Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 104: The sound of heartbreak

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, two full weeks had passed since the last negotiation with the fat father.

In the past two weeks, Tang Tianyou's family and Fatty's family have been busy opening a branch, and all matters such as purchasing, location selection, and recruitment of personnel have to be done by themselves.

Especially with regard to the company's registration, because it is no longer appropriate to use the name of self-employed in the Tang master fast food restaurant, it is necessary to establish a company named "Tang Master Catering & Catering Chain Co., Ltd.".

However, as for the branch address of the fast food restaurant, I don’t need Tang Aiguo to have a headache, because the fat father had already thought about it. Is there a better choice than the four Café de la Café restaurants under his own name?

You know, when he chose the addresses of these four restaurants, he also had a lot of considerations. There are dozens of large and small restaurants and restaurants in that area, including many time-honored and famous restaurants. It is H County. The well-known food and beverage area has always been very popular. Almost every family has a prosperous business. Compared with the location of Master Tang's fast food restaurant in the food street, it is far better.

When Zhang Jun bought these four shops, he spent a lot of time, not only spending a lot of money, but also using a lot of relationships behind them.

More importantly, using these four ready-made restaurants as branches does not require much renovation. As long as the appearance of the restaurant is changed a little, it can be used as a branch of Master Tang's fast food restaurant.

In this way, the speed of opening a branch will be greatly improved. As long as the documents are completed, it can be opened immediately. For Zhang Jun who wants to make money immediately, it is really a better choice.

Naturally, with such superior conditions, Tang Aiguo would not be too stupid to refuse. Once the decision was made, he decided to speed up the decoration of the fast food restaurant and strive to establish a branch before the new year.

However, Tang Tianyou doesn't care about these things. Tang Aiguo alone controls the development of fast food restaurants. I believe that fast food restaurants with gourmet salt are unlikely to have problems anyway.

What he cares about now is that the school will have winter vacation in two weeks. This is also the last winter vacation of high school, and the final exam is coming soon.

Although high scores are not difficult for him now, it is generally good to learn a little more knowledge.


On Sunday morning, the course was just halfway through.

Tang Tianyou was sitting in his seat, reviewing the knowledge of high school step by step, and the fat man had become more chic recently. Because he helped his dad to cooperate with Tang Tianyou’s family, Zhang Jun’s face was joyous, and he waved his hand. The monthly allowance has doubled.

No, the fat man has a lot of confidence to speak. Recently, he fell in love with a beautiful elementary school girl and bought gifts for her every day, trying to capture her with money offensive.

"God, after class, will you accompany me to the street to buy clothes?" At this time, Li Shiyin came over and looked at Tang Tianyou with a charming face.

"Shopping?! No, the final exam will be in two weeks. I have to review it." Tang Tianyou shook his head like a rattle, and quickly refused.

What are you kidding about shopping with women? !

Every man on earth knows that shopping with women is the most thankless thing in the world.

According to a woman, shopping with a girlfriend or wife is a test of the loyalty of your boyfriend and husband, because this process is a time to test your feet, ability, perseverance, and financial resources.

According to a man, shopping with a girlfriend or wife is a task that is even more difficult than the Long March, because this process is a process of enjoying the sore legs and thinning the wallet.

"But people are going to buy things, my clothes are all old, what kind of underwear, shoes, and so on. Let's go out once, how about?" Li Shiyin shook Tang Tianyou's arm and begged.

"But..." Tang Tianyou hesitated, scratched his head, and continued, "Buying underwear or something is not suitable for me to go. Actually, you go with your girlfriend, isn't it all right? Bring me a big man. , It will look embarrassing instead."

Li Shiyin said without blinking, "But they are not free, and I want to buy a lot of things, and I need a stronger coolie."

"Dare to love, you just want to take me to be a coolie." Tang Tianyou looked embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, just accompany me out once, okay?" Li Shiyinshu hugged Tang Tianyou's shoulders with her hands, and her bulging chest kept rubbing against his arm.

Suddenly, Tang Tianyou felt a softness enveloping his arm, and it seemed that he could still vaguely feel the two protruding points, and an enchanting thought came out from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, he noticed that Li Shiyin was wearing a dark red plaid T-shirt and black slim jeans. Although simple, he looked very youthful and peaceful.

"Well, I'll go out with you this time, but it can't be too long." Tang Tianyou was completely fascinated by her youthful appearance, and nodded involuntarily.

Li Shiyin immediately exclaimed with excitement: "God, you are so kind, I love you so much." After that, she even kissed Tang Tianyou lightly on the cheek.

"Huh? How could this little Nizi suddenly be so bold today? Normally, even holding a small hand, it would take a long Tang Tianyou touched the kissed cheek suspiciously.

Li Shiyin was also taken aback by her bold move, flushing with shame, but this move was also a plan she had planned for a long time.

She did this for only one purpose, and that was to declare sovereignty. Tang Tianyou can only be hers alone, and the other demon, Meizi, can't even think about stealing a man from her!

Since Tang Tianyou sang a song at the New Year's Day party, he unknowingly became a popular idol on campus. Many beautiful girls in the school have fallen. Even many female students in the class secretly gave Tang Tianyou several autumn spinach.

Although she is very confident of herself and believes that no man can resist her charm, but as the saying goes, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves.

If one is not careful, God is bewildered by which fox, isn't she going to lose out? Therefore, she must take precautions before they happen, and completely cut off the fantasies of those female perverts.

Sure enough, this bold move immediately caused a wailing of the female satyrs in the class——

"Dear, kiss, kiss. Li Shiyin is too bold, and I really want to kiss him."

"Damn it, how can this be? Li Shiyin is so beautiful, so he still robs us of men, so shameless."

"Woo~~~ my idol, my idol was snatched by the bad guy squad leader."

"Oh, another potential stock has been snatched away. Why are good men always snatched away by others these years?"

"Woo~~, sister is too late to start."


The news that Li Shiyin kissed Tang Tianyou in the classroom seemed to have grown wings. It spread quickly to every corner of the classroom. When passing by, you could hear the heartbreaking voices of the female satyrs at any time.

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