Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 143: it's here?

The sky was gray, and Tang Tianyou swiftly walked through the reinforced concrete H County like an ape, searching for the smell that permeated the air.

Tang Tianyou sometimes ran quickly, and sometimes suddenly stopped and hid in the corner. After the pedestrians passing by completely disappeared, Tang Tianyou continued to move forward.

Running madly all the way, the sensitive Six Senses were constantly sensing the surrounding environment, observing whether Tang Xiying passed by or left any traces nearby.

"Wait, the smell here seems to be very strong, isn't my sister here?" Tang Tianyou was in the shape of a cannonball, strode several steps, and came to a remote street.

Shaking his nose slightly, feeling the surrounding air, then Tang Tianyou looked at the surrounding environment in doubt. This is an ordinary street, and there are no private houses around, so it is impossible to hide.

"My sister's smell is very strong here. It seems that I stayed here for a while, and then left quickly. The speed of leaving is very fast, comparable to a normal car, and the air seems to be mixed with the smell of strangers. It seems My sister and the fat guy should have had an accident here."

Tang Tianyou's face was solemn, the more he searched, the closer he was to the truth, and the more disturbed his heart was. It seemed that something happened to his younger sister and the fat man.

Time is running out. Since there are no traces of Tang Xiying and Fatty, there is no need to waste time here. Tang Tianyou turned around and chased in the direction of the fast-moving smell of his sister.


At this time, in an abandoned factory.

A dozen gangsters all gathered on the third floor of the factory. A white van was parked in front of the factory. After an hour of emergency transfer, the gang came to their home in H County.

Brother Qiang sat on a gray shabby sofa and said coldly: "Huang Mao, Xiao Shen, you two have heard me clearly! Don't make me a moth, otherwise it will be yours today next year. Death day."

Huang Mao and Shen Jinxin were heartbroken, and quickly lowered their heads, and said anxiously: "Don't worry, boss, we will never make any mistakes this time."

"Yeah." Brother Qiang nodded slightly, "Then you go down first and give me a firm look at the two hostages."

"I know, Boss." Huang Mao and Shen Jinxin were like great men, sneaking a cold sweat, lowering their heads, and quickly leaving Brother Qiang's vision.

"Skinny monkey, how is the surrounding environment observed? Is there any danger?" Brother Qiang turned his head to look at the skinny monkey who was exploring around.

"Don't worry, boss, there is no one passing by nearby. It's still in a safe state for the time being." The thin monkey stood in front of the window and kept observing the surrounding dynamics through the binoculars.

At this time, Scar Man walked over and said, "Boss, according to your instructions, all entrances to this factory are sealed, leaving only the main entrance of this factory for entry and exit."

"Be careful, don't let some mice enter our territory easily, let all the brothers be smart and wake up one hundred thousand spirits, now is the time for high vigilance, you know?" Brother Qiang frowned.

Scar Man said: "Don't worry, boss, brothers are all experienced people. I will never make such low-level mistakes, and I will supervise them well."

"Yeah." Brother Qiang nodded, "In that case, you first go over and arrange manpower to monitor the surrounding environment, and don't be spotted by some passing pedestrians."

"Yes." The Scar Man replied seriously.



The scenery on both sides of the street kept flashing--

Tang Tianyou, who was running fast on the street, suddenly stopped, stood, stared, and looked at the seemingly ordinary house in front of him in a puzzled manner. Why is there a lot of Tang Xiying's smell left here?

"It looks suspicious here." After staring at this private house for a while, Tang Tianyou decided to sneak in and check the situation inside.

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, he saw that no one was paying attention to it, and then Tang Tianyou gently jumped upward, like a bird, leaping into the second-floor window of the house.

Huh? Why is it so dark here? How could a house where ordinary people live in such a gloomy environment? Just stepping into this house, Tang Tianyou couldn't help frowning.

Moreover, this house is not only dark and simple, but also has a damp smell, like the kind of decay that has been unoccupied for more than ten years.

Holding back the disgust that emanated from the bottom of his heart, Tang Tianyou continued to walk forward, constantly observing the surroundings.

The house seems to be inhabited. Although the smell is unpleasant, there is not much dust unexpectedly. Various household appliances are also intact. It seems that someone has used it recently.

Soon, Tang Tianyou walked all the way to one of the bedrooms, holding his breath, his body fluttering without making a sound, and then his ears were close to the wall to listen carefully.

"No one inside."

Tang Tianyou opened the door gently and glanced around. It seemed that the furnishings were normal. A Simmons mattress, small TV, wardrobe, desk and other furniture were all neatly arranged.

However, the smell of my sister here is the It seems that she has been here for a while.

Walking into the bedroom, looking around, Tang Tianyou walked straight to the big bed in this bedroom, bent down, and reached out to touch the mattress.

Warm? !

"It seems that this group has just left with Fatty and Tang Xiying." Tang Tianyou lowered his head and muttered.

After speaking, Tang Tianyou turned and left.

Since they have just left, that means that the fat man and his sister are likely to be nearby, as long as they follow the guidance of the smell, they will be found soon.


In the evening, in the factory hall, only faint lights came out from inside.

The hall was silent. A dozen gangsters either sat in the corner with their eyes closed and rested; or lay on the sofa and rested quietly; or stood at the window, looking into the distance and observing the surrounding environment.

"Scar, how is your work done? Are there any problems?" Brother Qiang suddenly said, looking up at the Scar man who was tinkering with the camera in his hands.

After listening, Scar Man stopped his work and raised his head and said: "Boss, don't worry, I just checked again and found no problems. This video will never reveal any news about us."

"Ah That's good."

Brother Qiang nodded slightly, then he turned his head to the thin monkey who was wiping the gun next to him, and said: "Skin monkey, you will put this gadget in the victim's house tomorrow. Remember, be careful not to expose your whereabouts."

"Understood." The skinny monkey stopped wiping the gun and grinned.

"Everyone, tomorrow we are going to have a big ticket. Tonight everyone has a good rest. If anyone dares to make any stupid actions tomorrow, don't blame Laozi for being cruel!" Brother Qiang looked at the rest of the people coldly.

"Got it, boss!"

Then the hall returned to deathly silence, as if no one had ever spoken.

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