Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 105: Buy underwear

After class, when he arrived at the school gate, Tang Tianyou pushed out his broken Phoenix bicycle from the school parking lot. The whole body rang, only the bell did not ring.

"Get in the car, my princess."

Tang Tianyou sat down on the black and white leather seat, holding the modified VTS handle in both hands, resting on one foot, and looking at the beauty in front of him chicly.

Li Shiyin chuckled and said, "Listen to you, if you don't know the situation, you think you have driven a great car."

Tang Tianyou triumphantly said: "Don't tell me you really. Don't underestimate the Phoenix brand bicycle. It is a nobleman in the bicycle industry. If you want to fight with it at high speed, you will see who will kill who."

"My family used to have a black 26 women's small permanent. It was riding when I was in junior high school. It can't be compared with my big phoenix."

"A lot of people are car owners. Giant 16-speed, permanent 14-speed, Phoenix 18-speed, and luxury electric cars with headlights basically cover the current representative models of our place."

"I have ridden all these cars, and I know them well. In terms of high-speed performance alone, Phoenix should be on the same level as electric cars, which is a lot higher than other cars of the same level."

"Among the models within 25 miles, how many can maintain good handling performance at 20-21 miles? I once gave a thumbs-up to an electric car on a motorway."

"At that time, I was overtaken by an electric car on the motorway in front of the Dongmen Commodity Market. The road conditions were very good, with many cars and many traffic lights, so I became childish and wanted to play with him."

"The electric bike is moving forward at a speed of 18 miles. I didn't overtake, so I followed him at a speed of 18 miles. He didn't care about it at first, but then he found me. Everyone rides a bike and should know When driving, it’s not nice to have a car always following behind."

"The electric car started to accelerate and wanted to get rid of me. At 25 miles, I followed and kept 0.2 meters away. It ran for 1 minute. The electric car decelerated to 18, and I also reduced, always keeping 0.2 meters away. . So 20, 18, 21 lasted about 2 minutes."

"The electric car in front slowed down, turned on the right turn signal and pulled over. I drove parallel to him and saw the guy riding the electric car greet me and extended my thumb. I also responded to him very friendly."

"Okay, don't be poor here, let's go shopping as soon as possible." Li Shiyin giggled, one side, and then dexterously jumped onto the back frame, hugging Tang Tianyou's waist with both hands, her soft body tightly tight. The sticker is on his back.

"Good, let's go." Tang Tianyou smiled, did not speak any more, pedaling, accompanied by the sound of the bicycle falling apart and the collision of various parts, the bicycle slowly drove towards the pedestrian street.

Twenty minutes later...

Tang Tianyou and Li Shiyin came to the most prosperous pedestrian street in H County. This is a paradise for women's shopping. People come and go, and Xixi is in harmony, especially as it is approaching the New Year. It attracts many customers to shop.

When we arrived at the pedestrian street, because the car could not enter, Tang Tianyou had to find a place to put the bicycle, locked it, and then entered the lively pedestrian street with Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin did not go shopping along the street, but went straight to a large shopping mall not far from here.

This mall is a well-known department store in H County. It is well-decorated, and the goods cover all kinds of high, middle and low grades. Moreover, the goods are complete, and it is also one of the central industries of the entire H County Commercial Street.

A shopping mall with a full eight floors, from the bottom to the top, is divided according to the price level, from low to high. And there are also stall shops renting a lot of famous brands in it. It can be considered that as long as you visit a family, you can save a large part of the journey.

Soon, the two came to the first floor of the shopping mall.

As soon as he entered, Li Shiyin pulled Tang Tianyou and ran to the underwear shop, as if he was being chased and killed. When he arrived at the underwear shop, Tang Tianyou's forehead was a little sweaty. The underwear shop was full of all girls. He was a man soaked in it. He was about to walk outside, but Li Shiyin grabbed him.

"Stand, you are not allowed to go anywhere, just accompany me." Li Shiyin grabbed Tang Tianyou domineeringly.

There was no way, his arm couldn't twist his thigh, and Tang Tianyou had to be held by Li Shiyin's hand, and walked around in the pile of colorful underwear.

In the middle, Tang Tianyou obviously found that several female shop assistants and female customers were looking at him and laughing with helpless expressions. It turned out that being with a girl is not only a hard work, but also a blushing and thick neck.

After a while, Li Shiyin picked a white Farman's bra, and the little Nizi actually placed the bra in front of her bulging chest and gestured back and forth.

According to Tang Tianyou's visual observation, although he didn't look closely after a piece of clothing, at least there was a D cup on the bulging chest.

"How about it? Would it look good if I wear it?" Li Shiyin suddenly raised her head, picked up the bra, and asked Tang Tianyou.

Tang Tianyou nodded hurriedly. One of the important philosophies of going to the street with a beautiful woman is to constantly praise her, whether she is beautiful or not, because beautiful women don't want the truth, but words to make her happy.

"I know you like it. As long as you wear the clothes on this, you will like it. Just look at your lustful eyes." Li Shiyin said in a tone that you are a big satyr.

Tang Tianyou hurriedly covered her small mouth, for fear of being heard by the surrounding shop assistants, but it was too late. The two female shop assistants next to him were already covering their mouths and laughing, sneaking glances from time to time as if they were watching a big pervert. of. U U Reading

"Hee hee, I know you are lustful. Okay, I'm going to try on underwear, don't come to take a peek." Li Shiyin broke away from Tang Tianyou's big hand, and slipped into the changing room.

Tang Tianyou patted his head, feeling helpless and blundering. How could I be so stupid to agree to this little girl to go shopping? Isn't it not guilty to find a guilty thing?

After a few more minutes, Li Shiyin had been in the dressing room and refused to come out. Tang Tianyou approached and wanted to know what had happened, but she caught him in unexpectedly.

"Hey, demo, you know you peeped outside the door, and finally I caught it." In the changing room, Li Shiyin grabbed Tang Tianyou's arm with both hands, and said triumphantly, as if she was finally guessed by the old lady. .

After listening, Tang Tianyou looked embarrassed, and said helplessly: "Couldn't you not come out for such a long time, just to catch me peeking."

"How is it possible? I really changed my underwear inside." Li Shiyin said proudly with her bulging chest.

Tang Tianyou lowered his head and saw that a white Famanel bra wrapped around Li Shiyin's perfect chest. The deep V **** front low-high design perfectly wrapped the chest, round and naturally standing, with floral lace material, gentle and beautiful temperament. Distributed from the inside out, what a stunner in the world.

Taking a deep swallow, Tang Tianyou reluctantly removed his eyes from the charming beauty in front of him, and said hesitantly: "You haven't gotten your clothes on yet."

Li Shiyin first glanced at her clothes in doubt, exclaimed'Ah', and pushed Tang Tianyou out with her left hand, then gave him a hard look, and said, "Huh, pervert. !"

Tang Tianyou staggered out and smiled bitterly. What happened? Didn't you bring me in? However, hey, the figure is still pretty good, expected.

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