"Danzo, Naruto and Sasuke are all Genin of Konoha, they certainly have the right to go out of the village to do missions. They have done nothing wrong, no one has the right to"watch over" them."Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzo and emphasized the word"watch over".

He warned Danzo not to use the Root's tricks on Naruto and Sasuke.

"Danzo, you and I are old, it's time to put our hopes on the next generation." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzo with complicated eyes, when did we become like this?���Hiruzen was a little dazed, because of my indulgence and cowardice, as well as Danzo's growing ambition

‘I really should abdicate, and I don't know who the fifth generation will be.' Sarutobi Hiruzen thought.

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