Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 144: Echo map

PS: When I saw the book review section, some people said, what is white beard and what he is, but I can only say that in the eyes of a thousand people, there will be a thousand Hamlet.

One more point, I have to reiterate that the protagonist is just a person who has the memory of Whitebeard, he is not Whitebeard, so don't compare the two.


Yemu gradually descended, the earth was pitch black, and only a faint moonlight could bring some light to the world.

Tang Tianyou chased the smell and ran for a few hours. He searched almost all the places where Tang Xiying's smell appeared. On several occasions, he even found Master Tang's fast-food restaurant, almost revealing his stuff in front of his father.

After all, the sister's accident could not be known to the family for the time being, so as not to make them worry, he had to tell a lie to his parents.

"The last place where Tang Xiying's smell appeared, it should be here, and it's still just passing by, the smell is still very fresh, if they guessed correctly, they should be here."

Tang Tianyou squinted and looked at the abandoned factory in front of him.

This is the outskirts of County H. There are many factories everywhere. Unfortunately, these factories have almost closed down or moved to other places.

Once upon a time, this place still looked very prosperous. I didn't expect it to become so desolate after only more than ten years, that there was not even a single figure here.

With a sigh of emotion in his heart, Tang Tianyou did not hesitate and went straight to this factory.

In front of me was a rusty gate, which was in disrepair for a long time. The neighborhood was covered with dust, the air was full of stale smell, and there seemed to be some messy footprints on the ground.

Seeing the black gate in front of him, it was like a huge beast's mouth that was chosen and devoured, and it was terribly permeating. Tang Tianyou stopped and hesitated.

"Wait, if Fatty and his younger sister are really inside, and if I go in so recklessly, wouldn't I be stunned? Naturally, they can't hurt myself with their strength, but they are afraid that they will jump over the wall and take Fatty and Tang Xiying as hostages. I'm just throwing a rat avoidance device."

After thinking about it, Tang Tianyou felt that he couldn't just go in directly. He had to investigate the situation around this factory before he could formulate a countermeasure.

After a quick glance around the factory, he found that the back door of the factory seemed to be blocked by people, and the only entrance was the main entrance of the factory.

However, as soon as he enters, he will be spotted by the people inside.

Looking at the abandoned factory that looked like a tortoise shell in front of him, Tang Tianyou frowned. It was difficult to handle. What exactly should he do to detect the situation in the factory without disturbing the people inside?

After thinking for a while, Tang Tianyou slowly recalled that when his strength was in a bottleneck, he began to continuously experiment with the ability to shake fruits because his strength was hopeless in a short period of time.

Among them, he has become more and more familiar with sound manipulation, and he can use sounds of various frequencies freely.

On one occasion, when he was watching the animal wonders program at home, he was surprised to find that there is also a kind of animal use of sound in nature, which is simply extraordinary.

It is a bat!

Bats are creatures that live in the dark. Their eyes have almost no effect, but they can fly freely in the night sky and can dexterously dodge various obstacles to catch flying insects in very dark conditions.


Scientists have revealed the secret that bats can accurately adjust the frequency of their sounds to perform echolocation to quickly adapt to complex geographic environments.

Of course, bats cannot get all the data about the object's position through one echo, so they have to make the second, third, and fourth sounds.

By changing the frequency of the sound each time, bats can distinguish the difference, and then their brain draws it into a high-resolution 3D map to detect the surrounding environment.

Since bats can do this kind of thing, why can't Tang Tianyou, who is in control of the voice, do it? !

Therefore, after several days of exploration and continuous experimentation, Tang Tianyou finally mastered the ability like a bat, and he named it: Echo Map!

At this time, Tang Tianyou silently vibrated, ultrasonic waves of up to 20,000 Hz, centered on his body, ripples that could not be noticed by the naked eye spread out quickly.

When the ultrasound encounters obstacles, it bounces continuously, and then sounds of different frequencies are transmitted to the ears. Different types of information floods into the brain like a tide. Then, a high-definition 3D map slowly emerges in the mind.

This dilapidated and abandoned factory has a total of three floors. The first floor is a workshop, the second floor seems to be the disposal site of some internal organizations, and the third floor should be the place to live.

The factory seems to be very large, and the worn-out machines are neatly placed on the first floor. Among them, hungry rats are constantly rustling in and out of the factory.

However, no one seems to be guarding the first floor of the huge factory. Is it because there is not enough manpower to defend it?

Suspiciously, the voice map slowly extended upwards. There were still not many people on the second floor of the factory, only two or three people were guarding the stairwell. They seemed were chatting with each other. It's just that their waists are bulging, and they seem to have two guns pinned to them.

Exploring to the third floor, the number of people suddenly increased. Seven or eight big men gathered around the coffee table in the lobby to play cards, and a few sat on the broken sofa with their eyes closed, and a few sat on the sofa, very calm and calm. Stopped and wiped the firearms in his hands; there were a few holding binoculars, constantly observing back and forth.

"It seems that these people are not good people. The Tian Dynasty is so strict in gun management, and it can still be manpowered. It's not easy!" Tang Tianyou frowned, "But, why are Fatty and Tang Xiying not here? I haven't detected it yet?"

The sound continued to extend to the distance, passing obstacles, and abandoned rooms, and finally stayed in a small black room, about ten square meters, and the surrounding wall was only a small two-person high iron window. It's a bit like a cell in a prison, very dark.

I saw that there was a bed two meters long and one meter wide in that little black house. On it were two people lying quietly, a man and a woman, motionless, seeming to be in a coma.

"Fatty and his sister are really here. I guessed right before. They were really kidnapped!" Tang Tianyou was very excited. After searching for a few hours, he finally found them both. "It seems that they haven't suffered much. It’s hurt, but, perhaps, it hasn’t had time to hurt.”

"These guys dare to kidnap my friends and relatives, I can't spare you!" Tang Tianyou gritted his teeth, a frightening cold light across his eyes.

Looking around on the echo map, Tang Tianyou could clearly determine which place was a blind spot in their vision.

"It's here."

Moon step!

Steps hit the air several times in succession.

Tang Tianyou walked in the air like stepping on stairs, and jumped directly into the second floor window of this abandoned factory.

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